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Ageing Well in Telford and Wrekin

Photo of two people in the gym

In 2021 in Telford and Wrekin there were around 3,600 adults aged over 85. 

By 2032 this is predicted to increase by 55% to 5,600. (Source: ONS 2018 population projections and Census 2021). 

People are living longer and statistics are showing that the numbers of older people are increasing both locally and nationally, suggesting that demand for services in the future will also increase. 

The council, NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and other key stakeholders have developed the Ageing Well Strategy. This is a ten year Strategy which will be used as a basis to develop plans to achieve the best possible outcomes for people. 

Demand for services is already increasing - As our older population increases, we expect further demand on already limited services and resources. The Ageing Well Strategy starts from a position of supporting people to live well for longer, so that people have a life, not a service. The Ageing Well Partnership Board will oversee delivery of the Strategy. 

How was the Ageing Well Strategy developed???

The development of the Ageing Well strategy has been undertaken using a co-production approach with stakeholders. This has included residents of the borough and a broad range of organisations, including Age UK Shropshire Telford and Wrekin, NHS Shropshire Telford & Wrekin, Midlands Partnership Foundation NHS Trust, Forum 50+, Healthwatch Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Partners in Care. 

 The Ageing Well Strategy links with other local strategies: 

Photo pf people in the gym in yoga poses

The development of the Ageing Well Strategy has taken place over the past two years and has included a wide range of engagement, consultation and co-production with people aged 50+, and family members or carers on their behalf.

The pre-engagement consultation asked for feedback on the following areas in particular:

  • where we live
  • health and wellbeing
  • the impact of the pandemic
  • transport
  • digital Inclusion
  • financial security
  • carers

The consultation took place between July and September 2022 and received over 2,800 responses. Responses were received from people aged 50+, and family members or carers on their behalf. Key points to note are:

  • the highest number of responses were received
  • from people aged 60-69 years, with the lowest number coming from people 100 years + from a location point of view, the highest number of respondents were from the TF1 postcode
  • in terms of protected characteristics: 92.4% of the respondents were of White British ethnicity 62% of respondents were males

The Ageing Well Strategy 2023 - 2033 has been developed from the consultation engagement, consultation feedback and from discussions at the Ageing Well Partnership Board.

To contact us about the Ageing Well Strategy or to receive the “Ageing Well” document in alternative formats, please email us at: AgeingWell@telford.gov.uk or telephone 01952 380536 (weekdays, between 9am and 5pm). 

If you want to receive email updates from us in relation to the Ageing Well Strategy, please subscribe for email updates.