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Community Panel

Telford & Wrekin Council listens and acts upon the views of residents who talk to us in different ways. One way in which you can get involved and have your say is by joining the Community Panel.

The Telford and Wrekin Community Panel is a group of local people who volunteer to give their views and ideas on a range of local issues and services. The Council listens to and takes into account the views of the Community Panel when planning and delivering local services.

We try to make sure that the panel is representative of the whole community in terms of member's ages, genders, abilities, ethnic origins and where they live, so we ask you to register your details with us in advance. There is also an opportunity to tell us about the areas that you are interested in. 

Members of the Community Panel decide how to be involved in local and borough wide issues. You can also choose to take part in any of the following:

  • Discussion groups
    Members of the panel are brought together to explore, discuss and give their views on certain topic.
  • Online communication/discussion forums
    With each other and with Council staff and Councillors. Questions can be e-mailed to panel members helping the Council to have a snapshot of people's views on key topics.
  • Mystery customers
    Members are trained to act as mystery customers or users of a service. They report on what they find and this helps to improve the way services are a delivered.
  • Research activities
    Testing our survey and consultation methods. Alternatively, we may ask members to carry out our surveys with people in their local area.

Last updated: 04/05/2021 11:27

  1. Introduction
  2. Join the Community Panel
  3. Contact