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Consultations - Civil parking enforcement (CPE) Consultation

Who can get involved? Residents, businesses and visitors are welcome to be involved.
Start date 17 September 2018
Closing date 14 October 2018
Service delivery area Customer & Neighbourhood Services
Reason for consultation West Mercia Police, currently, hold the power to enforce illegal parking penalties but they often don’t have the resources to do so.

We want to take over this role, known as Civil Parking Enforcement, or CPE, for both parking on roads, pavements and in council owned car parks.

To do that, we must apply to the Department for Transport to have these powers transferred from West Mercia Police to the Council. As part of that application, we must prepare a business case that is strengthened by including the views of residents, workers, visitors and businesses in the borough.
Overview We want to know what you think of inconsiderate and illegal parking in the borough, what the problems are and where they are.

We will use the information to support our application for parking enforcement powers to the Department for Transport.
How to get involved? Complete the online survey and sign up to our e-mail news service to be kept up to date.
What happens next? The responses will be collated and form part of the business case that will be submitted to the Department for Transport.