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Elective Home Education (EHE)

Can the school hold the place open for my child while we see whether electively home educating is right for us?

The school can not hold the place open. In many schools they will have another child wanting to be admitted into that school place.

If you are considering making a decision to electively home educate, the EHE team can offer you an opportunity to talk it through before you make your decision.

Can electively home educated pupils re-enter a school?

Parents of electively home educated pupils can make an application re-enter school at any time by completing an In Year Transfer Form. View information about completing an in year transfer on our in year admissions page.

Please be aware that re-admission into a school can be problematic for a number of reasons.

The child will have missed large sections of course work, friendship groups will have altered, and it is possible that there might not be a place for them in your preferred choice of school. 

Can electively home educated pupils do work experience?

Electively home educated pupils can do work experience, but parents take on the full responsibility to ensure that their children will be safe. View information and advice from the Elective Home Education team.

Can pupils with an Education Health Care Plan be electively home educated?

Electively home educated pupils with an Education Health Care Plan are legally allowed to Home Educate, the same as other pupils. They will still have an annual review of their education, just as they did when they were in school.

If the pupil is on roll at a special school the parents will have to ensure that they are able to meet the plan’s outcomes to the satisfaction of the Special Needs team before the pupil can be de-registered. View information on how to contact the Elective Home Education team and the Special Needs team for further advice.

Are electively home educated pupils entitled to any financial support for private tutoring?

Some parents choose to employ a private tutor.

Parents of electively home educated pupils must take full responsibility for their child’s education; no finance is available to support home learners.

You will also need to undertake responsibility for safeguarding checks for anyone you employ to work with your child.

Can the local authority recommend tutors for families to use?

We are not able to make personal recommendations for tutors. View information from the Elective Home Education team to support you and signpost you to the appropriate websites and local groups.

Last updated: 01/02/2023 09:06

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