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Pharmacy Needs Assessment (PNA)

Since April 2013 Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs) have had responsibilities for pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA), which are a statement of pharmaceutical service needs for their local population. The PNA should look at the current provision of pharmacy services across the local area, assess whether this meets current and future population needs, and identify potential gaps. PNAs are used inform market entry applications to NHS England for opening new pharmacy services or changes to existing pharmacy services provision and to develop and enhance pharmacy services.

Telford & Wrekin PNAs were published in 2015 and 2018. The rolling three-year cycle for updating PNAs has been extended given the disruption caused by the pandemic.

This PNA for 2022/23 – 2025/26 will be in the 60-day statutory consultation period from 20 October 2022 to 22 December 2022.

The list below indicates the organisations which need to be formally consulted on the PNA proposals, feedback is encouraged from all statutory consultees and also wider feedback from other organisations or individuals will also be incorporated into the PNA on publication.

  • local pharmaceutical committee
  • the local medical committee
  • local pharmacy and dispensing appliance contractors
  • local dispensing doctors
  • Health Watch
  • local NHS trust or NHS foundation trust
  • NHS England and NHS Improvement
  • neighbouring health and wellbeing board.

Please provide feedback by emailing

Last updated: 08/11/2022 14:41

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