Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave
Every week one in six people will visit their GP concerned about their mental health. One in four people go on to develop a recognised mental health problem which can affect their daily life, relationships or their physical health.
Mental health concerns?
If you are worried about your mental health and would like to talk about your concerns you can contact any of these support services: Types of mental health problems - Mind.

Self help
Self help leaflets
Talking Therapies
Right Service

If you feel that you require support with your mental health you can contact the ACCESS team on 0808 196 4501 or by contacting your GP who will refer you in to the relevant mental health service. You can also contact Adult Social Care by telephone on 01952 385385 and select option 3, they are accessible 24 hours a day.

Crisis Services and Planning
Nobody plans to be in crisis. You might not like the idea of planning for something you hope won't happen. But it could help to think about what you could do if you start to feel in crisis in the future, and what kind of support might help.
Information on Planning for a mental health crisis.

Social Prescribing
Discover a wealth of information and useful links to services available in your community that are designed to support your social, emotional, and overall wellbeing. These resources include Social Prescribing local services, which connect you with non-medical support to improve your health and quality of life.