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There’s lots we can do to help. Find out what support is on offer.

Useful numbers

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Still can't find the number you need.. complete our online enquiry form and let us know if you want another service added.

Where ever possible please try to use our online services before calling our phone numbers. All phone lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, unless stated otherwise. 

Adult Social Care

Telephone: (via Family Connect) 01952 385385

  • Option 2 if you need to talk to someone about arranging support
  • Option 3 if you currently receive supoprt or if you wish to report a concern

Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
Out of hours links and more information

Benefits, business rates and council tax

Telephone: 01952 383838
Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm

Bins and recycling and trees, hedges and woodland

Telephone: 01952 384384
Monday to Friday - 9am – 5pm

Concessionary travel

Telephone: 01952 383867
Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm


Telephone: 01952 383206
Monday to Friday - 9am – 5pm

Emergency welfare

Telephone: 01952 380400
Monday to Friday - 9am – 5pm


Telephone: 01952 387387

Highways (streets and roads) and flooding

Telephone: 01952 384000
Monday to Friday - 9am – 5pm
Out of hour emergencies: 03451 559955

Housing options

Telephone: 01952 381925
Monday to Friday - 9am – 5pm

Leisure services

Telephone: 01952 382621
Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 5pm

Neighbourhood enforcement and anti-social behaviourenvironmental health, trading standards and licensing

Telephone: 01952 381818
Monday to Friday - 9am – 5pm


Telephone: 01952 380380
Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm

Register Office

Telephone: 01952 382444
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

Safeguarding children and Family Connect

Telephone: 01952 385385 (option 1)
Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

If you can't find the information you require and the phone number is not listed on this page please call our switchboard on 01952 380000.

24 hour automated payment line: 01952 383977.