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Consultations - College Ward Community Activities

Who can get involved? Local residents living in the College ward area
Start date 28 June 2012
Closing date 28 June 2012
Service delivery area Co-operative Council Delivery Team
Reason for consultation This consultation was the second stage following a resident survey in April 2012, asking for views on proposals for a community centre in the ward. People who responded in the survey with the wish to be actively involved in helping to identify and set up activities that were needed and would be popular were invited to come along to the consultation session on 28th June.
Overview 14 local residents were invited to attend.
4 apologies were received
One resident attended. A helpful discussion resulted with ideas discussed about the types of activities that people might want and the offer to share a wealth of skills and be involved in an advisory/mentoring capacity to others.
How to get involved? Contact Fiona Moore, Priority Action Coordinator
What happens next? Embarking on a promotion of actual activities that can be arranged to take place in the ward. This will be to recruit interest and then arrange at times and days to suit.
The next steps The survey results were fed back to the College Community Centre Partnership and the following action put into place:

May 2012: Councillor Mike Ion sent all respondents, who requested to be kept informed, brief summary results from the residents survey concerning a new College Ward Community Centre.

June 2012: All respondents who replied to say that they were actively interested in being involved to support a future development were invited to a meeting with the Council’s Priority Action Team to focus on generating local interest and support for introducing a range of community activities in college ward.

The turnout to the above resident meeting was poor so a new approach is being tried in November
2012: Led by Cllr Mike Ion, a ‘solution-focussed workshop’ has been arranged for key community/voluntary/statutory providers, local organisations and resident reps, that will attempt to seek some practical answers as to HOW we can make best use of existing council resources and services to better serve the people of College Ward. One intended outcome from this workshop will be to form a local ‘cooperative forum’ whereby filling the gaps in local activity provision can be actively pursued.

September 2012: College-Wellington Community Notice Board face book page was created to help increase access to information / messages from the council and information about regular activity that happens in the College ward area.

The Council has identified funds to erect two community Notice Boards in the College ward. These will be installed in Autumn/Winter 2012
Join the Community Panel http://www.telford.gov.uk/communitypanel