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Document downloads - Looking after someone

The following documents are available for download. Documents in PDF format can be read using Adobe Reader.

MS Word and Powerpoint documents can be read by using their respective applications or any alternatives.

Available downloads

Moving and handling for carers

Moving and handling advise for family carers. Could your handling tasks be made easier when you are caring for someone at home?

Carers Partnership Board Minutes

Formal minutes from Carers Partnership Board.

All Age Carers Draft Strategy 2024 – 2029

Draft All Age Carers Strategy which sets out our vision for the next five years together with a statement of our commitment to Carers and their families across the borough.

ILC Leaflet

Looking for advice about remaining independent?

Emergency Response Carers Service

The Emergency Response Carers’ Service provides free immediate assistance when you are unable to help someone who is reliant on your support.