The following documents are available for download. Documents in PDF format can be read using Adobe Reader.
MS Word and Powerpoint documents can be read by using their respective applications or any alternatives.
Available downloads
Information for Care Providers
Download information files for care providers.
FAQs from Care Providers regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Size: 469.51 KB
Volunteer guidance (COVID-19)
Information, advice and guidance for volunteers during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Guidance for anyone thinking of volunteering at this time
- Size: 416.48 KB
Keeping Safe when Volunteering - Food Shopping guidance
- Size: 585.24 KB
Keeping Safe when Volunteering - Prescription guidance
- Size: 407.2 KB
Keeping Safe when volunteering - Dog Walking guidance
- Size: 230.52 KB
Frequently asked questions
- Size: 224.35 KB
The Royal Air Force Museum Cosford - fun activities
The Royal Air Force Museum Cosford have kindly provided some fun activities to complete during the Coronavirus pandemic. Give them a try!
Create a paper aeroplane
- Size: 184.87 KB
Create a paper helicopter
- Size: 331.26 KB
Create a paper parachute
- Size: 747.99 KB
Create a new logo for Cosford Airlines (just for fun)
- Size: 173.44 KB
Second World War recipes
- Size: 178.24 KB
Face coverings advice and guidance
Information in an easy read format about face coverings and exemptions, provided by Mencap.
Wearing a face covering in England
- Size: 2.94 MB
Face covering exemption cards
- Size: 603.5 KB
PPE guide for community health and social care settings
What PPE to wear and when – an illustrative guide.
PPE guide for community health and social care settings
- Size: 661.27 KB
Coronavirus - posters for pubs, bars and restaurants
Download a collection of posters for pubs, bars and restaurants to help avoid a local lockdown.
Stay safe avoid a local lockdown posters - A4
- Size: 329.77 KB
Stay safe avoid a local lockdown posters - A3
- Size: 330.97 KB
Stay safe avoid a local lockdown posters - A4
- Size: 440.93 KB
Stay safe avoid a local lockdown posters - A3
- Size: 442.27 KB
COVID-19 - Direction Notice
On 2 October 2020, a Direction Notice was issued under the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (England) (No.3) Regulations. This must be reviewed by no later than Friday 9 October 2020.
COVID-19 - Direction Notice - Excellency Midlands Limited, Stafford Park 6, Telford, TF3 3AT
- Size: 255.94 KB
Revocation of Direction Notice - Excellency Midlands Limited
- Size: 40.24 KB
Positive COVID-19 case
Information about what action you need to take in the event of a positive COVID-19 case.
Action to take in the event of a positive COVID-19 case
- Size: 383.25 KB
Cleaning guide for businesses
Download the cleaning guide for businesses.
Cleaning guide for businesses
- Size: 610.32 KB
Advice to licensed trade - opening after 12 April 2021
Download the advice to licensed trade - opening after 12 April 2021.
Advice to licensed trade - opening after 12 April 2021
- Size: 574.79 KB