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You said, we did

The 'You said, we did' logo, showing a customer providing feedback via their smart phone.

Our vision is to work with our customers to develop quality services that are accessible to all and to make every contact count.

Feedback plays a vital role in our continuous development to make our customer service of the highest standard. Feedback is received via complaints, enquiries, through our Customer Insight Programme and also from instant, real-time QR code feedback surveys, which have been introduced into many of our buildings - including libraries and leisure centres.

We'd like to share some of this feedback from you and the actions that we have taken as a result. You said, we did.

A table of examples of things we have done in response to your feedback.
You said... We did...
Customers attempting to contact the number on the website for Telford Business Services found their call directed to Adult Social Care Services. This has been rectified on the website. All calls for the Telford Business Service are now received by them.
A customer looking for work experience for their child for July 2023 found that the dates on our website were not up-to-date. We have changed and updated the information on our website about work experience.
Customers asked whether calls made from the customer Freephones located in our libraries across the borough could be given more of a priority by our Contact Centre. Our telephone system provider has now implemented this, allowing calls from our eight customer Freephones to be prioritised.
At Telford Ice Rink, it was identified that queues at busy times were obstructing both the entrances and customers trying to find out what was happening. Feather banners are now in use to support queue management during busy periods.
A customer commented that Telford Ice Rink had no signs to indicate that lockers are available. Signage is now in place for lockers and stability aids.
A customer raised with us that the ceiling in Wellington and Civic Leisure Centre had holes and damp staining. The ceiling tiles have been replaced with new ones.
One of the hand dryers in the Horsehay Golf and Fitness Centre female toilets was damaged and also had chipped paintwork. This hand dryer has been replaced with a new one.
Signage for the reception was not being displayed professionally at the Woodlands Children and Family Centre. The sign has been replaced with a new professional-looking one that includes the council logo.
A customer raised to us that there was no accessibility signage to help customers identify the ramps at Wellington and Civic Leisure Centre. An accessibility sign is now located on site to direct customers to the ramp.
One of the accessibility buttons to open the external doors at Wellington Register office was reported not to be working. The accessibility button has now been fixed.
Customers raised to us that the wall and garden next to Wellington Register Office appeared to be harbouring rubbish and that the area needed tidying-up. We have put a new contract in place for maintenance of the plants and landscaping of the garden. Plants are tended-to every two months and the grounds are maintained every two weeks during the summer.
It was highlighted to us that the soap dispensers were empty across all of the toilet sinks at Telford Ice Rink. New soap dispensers have now been installed and stocked.
Customers raised to us that the accessibility button at the Telford Town Park Visitor Centre only opened one of the doors into the building. The button has been fixed and now opens both doors.
A customer contacted us to say that they were struggling to get through to the Transport team as their phone lines were only open between 11am and 1pm. The telephone lines for the Transport team are now open from 9am to 3pm.
More than one customer asked if alcohol-free beer could be made available for purchase at Telford Theatre. Telford Theatre now sells alcohol-free beer and lager.
Several customers indicated that they would like to see a tool on our website that could quickly answer comment questions about Leisure Services. Common enquiries regarding Leisure Services can now be answered by the council’s artificial intelligence service, Ask Tom.
The user-friendliness of our Leisure websites was being highlighted as a concern by customers in complaints. Three new websites have been launched that have been reviewed by Mystery Customers and received a high-level of satisfaction from them.
A customer raised concerns about the condition of the showers at Oakengates Leisure Centre. The showers have now been fixed and all remedial work is complete.
Some customers reported a delay in receiving death certificates by post. Death certificates are now sent by First Class post.
Customers have raised concerns about queues at the bar during show intervals at Telford Theatre. A new online ordering service has been introduced that allows customers to order their drinks before the show, which are then delivered to their seats.
Concerns were raised regarding a wildflower verge. Our cutting regimes have been amended to ensure that flowers are maintained and not cut back.
Customers of our Healthy Lifestyle service have requested that appointments after 5pm be made available. Extended and increased evening clinic hours are now available throughout the week, offering appointments for those that need them after 5pm.
Customers have enquired whether Leisure Services customers in receipt of a PIP could be made eligible for concessionary membership. Our Concessionary Policy has been updated to include customers in receipt of a PIP.
The soft play at Telford Ice Rink was not advertised on the exterior of the building. The outside of the ice rink has now been rebranded to include soft play signage.
Customers commented that there was no information at the soft play location regarding the policy for them bringing their own food. Signage is now in place confirming our policy about customers bringing their own food to this location.
Customers suggested that there should be pantomime ticket discounts available for veterans and the Armed Forces at Telford Theatre. There will be special pantomime shows at a discounted rate for people who were or are in the Armed Forces.
Customers commented that Telford Theatre front-of-house could do with some redecoration. The bar area and auditorium have been redecorated, with brand new lighting installed.
Information was not readily available regarding disabled toilets at Telford Theatre. Patrons with additional needs will be advised of the facilities available to them and more signage will be added within the theatre.
A customer commented that our theatre booking website did not support all devices. The website is now accessible via all devices.
Customers commented that there could be significant queues in the Telford Theatre waiting area. Ticket scanners have been introduced for a quicker and smoother entry experience.
Customers who reviewed the planning pages on our website commented that they were not up to date. The highlighted webpages have now been updated.
Customers raised to us that a link to the Planning portal wasn’t working correctly. The affected link on our website has now been fixed.
Our website didn’t provide enough information on the Council Tax Care Leaver discount. We have updated our website with the relevant information.
A planning letter was not being issued in accordance with procedure. The process was reviewed to ensure that this doesn’t happen in future. All printing is now checked by validation officers.
The bulky waste collection service was not issuing a receipt when a booking was placed. Booking and confirmation receipts have now been updated.
The Webchat icon was not considered prominent enough on our website. The Webchat icon is now prominently displayed on our website Homepage.
Customers commented that advertising banners on our webpages were distracting and flickered. Advertising banners are no longer used on our webpages.
A customer commented that the name of our new digital assistant needed to be changed. As a result of this feedback, the digital assistant on our website was renamed Ask Tom.
The Compliments online form was taking too long to complete. This form has been reviewed and shortened.
The My Telford app was asking for personal details from those already logged in and registered on it. Personal details should now automatically populate for those who are already logged-in.
Customers commented that audio ‘How to’ guides would be useful on the My Telford app. All ‘how to’ videos now also have audio.
There was no signage at the accessible lift to support customers at Telford Snowboard and Ski Centre. A sign has now been professionally-made and installed to advise customers to ring the bell if they need assistance.
At Wellington Leisure Centre, virtual exercise classes were delayed and bikes were broken. The sauna was also in need of a clean. The virtual cycle classes have been addressed using the council's independent system that connects these virtual classes via the internet. The broken bikes were reported to Pulse Fitness and have now been fixed. The sauna has been cleaned.
A Mystery Customer reported that Telford Town Park has been awarded Green Flag status and suggested that its website should state what the council did to achieve the award, and to have information available specifically relating to its Green Flag activities. Telford Town Park has its own website: Extra information has been added to this relating to its Green Flag status.
Information about the height restrictions at Southwater One multi-storey car park was not available on our website. More information has been added to the car park section of our website to support customers, which confirms these height restrictions.
There was offensive graffiti outside the theatre in Telford Town Park. This graffiti has been removed.
There are only a few parking spaces available at Hartshill Park. A Mystery Customer suggested that our website information about the park should be updated to confirm that more spaces can be found opposite the park, and to state whether these are chargeable. Additional car park information has been added to our website.
A customer reported that the front entrance fence at Hartshill Park was bent and out of shape. The fence has been repaired.
There were no information leaflets available at Granville Park. Leaflets are now available at the park.
A customer reported that the gravel underneath the Top Of The World bench in Granville Park was in need of maintenance. This has been completed.
Some of the map signage in Apley Park was dirty, particularly at the North and West entrances. These signs have now been cleaned.
Information about the car parking available at Bowring Park in Wellington was incomplete as it failed to mention the newer additional parking adjacent to the tennis courts. Information about the additional parking has been added to our website.
The online number 99 bus timetable showed that the route from Wellington Bus Station turned into Vineyard Road when it got to Morrisons; however, it actually turns to head down North Road. The timetable has been edited to reflect the actual bus route.
A resident informed us that their neighbours were not separating their recycling waste into the correct communal refuse containers. There was an assessment of the communal containers and these have now been exchanged for more suitable ones. Veolia are also engaging with the resident's neighbour.
Some residents of the Shropshire Council area were finding using the Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) in Telford very complicated. The HRC pages of our website have been updated to make them clearer. Shropshire residents can use these sites but need e-permits. Residents who pay their council tax to Shropshire Council need to order these e-permits from them rather than Telford & Wrekin Council.
View information about our HRC e-permit system
Mystery Customers requested that they are notified in advance of the questions they will be asked in any questionnaire they must complete during an assignment. All of our Mystery Customers are now provided with a list of questions before assignments so they know what is expected of them, both during the exercise and in terms of their feedback to us.
A number of webpages in the Revenues section of our website had not been updated for more than a year. These out-of-date webpages have all now been updated.
Members of Wellington Leisure Centre found that they were unable to book onto a class. The centre have recently added a waiting list function to their booking system; Members can now join such list if a class becomes full.
Customers reported that the temperature in the gym at Wellington Leisure Centre was far too warm. The temperature in the gym has now been reduced.

Last updated: 18/09/2024 13:33

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