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Learning Disabilities Strategy easy read page

Telford and Wrekin Learning Disability Strategy 2021 - 2025

Living well with a Learning Disability in Telford and Wrekin

Telford and Wrekin Council asked people with learning disabilities what was important in their lives. With the answers the council made a plan to support people with learning disabilities to Live Well in Telford and Wrekin.

This plan is all about people with learning disabilities. This plan was made in partnership with organisations who can help people with learning disabilities make good decisions for their lives.

This plan is all about people with  learning disabilities.

This plan was made in partnership with organisations who can help people with learning disabilities make good decisions for their lives.

All the partners have agreed to this plan including the council and health and social care support services. The partners agreed to this plan because we all make decisions about lots of different things.

Welcome to the Learning Disability Strategy 2021 - 2025

We are proud there is already good support for people in Telford and Wrekin. But we know things could be better.

Telford and Wrekin Learning Disabilities Strategy 2021 - 2025


We need to spend the money we have for learning disabilities services carefully.

To do this we made a strategy plan using feedback from people with learning disabilities and the people who support them.

Over the next four years the plan sets out the most important things we need to do first.

This plan tells everyone: How we are going to make things better. How we will check that things have got better.

This is an Action Plan to make sure people are treated equally and respected.

Stacey Pitt Co-Chair of LD Partnership Board

Sarah Dillon Director of Adult Social Care

Councillor Andy Burford Cabinet Member Adult Social Care

What s happening for people now


What's happening for people now?

People with learning disabilities live in all parts of Britain.

Councils like Telford and Wrekin have to make sure they support people with learning disabilities well.

We need to make sure we do what the law says.

For people in Telford and Wrekin

The number of people who are over 15 years old with learning disabilities in Telford and Wrekin = 4100

We know people like to live independently, have choice where they live and who they live with.

We know that not many people with learning disabilities have a paid job.

It's very important that people get the best healthcare possible so people with learning disabilities can live well for longer.

Health and social care want to make sure more people get annual health checks.

People with learning disabilities will be able to live well in Telford and Wrekin


To live well people with learning disabilities will have aspirations about their future, their contributions to their community and their independence.

People with learning disabilities will know this if they can say...

  • I feel valued, respected and listened to.
  • I make my own choices and I am in control of my life each day.
  • I have opportunities to meet friends and family.
  • I am involved with my local community.
  • I am actively involved in my support, care, health and future plans.
  • I choose my own home where possible.
  • I receive good quality care and support when I need it.
  • I feel safe at home and in the community.
  • I have access to education, training and jobs.

aspirations about my future, my contributions to my community and my independence

You Said ... we will do

We have spoken with you. These are the things you said were important to you:

How we are going to do this! 

Our Action Plan is about...

  • Health and independence.
  • Relationships.
  • Getting out and about.
  • Having a job.
  • Impact of Covid.
  • Having a break.
  • Having the right support.
  • Having choices.

Your whole life-all the things that matter to you.

Being Healthy and Independent

Being healthy and independent


What we will do:

  • Always listen to people with learning disabilities about what is important to them.
  • Provide advice and guidance to people with learning disabilities, around eating well, exercising and staying healthy.
  • Work with local communities so people with learning disabilities have more opportunities for friendships and support.
  • Work with health services so people with learning disabilities can get the health care they need.
  • Work with health services so people with learning disabilities get the chance to have health checks each year.
  • Work with all services so staff have a good awareness of the needs of people with a learning disability.

Having Friends and Relationships

What we will do:

  • Work with communities to provide opportunities for people with learning disabilities to socialise and connect with others if they want to.
  • Help people with learning disabilities to understand about love, friendships and sexual relationships.
  • Support people with learning disabilities to see their friends and family and make new friends in their community.

Having Choices

What we will do:

  • Listen to people with learning disabilities about what is important to them.
  • Share information with people with learning disabilities in a way that they can understand it.
  • Support people with learning disabilities to have control and make choices about their lives.
  • Encourage people with learning disabilities to access advocacy support.

Getting out and about

What we will do:

  • Work with people with learning disabilities to identify their goals and plan to achieve them.
  • Work with people with learning disabilities to feel safer in their local community.
  • Support people with learning disabilities to have a chance to take part in their local community.
  • Work with communities so people with learning disabilities can have easy to understand information about being out and about.
  • Work with communities so people with learning disabilities can get the transport they need to get out and about.

Having the right support

What we do:

Having the right support


  • Work with people with learning disabilities and their families to improve services.
  • Listen to what people with learning disabilities have said about how opportunities have been for them during Covid.
  • Work with people with learning disabilities and their support to make sure there are opportunities and access for activities and information online.
  • Work with staff to make sure they understand the different needs of people with learning disabilities.
  • Make sure people with learning disabilities have access to support so they have more choice and control.

Having a job

What we do:

  • Work with people with learning disabilities to understand what job they want to do.
  • Listen to what people with learning disabilities say about getting a job.
  • Work with staff and support to make sure that people with learning disabilities get the help they need to get a job.
  • Work with people with learning disabilities so they have the right support to train for the job they want.
  • Work with employers to offer jobs to people with learning disabilities.

Having a break

What we do:

  • Work with services to provide more choices and more flexibility for breaks and respite.
  • Work with services to encourage people with learning disabilities to exercise as part of their break.

The impact of Covid

What we do:

  • Listen to people with learning disabilities on what is worrying them about Covid.
  • Provide people with learning disabilities advice and information about the government Covid rules in a way they can understand it.
  • Learn from Covid when developing support for what people with learning disabilities need into the future.

Making it all happen...next steps

We want to make sure that the lives of people with learning disabilities are made easier, as well as the people who suport them. 

Leon is part of a group of people from the partnership called a Board. 

The Board will make sure the action plan is done properly. 

Making it all happen next steps

Making it all happen next steps

How will we know it is working?

We will keep talking to you and listening to what you say.

We will know it's working when more people tell us they are living well in Telford and Wrekin.

Our contact details

Last updated: 24/01/2024 11:59