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Consultations - Community Centre Review

Who can get involved? • Individuals and organisations who hire the community centres
• Individuals who use the community centres
• Non users of the community centres
• Community Panel members
Start date June 2013
Closing date March 2014
Service delivery area Community Engagement, Equalities and Priority Action
Reason for consultation To ensure the Councils Community Centres assist in meeting the needs of its communities and that the work incorporates the recommendations made by the Co-operative Communities Scrutiny Committee, and also agreed by Cabinet 18 October 2012.
Overview We will be carrying out a consultation programme for Council Community Centres:
• Leegomery Community Centre
• Sutton Hill Community Centre
• Donnington Lifelong Learning Centre
• Watling Community Centre
• Brookside Community Centre
How to get involved? We will be targeting hirers and users of the community centres.
A range of methods will be used to find out the views of non users who live in the local areas around the five community centres.
A survey will be sent to Community Panel members and from this a focus group of non users will be brought together to find out further why they don’t use the centres and what may encourage them to use centres.
Join the Community Panel http://www.telford.gov.uk/communitypanel