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Child in Employment

How old do you have to be to work?

The minimum age for employment is 13 years old.

What is classed as employment?

Any form of work paid or unpaid for a company, organisation or family member.

How much will I get paid?

This depends on the employer, but ask your parents/guardians if they think this is a fair wage.

Do I need a work permit if I work for my parents?


Is there a minimum wage for young people under the age of 16?

There is no set minimum wage for young people of compulsory school age.

What is statutory school leaving age?

The school leaving date is the last Friday in June of the academic year that you turn 16.

How do I know if my employer has registered me?

You will receive a copy of the permit to keep for yourself.   

I have received a National Insurance Number, can I now work full time?

No, you can only work full time after you have officially left school (the last Friday in June in the school year you reach your 16th birthday, usually year 11).

Last updated: 28/04/2022 14:09

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