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Adult Social Care recruitment

Emma Clutton, Service Delivery Manager for Prevention, Independence, Older People, Disability, Family Connect, Safeguarding, Occupational Therapy, Principal Social Worker, Co-production and Direct Payments. 

Emma’s service area focuses on Prevention, Practice and Safeguarding. 

“We work closely with the voluntary sector to provide information, advice, equipment and new and emerging technologies to support people to maintain their independence within their own homes.

“We have an established Independent Living Centre at the heart of our community that offers appointments and drop-in facilities, hosted by Experts by Experience providing advice and support as well as low level equipment assessments.

“Our digital offer includes our Virtual House, an interactive tour showing examples of Occupational Therapy, Assistive Technology and Sensory aids, equipment and solutions that may be helpful to you or a family member to do daily activities around the home.” 

In summary the team are responsible for the following:

  • Providing Adult Social Care (ASC) support for people under the provisions of the Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act, Mental Health Act and Human Rights Act. 
  • Delivering adult statutory social work requirements including assessment, support planning and timely reviews and supporting independence.
  • Working with partners within the community to ensure residents have access to ASC services. 
  • Providing Prevention and Enablement services including Occupational Therapy, Sensory Services and Assistive Technologies for technology enabled care.
  • Leading the Independent Living Centre and the Community Led Support Service.
  • Overseeing the Community Hubs which promote independence and wellbeing in the community. 
  • Managing the Adult Family Connect Service. 
  • Leading the Specialist Safeguarding Service to discharge the Council’s statutory responsibilities under the Care Act. 
  • Leading the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Adults Board for Direct Payments. 
  • Overseeing the Specialist Reviewing Team which consists of a smarter care qualified Occupational Therapist, Experienced Social Worker and OTA/AP hybrid role. 
  • Managing the Occupational Therapists who asses those with an illness or disability, to support them to live at home safely and as independently as possible. 
  • Supporting the Principal Social Worker which ensures a focus on excellent practice across Adult Social Care, influencing and driving policy, procedure and business processes that work for frontline staff to deliver quality support to individuals, families, and carers. 

Amanda Benton, Service Delivery Manager for Autism, Learning Disability and Mental Health Community Social Work, Preparing for Adults, DoLS and Carers.

Amanda’s service area works with Experts by Experience to support people with Mental Health needs, Autistic people and people with Learning Disabilities with Adult Social Care services in line with the Care Act 2014, through strength-based practice and co-production values.

In summary the teams are responsible for the following:

  • Providing adult care support for people under the provisions of the Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act, Mental Health Act and Human Rights Act.
  • Providing specialist mental health social work service working with partners (including 117 and AMHPs).
  • Leading our Autism and Learning Disability strategies and supporting people in the local community and preparing for adulthood.
  • Delivering Adult Social Work duties through assessment, support planning and reviews.
  • Working with the local community and key partners to ensure the best outcomes for individuals, through community-based support, multi-disciplinary virtual hubs and partnership working.
  • Supporting all young people post 14 years of age with Preparing for Adulthood through transitions.
  • Providing assessment and support under the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA DoLS) to protect people who lack capacity to decide about their care and treatment.
  • Leading our All-Age Carers strategy. 
  • Representing Telford & Wrekin Council at the Learning from lives and deaths – People with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR) multi agency engagement steering groups and governance panels. 
  • Managing the Carer services including oversight of the carers support services and contract for carer provision and support services.
  • Leading on the Carers peer review 25 hours carers support responsibility and one-off direct payments 
  • Reporting to the Safeguarding Board – DOLS 

Michael Bennett, Service Delivery Manager for Admission Avoidance, Hospital and Discharge and Better Care Fund and Complex Health Care.

Michael’s service area works closely with partners to support safe discharges from acute hospitals using an integrated discharge to assess model. 

“My team utilise enablement opportunities to support the home first principle, we follow people on their enablement journey to remain in their own homes or as close to their community as possible, this can involve safeguarding, mental capacity assessments, care act assessments, the whole ethos throughout our work is the person-centered approach. 

“We also work closely with lots of various people from the voluntary sector, carers, family members, therapists to try to achieve what is important to the person we are working with.” 

In summary the team are responsible for the following: 

  • Supporting people to avoid admission through the Admission Avoidance. 
  • Supporting early discharge planning of people to be discharged from hospital with additional care needs through Intermediate Care / Enablement (complex discharges). 
  • Supporting Case Management of individuals during their period of Intermediate Care/ Enablement through the Telford Integrated Community Assessment Team (TICAT). 
  • Leading the Better Care Fund. 
  • Supporting the system wide urgent care planning and actions to support discharge planning and discharge. 
  • Leading on Winter Planning and Continuing Health Care (CHC). 
  • Delivering ASC Brokerage. 
  • Integrated Care System (ICS) Urgent Care Delivery. 

Clare Hall-Salter, Service Delivery Manager for Assurance, Transformation and Financial Management. 

Clare’s service area covers Assurance, Transformation and Financial Management Teams who work to drive forward strategic improvement, transformation, integration and planning and support for Adult Social Care in the borough. We are passionate about striving to improve outcomes for our residents.

In summary the teams are responsible for the following: 

  • Leading the Strategic Assurance associated with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Regulation and Inspection of Local Authority Adult Social Care.
  • Leading on the development of Strategies, Policies and Business processes.
  • Overseeing Adult Social Care performance management.
  • Development and driving the delivery of Adult Social Care Improvement Programmes.
  • Leading on Digital Transformation – enabling people to interact with care services through digital channels.
  • Business Systems Development – Electronic records case management and financial management systems development and oversight.
  • Adult Social Care Financial Assessment and Case Management for people receiving care and support who may have to pay toward the cost of their care and support services.
  • Appointeeship and Deputyship Financial Services – to act on behalf of a person in receipt of adult social care who is unable to manage their finances themselves due to lacking mental capacity.
  • Partnership Management - Management of the Place Based Telford and Wrekin Integrated Place Partnership as part of the Integrated Health and Care System and associated partnerships.
  • Provider Payments service – Working directly with care providers to ensure a comprehensive and effective care delivery monitoring and payment service is delivered on behalf of Adults Social Care.
  • Leading on Adult Social Care Quality Assurance, feedback from people, audits, quality and complaints management and associated continuous improvement activity in co-production with people with lived experience of social care. 
  • Leading on Adult Social Care Communications, Information and Advice, including Live Well Telford (online directory of services). In line with the requirements of the Care Act 2014 this includes the development and production of an information and advice service that is accessible, intuitive and directs people efficiently and effectively to appropriate information, advice or services in a minimal way that allows people to determine self-help options to assist them to manage their health and care needs and promote independence and resilience.
  • Providing effective and efficient business administration to support all areas of adult social care.

Sara Podmore, Service Deliver Manager for My Options

Sara leads our in-house provider services, My Options

My Options provides a wide range of person-centred support to over 350 people to vulnerable people of all ages and abilities.

“We currently provide a wide range of services including; Young People’s Services, Community Activity & Wellbeing services and Supported Living, Supported Accommodation services for those people living in their own or shared accommodation.

“Our services also include a very successful Shared Lives Scheme and Supported Lodgings, and our Stepping Into Work programme where vulnerable adults can develop their skills and confidence as part of their stepping stone to work. 

“We work closely with individuals, parents and carers, commissioners and Local Authorities, and is a trusted and established service.

“Our team are passionate about providing the best to the individuals we support, listening to what people want and making a positive difference to their lives.”

In summary the team are responsible for the following: 

  • Providing Activity, Wellbeing and Care services for children, young people and adults across many sites in Telford 
  • Managing Telford and Wrekin’s CQC registered services including Supported Living schemes, 24/7 care into people’s own homes and the Council’s shared lives scheme. 
  • Leading on Telford & Wrekin Council’s Ofsted registered services including supported accommodation and supported lodgings. 
  • Day opportunity services across Telford, supporting people with PMLD and complex care needs 
  • Leading the ASC Workforce development plan. 

Stacey Norwood, Group Manager for the Commissioning and Procurement Service. 

Adult Social Care Commissioning: Commissioning involves identifying what services local people are likely to need in the future. We work with partners, such as Health and the voluntary and community sector, to support the development of markets to provide the services needed. 

People Procurement: Decisions made in Adult and Children’s Commissioning often mean we must tender services. Inviting external organisations to show that they can provide specific services at the quality and price that the council requires. The procurement teams support and advise colleagues in the procurement, contract management, monitoring and review of adult and children’s services for social care. 

Care Provider Quality Assurance: The Care Quality Monitoring Team works with all care providers. We complete quality assurance reviews and report on the findings. 

In summary the team are responsible for the following: 

  • Managing Adult Place Based Commissioning.
  • Leading on Procurement for ASC and CYP.
  • Managing Telford and Wrekin Social Care Provider Quality. 

Last updated: 13/06/2024 13:41

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