Education Noticeboard 18 July 2024

Welcome to the Education Noticeboard. A round-up of news, guidance and key updates for education settings.

Included in this Edition of the Noticeboard

Director Update

An Update from Simon Wellman

Hi all,

The end of term is finally upon on us and I hope you all are looking forward to the long Summer break.

There is lots of news updates this week including the final progress report into the Independent enquiry into Telford Child Sexual Exploitation. Please take the time to read this. 

We are also set to launch a brand-new fleet of adaptive bikes for residents ahead of the summer holidays. Well done to all involved in making this possible. 

Our attendance section also has some key information that you all need to be aware of so again please ensure you take the time to read the policy updates and documents provided. 

Wishing you all a good rest of your week and a good end of term. 


Simon Wellman

Director: Education & Skills


Final progress report of the Independent Inquiry into Telford Child Sexual Exploitation

Tom Crowther KC, chair of the Independent Inquiry into Telford Child Sexual Exploitation (IITCSE), has published his final review of progress against recommendations set out in his report published in July 2022 after Telford & Wrekin Council commissioned the independent inquiry in 2018. This update marks the formal conclusion of the inquiry process.

Mr Crowther’s report praises the council for its “brave and revolutionary” decision to work closely with three survivors who acted as independent lived experience consultees.

The report also commends the council’s approach as “an admirable model from which others can learn” and recognises the authority has taken “bold action, with the most important of objectives – safeguarding children from CSE”.

The council is clear that this is not the end of the journey and the work to tackle CSE within the borough will continue.

This commitment is also commended by Mr Crowther’s report, which states “the organisations that comprise the key stakeholders, and above all the Council, have demonstrated dedication to implementing the Recommendations in a way that will lead to an enduring change of approach.”

Councillor Lee Carter, Telford & Wrekin Council Cabinet Member for the Independent Inquiry into Telford CSE, said:

“Firstly, we would like to pay testament to the work of our lived experience consultee partners whose tenacity and guidance have been instrumental in the positive progress of this inquiry.

“These inspirational people have quite rightly held us to account while also supporting us to shape and deliver improvements to the way in which we act to safeguard children within the borough. 

“As an authority, we immediately and unconditionally accepted all of the recommendations raised by this inquiry two years ago. Since then, we have worked tirelessly to progress this work, determined to deliver the recommended improvements.

“We are pleased with today’s findings but what is clear is that the work does not end here. Going forward, we are committed to maintaining our strong working relationship with our lived experience partners to ensure our improvements continue to make a genuine difference and provide the most robust response to this horrific crime that we possibly can. That includes a commitment to ongoing funding. The public must be confident in our approach, and we are committed to ensuring that happens.

“We thank our lived experience partners for their invaluable contribution to this critical piece of work to safeguard our community.”

In a joint statement, Holly Archer, Scarlett Jones and Joanne Phillips – Telford and Wrekin’s lived experience consultees – said:

“Without the input of our lived experience and desire to make a change, the recommendations were just words on paper, at risk of being signed off without being understood. We have been able to bring real life to the reason and the resolution for each recommendation and suitable challenge to national guidance, which means some local children will no longer fall through the net.

“We are immensely proud of what Telford & Wrekin Council have achieved and we hope other Local Authorities will take on board the changes they have made.

“There is still work to be done, and we are keen to keep the momentum going to ensure that the children and young people in Telford are safe and free from sexual exploitation today and in the future.”

A number of the steps taken by the council have already had an impact in the borough, including purchasing 70 CCTV systems for installation in taxis, plus a number of other initiatives which have been recognised as among the very best practice in the country.

Learn how to spot the signs of CSE, how to report any concerns, and find support for victims and their families by visiting the council’s dedicated website

Read Mr Crowther’s IITCSE review report here:

Inspirational young people celebrated for making a difference

Young people who entered Telford & Wrekin Council’s Make a Change competition have each scooped £2,000 to turn their brilliant idea into reality.

Six winning teams excitedly took to the stage at a celebration event on Thursday 11 July, at Telford Minster, to loud cheers and clapping. The overall theme of the competition, now in its second year, was to think of a project that will improve health and wellbeing or the environment.

Examples include:

  • A cookery project where children will learn how to make dishes from around the world and donate the food to homeless shelters or elderly people.
  • An environmental awareness day encouraging children to keep their area clean and green.
  • A wellbeing week helping youngsters switch off from social media and take part in outdoor activities.

Councillor Kelly Middleton (Lab), Telford & Wrekin Council’s Cabinet Member for Healthy, Safer & Stronger Communities said:

“Congratulations to all the winners of our Make a Change competition. I am blown away by the fantastic ideas they have come up with.

“Make a Change is about supporting young people to work as a team to make a positive difference in their community. These projects will bring the generations together encouraging safer and stronger communities and reduced social isolation. The children will also benefit from increased confidence and learning new skills.

“With the £2,000 to help them, I am looking forward to seeing their amazing projects come to life, make a difference and inspire future generations.”

Make a Change launched in 2023 and aims to encourage and support 11-18-year-olds to have a positive impact on residents’ lives. It is run by the council in partnership with the Young People’s Forum and is part of the Safer & Stronger Communities project funded in part by the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner and the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion said:

“Young people are the future and it’s important they are empowered to make the changes they want to see where they live.

“That’s why I am proud to support all six of the projects, through the Safer and Stronger partnership, as I know each and every one will make a real difference to the lives of local communities across the borough.”

The awards night was compered by Rae Anyidoho Member of Youth Parliament for Telford and Wrekin 2023-24 and the Young People’s Forum. Guests were wowed by a performance of a dragon dance and Kung Fu demonstration from CultureKind Chinese Community, one of the winners.

Winsome, 16, from the group said: “Our project is about learning martial arts and Chinese dance and we will perform for the elderly in care homes and it will make them feel happier and more motivated.”

Antos, 11, is from Lightmoor Village Youth Club and said: “Stop the Clock is about turning off your phone so young people can socialise and make friends more.”

Jaimie, from Dawley Youth Club is the project lead for the environmental awareness day, she said: “We want to teach children to keep our community clean. I decided to do this because I’ve always wanted to help people.”

Young people are always welcome to send their ideas for how to improve the quality of residents’ lives and can email the team

The winning projects are:

Flavour Town. Nigerian Community. Community cookery project led by chefs teaching children how to make cuisine from around the world with the food being donated to vulnerable people.

Elevate Youth. Weekly workshops to support young people with autism to develop independence and reduce isolation.

Speak up Speak Out, Stop the Clock. Lightmoor Village Youth Club supported by SYA youth charity. Wellbeing week to encourage children to switch off their devices and take part in outdoor and mindfulness activities.

Environmental festival. Dawley Youth Club. Awareness day including litter picking, planting, bird box making.

Cultural Fitness Fusion. CultureKind Chinese Community. Workshops to teach children traditional Chinese dance, martial arts, cookery and arts and crafts. They want to visit care homes to give performances and pass on their skills.

Meeting Point House gardening project. Shropshire Youth Support Trust. To create a safe and welcoming space next to the building in Southwater.

Coalbrookdale and Ironbridge CE Primary school open their new and improved sensory garden

Councillor Carolyn Healy, Cabinet Member for Climate Action, the Environment, Heritage and Visitor Economy, visited Coalbrookdale and Ironbridge CE Primary school last week.

Carolyn visited to find out more about how a recent pot of councillor pride funding was used to transform an outdoor space at the school.

Funding was used to redevelop the schools existing outdoor sensory space which is a crucial resource for children, offering them a safe and stimulating environment to both explore and learn.

Children across every year group will use this space - come rain or shine! 

A huge well done to parents and teachers who have also volunteered their time and resources in recent months to bring their forest school space back into use.

Celebrating almost 30 years of Crucial Crew 

Almost three generations of pupils have received training designed to teach them essential life skills, thanks to an event organised by Telford and Wrekin Council.

Now in its 29th year, more than 2,000 pupils attended the Crucial Crew event at Telford College over a three-week period.

Boys and girls in year six, about to step up to secondary education, gained essential skills to prepare them for adulthood.

Councillor Kelly Middleton (Lab), cabinet member for healthy, safer and stronger communities and partnerships, said:

"There are several Crucial Crew events in the country, and ours is one of the best attended. Nearly every school in the borough takes part.

“We take so much information for granted as an adult, Crucial Crew helps make sure young people learn important skills at an impressionable time in their lives.

"I would very much like to thank Telford College, who have been a great venue for an event of this size and nature."

Every year the training is reviewed to ensure its relevant and is delivered by professional partners including, the Police, Fire and Rescue, Health Authority, and other specialists.

Safety themes ranged from dangers around water, electricity, fire, roads, health and wellbeing, vaping, strangers, knife crime, exploitation, and alcohol abuse.

Council invests in new fleet of adaptive bikes to make cycling more accessible

Cycling is about to become more inclusive in the borough as Telford & Wrekin Council get set to launch a brand-new fleet of adaptive bikes for residents ahead of the summer holidays.

The 13 adaptive bikes have been funded by the council and Sport England and will be showcased at Telford Bike Hub on Saturday 20 July between 11am and 4pm.

Everyone is invited to go along to the launch which will feature bike demonstrations and the opportunity for people to try them out for themselves. The Bike Hub want to hear what customers need from the service to get more people with disabilities cycling locally and want to shape their future offers and plans around what people need.

The Bike Hub team will also be on hand to provide advice and support on choosing the most suitable bike based on the individual’s specific needs as well learn about accessible and adaptable bike routes in and around Telford Town Park.

The new fleet of adaptive bikes include a variety of trikes, tandems and a wheelchair loader. They each have varying levels of assistance ranging from hand bikes to carer-controlled functions tailored to accommodate young people and adults who may find traditional bicycles challenging.

Councillor Carolyn Healy (Lab) Cabinet member for Climate Action, Green Spaces, Heritage and Leisure said: “We are thrilled to be launching the new adaptive bikes for residents, in time for the summer holidays and as we gear up to celebrate the Paris Olympics. Cycling is a fantastic way to stay active and explore our local green spaces - especially in and around the town park. We are committed to doing everything we can to positively promote equality, diversity and inclusion across the borough and by providing these new adaptive bikes we are making biking more accessible and ensuring that more residents have the opportunity to participate and thrive.”

The new adaptive bikes will also be used as a part of the council’s Bikeability lessons to make these training sessions more inclusive and also help more children complete their 10 by 10 challenge. 

Following the launch, the new bikes will be available for hire throughout the summer holidays Wednesday - Friday from the Bike Hub in Telford Town Park. There will also be specific sessions running in the near future so keep an eye out for more information coming soon. For up to date information follow @TravelTelford on Facebook.

Details of opening hours and accessible parking can be found at 


Telford & Wrekin Autumn Term 2024 Leadership Conference for Headteachers, Principals and CEO’s

An exciting opportunity to book your place for this pivotal and unmissable event for local leaders, taking place Wednesday 23 October 2024

The Autumn Term Leadership Conference for Telford & Wrekin HeadteachersPrincipals and CEO’s is taking place Wednesday 23 October 2024 from 8.45am to 1pm, including lunch. 

We are pleased to announce details of our two keynote speakers – Darren Edwards, record-breaking Disabled Adventurer, Inspirational Speaker and Author – and Malcolm Reeve, National Leader of Education and Chair of the Programme Board for Whole School SEND. 

Please see the attached flyer for further information about our keynote speakers.

There will also be a full school performance data presentation, looking at trends over time across the Borough - including achievement, SEND, CiC, Fairshare and suspensions – which will help to focus a strategic discussion on a range of issues challenging our schools.

The delegate fee for this event remains unchanged from 2023 at £60 per person, with a discounted offer of £100 for two delegates from the same school - with lunch included!  Please note that we have priced this event to simply cover costs. 

The Partnership Board is delighted to welcome all Headteachers, Principals and CEO’s to this event.  There is also some space for Deputy Heads to attend too, but we ask that they only attend alongside their Headteacher, and not as a replacement. 

To secure your place/s, please send a completed CPD booking form to before the end of term.


Registration Coding for Staggered Start Arrangements for pupils from September 2024

The DfE have confirmed the # code will no longer be able to be used for staggered starts once the statutory guidance applies on 19 August 2024. 

Primarily, code Y7 should be used only when an emergency situation has prevented a pupil from attending school. However, if a pupil is unable to attend due to the implementation of a staggered start by the school, this should also be recorded as code Y7.

Schools must record the specific reason for the unavoidable cause, in this case, ‘staggered start’ would be recorded. Schools must ensure that pupils who are prevented from attending on a particular day due to a staggered start still receive a full education over the school year.

The # code will no longer be able to be used for staggered starts once the statutory guidance applies from 19 August 2024. 

Working together to improve school attendance

New regulations for schools in next stage of attendance drive

Major national drive to improve school attendance

10 points to be aware of regarding attendance from September 2024

10 points to be aware of in line with the DfE guidance for September 2024 –

School staff are invited to read the ‘Working Together to Improve School Attendance ‘ DfE guidance – Feb 2024

1). The Working Together to Improve School Attendance’ DfE guidance becomes mandatory

2). Introduction of the National Framework for Penalty Notices.

  • see previously circulated information

3). Revocation of Pupil Registration (England) Regulations 2006 – replaced with School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024

4). Registers to be kept electronically

5). Registers to be stored for 6 years (not 3 years)

6). Pupil Level data to be shared with DfE and LA (via IDAMs)

7). Duty to inform LA of pupil who have 15 days absence due to illness

8) Changes to absence codes – C and Y

  • please see ‘Working together to Improve school attendance’

9). Introduction of new absence codes K, Q

  • please see ‘Working together to Improve school attendance’

10) Removal of absence code H

Reviewed and updated sample SAL letters to use from September 2024

AST have updated the popular SAL letters and have attached them here.

The School Attendance Letters (SAL)are regularly used by schools in the early identification of deteriorating attendance.

These have been reviewed and updated where necessary and are attached here in word format for schools to add text, letterheads etc.  

I hope you find this information useful.

Happy Healthy Active Holidays

HHAH Summer Activity Camps 2024

From football with an England Lioness, to Nerf Wars, to animal encounters, to Multi-Sports to Beach Trips and bowling. There is something for everyone in Telford this summer.

We have a range of activities over the summer, including full day provisions for ages 4-16.

To register your child’s place this summer go to

Eligibility Criteria:

Reception – Year 11 benefit related FSM Children

SEND Children

Referral in by schools/services for vulnerable/at risk students or families identified that may benefit from the scheme.

If there is a child/children that you feel would benefit from this scheme who doesn’t qualify for FSM but can be included as part of the 15% allocated funding (see attached for criteria) for our vulnerable and deprivation areas, please provide us with their details to the

Leisure Services

Try a new sport this summer

Anyone can take advantage of a bumper programme of offers and discounts during the summer holidays, through Telford & Wrekin Council's Leisure Services.

Is a great opportunity for your young ones to try something competitive and sporty that they might not have done before.

Several leisure activities will cost two-pound of kids between Monday 22 July and Sunday 1 September. Sessions include tennis, fun and floats swimming, tobogganing, tots donuts, golf and tennis.

Activities can be booked 7 days in advance (with the exception of swimming) to help ensure you get your guaranteed slots. Find out more by looking at the kids for £2 brochure.


Take part in a summer library event

Our summer library events offer the perfect opportunity to visit a library during the school holidays. See what's planned and book your free space below. 

Online booking for events and activities in Telford & Wrekin Libraries. Unless otherwise stated these are subsidised by the Library Service so there is no cost to the customer.

Click here

New adaptive bikes soon available to hire as a part of 10 by 10 

On Saturday 20 July between 11am and 4pm, Telford & Wrekin Council are launching 13 new adaptive bikes which will be available to hire from Telford Bike Hub in Telford Town Park - just in time for the summer holidays!

These bikes will be used help more children and young people to complete their 10 by 10 challenge. 

The bikes will be added to existing fleet for hire at Telford Bike Hub with the aim of making cycling more accessible.

With the summer holidays just days away and as we gear up to celebrate the Paris Olympics this is the perfect opportunity to learn to ride a bike and explore the bike routes available from Telford Town Park.

Click here for more info

Achievement & Enrichment

Telford Urban Games – Free Sports Activities

Looking for something different to do this Summer Holiday?

Urban Games is Telford & Wrekin Council’s free programme of sports for kids, aged eight to 16, and wildlife activities for little ones, all taking place in a supervised space. It’s a great chance for children to have fun and learn new skills.

There really is something for everyone and with the Paris Olympics taking place this summer, children can get in on the action by having a go at archery, fencing, football, wrestling and table tennis.

All activities are run by qualified professionals at locations across the borough. There is no need to book a place.

Sessions are free to attend funded by the council’s Safer & Stronger Communities programme with support from the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.

AFC Telford United – Football -

Shropshire cricket -

Telford bike hub -

Telford Netball -


Hockey -

Multisports -

Family Table Tennis -

Spotfest Pro Wrestling -

Wild Telford with Shropshire Wildlife Trust -

Click here for flyer

Other Information and Resources

Health Protection Hub

If you’re planning on travelling abroad this summer, health-related advice to help keep you and your children safe is available here:

Some key points:

  • You can get advice specific to the country you’re travelling to here:
  • Check what vaccinations you need ASAP
  • Always wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet and before eating; pack and use hand sanitiser in addition to this or where normal hand-washing isn’t possible.
  • Drink bottled water and avoid ice in drinks. See here for more information on food and drink.
  • During a heatwave, keep out of the heat if you can. If you have to go outside, stay in the shade especially between 11am and 3pm and stay hydrated. You should wear sunscreen, a hat and light clothes, and avoid exercise or activity that makes you hotter.
  • If you are travelling to an area where mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria or dengue fever exist, make sure you take insect bite avoidance measures including using an insect repellent, covering exposed areas of skin and sleeping under a bed net.
  • Rabies is transmitted by a bite or scratch from an infected animal, usually a dog, and can be fatal if not recognised..  Avoid animal bites, and check if you would benefit from a pre-exposure vaccine. All travellers who have a possible exposure to the rabies virus, whether by bites, scratches, or other means, should seek medical advice without delay. You can find full rabies advice here:
  • Get adequate travel insurance.
  • Take any medication you routinely need with you.
  • If you experience traveller's diarrhoea, which results from eating and drinking unsafe food/water, you can have quite significant fluid loss, so it is a good idea to take lots of rest, drink plenty of bottled fluids - if possible, topped up with rehydration salts. If you feel particularly unwell or your symptoms don’t improve, seek medical attention while abroad as you may require medical treatment for dehydration.
  • If you feel unwell on returning to the UK, seek medical attention and ensure you inform your healthcare provider that you have been travelling recently.

Telford & Wrekin Council unveils Healthy Telford Pledge - who will you Do It For?

Telford & Wrekin Council is proud to announce the launch of the Healthy Telford pledge, supporting residents to transform their health and wellbeing by committing to simple and small changes

The Healthy Telford pledge is designed to support residents to begin a sustainable change towards a healthier lifestyle. The initiative invites residents to embark on a 12-week journey towards a healthier lifestyle, committing not only to themselves but also to the loved ones in their lives who motivate them to pursue better health.

As a borough, Telford and Wrekin face higher than average numbers of children and adults that are overweight or obese. Findings reported in the Healthy Weight strategy show that residents do want to reach a healthier weight, but find it difficult to be motivated. Likewise, feedback showed that many people found the focus on weight loss alone deterred them from achieving their goals.

Using the feedback as a guide, the Healthy Telford pledge was designed to encourage participants to sign up for a 12-week email campaign and receive guidance, resources, and support. Each week, residents will receive tailored tips on nutrition, physical activity, and mental wellbeing, all aimed at fostering sustainable, healthy habits.

The 12-week journey creates a firm foundation for habit change, while the emails themselves combine additional information to support an overarching lifestyle change, supporting residents to overcome the challenges they identified in their feedback.

The 'Do It For' element of the campaign adds a personal touch, asking individuals to find what it is that motivates them and to reflect on who they are making these changes for—whether it’s for their children, partners, friends, or even their future selves.

Cllr Kelly Middleton, Cabinet Member for Healthy, Safer & Stronger Communities, said: "We are excited to launch this comprehensive email campaign to support our community in achieving healthier lifestyles.

“The Healthy Telford pledge and 'Do It For' campaign resonate deeply with our commitment to create a supportive environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

“By focusing on personal motivations and providing practical, ongoing support, we hope to inspire lasting change."

Residents can sign up for the Healthy Telford pledge at and start their journey towards a healthier, happier life today. Individuals can also get involved by sharing their stories on social media using #DoItForHealthierMe, and become part of the Healthy Telford community.

School Swimming

At Primary and Secondary Heads Forums held in the spring term, it was confirmed that the Education & Skills Funding Agency had decided to remove joint use funding for school swimming from April 2025.

The Council used this funding to provide schools with free access to swimming pools. From April 2025, this will no longer be possible, and we will likely have to charge schools for using swimming pools from the summer term in 2025.

A steering group is being set up to explore how we address this challenge and how the Council can best support schools. Further information and updates will be shared throughout the 2024/25 academic year.


Every week during term time we publish a new update for the education community. It includes essential briefings and specialist information about education.

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