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Consultations - Possible new Telford Loyalty Card

Who can get involved? This is a closed survey to a specified sample

Three groups of people have been identified;
1) Existing Flex card holders
2) Non Flex card holders
3) Community Panel
Start date 30 April 2012
Closing date 18 May 2012
Service delivery area Policy & Strategy
Reason for consultation To determine the level of interest amongst residents in a Telford Loyalty Card (TLC).

Cabinet has proposed the development of a Telford Loyalty Card, which would offer additional Council benefits and more discounts with local retailers over and above the current Flex card, which the TLC would replace.
Overview The Council would wish to increase the number of card holders but needs to determine whether enhancements to the card would be of interest to residents (both in retaining existing card holders and generating new card holders).

A simple survey will provide a flavour of interest and ideas.
What happens next? Results will be included in a report to Cabinet (28 June 2012) for Cabinet Members to decide whether to go ahead with the Telford Loyalty Card.
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Results / Outcome The survey was sent to 653 Community Panel Members and 416 current Flex card holders across all membership groups.

A total of 359 responses to the consultation were received (33%). 248 of these were from Community Panel members and 111 from the sample of current Flex card holders.

Key findings

• The main reason for people not owning a Flex Card was ‘Do not use leisure facilities’ (67%).
• Nearly all (92%) of respondents were aware of the leisure discounts offered by the Flex Card.
• Over a quarter (28%) of Flex Card holders aware of leisure discounts, rarely or never used their card to access these.
• Almost three quarters (72%) of Flex Card holders were unaware that the Flex Card offered retailer and business discounts.
• The majority (69%) of Flex Card holders who were aware of business discounts, used them rarely or never, with 79% of this group more likely to use the discounts if the range were extended.
• The top three categories of business that respondents would like discounts for were;
- Eating out / takeaways / catering (79%)
- Recreation, sport and leisure (69%)
- Wellbeing and health (e.g. dentists, opticians, complementary medicines)
The next steps Work is underway to increase the number of retailers and businesses who offer discounts to Flex card holders. In particular we will look to attract those businesses/retailers that respondents stated a preference for.

There will then be a promotional campaign to let people know about the benefits of being a Flex card holder, reminding people of the leisure discounts but also better promoting the retail/business discounts that the card will also offer.
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