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eBooks, eAudio and eMagazine catalogue

Important: you need to be a member to access our online eBooks and eAudio catalogue. If you are not a member, it's free to join. View information on how to join the library and get started

We offer eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines through OverDrive, free with your library card and PIN number. 

You can read on phones, tablets, computers and eReaders from our OverDrive website or on mobile devices by downloading the Libby app

Visit the Overdrive online catalogue to browse the online eBook, eAudio and eMagazine catalogue Download the Libby app for eBook, eAudio and eMagazines

Please note: you cannot access this service using a Kindle due to restrictions made by Amazon.

Last updated: 22/06/2022 15:03

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