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Browse downloads by category
About my council
- Budgets and spending
- Data protection and freedom of information
- Elections
- Telford and Wrekin Insight
- Open Council
- Parish and Town Councils
- Councillors and MPs
- Council meetings
- Pride in Our Community
- Co-operative Council
Adult Social Care (ASC)
- Living well at home
- Paying for your care
- Care and support for adults
- Looking after someone
- Getting out and about
- Health conditions
- Work, learn and volunteer
- Adult Social Care – Knowing where to go
- Independent Living Centre (ILC) and Virtual House
Bins and recycling
- Businesses
- Specialised or dangerous waste
- What goes in your bins, bags and containers
- Why should I recycle and what are the benefits?
- Save time - do it online
Births, marriages and deaths
Council tax
Children and young people
- Fostering and adoption
- Events and activities
- Working in childcare
- Nurseries and childcare
- Safeguarding children
- Children in care and care leavers
- Local offer
- Corporate parenting
- Pride in Our Community
- Land stability, flooding and drainage
- Trees, hedges and woodland
- Environmental protection and policies
- Landfill sites
Housing - homeowners, tenants and landlords (better homes for all)
Your Views Matter
Healthy Telford
Are you looking for a new challenge or a change of career?
Planning and Building Control
- Building control
- Planning applications and advice, appeals, enforcement and guidance
- Planning policy
- Listed buildings, conservation areas and heritage assets
- Biodiversity and natural environment
Schools and learning
- School information
- School admissions
- School meals
- Virtual school for children in care
- Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
- Telford Education Strategic Partnership Board
- Health and Wellbeing Toolkit
Sports and leisure
Roadworks, transport and streets
- Public transport
- Parking
- Travel Telford
- Streets and roads
- Pride in Our Community
- Roadworks, projects and traffic management
- Enforcement
What's on
- Community support
- Community buildings
- Support for armed forces, veterans and their families
- Coronavirus (COVID-19)