Notice: 17 September 2020

A round-up of news, guidance and key updates for education settings.

Included in this update

Director update

Dear colleagues

Welcome to the third edition of the Education Noticeboard. This week we include some key health protection updates and information about Black History Month, please do look out for these. Also included some contextual information around the review of the offer we have in Telford for children with Social Emotional and Mental Health needs which will be carried out during the autumn term. Again, please may I ask that you take a moment to look at this. We are really keen to ensure that we are able to collectively develop a system that delivers the necessary support as early as possible so that our pupils get the best possible outcomes. Check out too what our pupils had to say about being back at school. My thanks to Aqueduct Primary School, Newport Infants and Old Park Primary School and Burton Borough School for taking part.

Whilst it has certainly been another really busy week for everybody, I know that our schools are continuing to follow guidelines around keeping our children safe… thank you! 

We are aware that new guidance came from the DfE yesterday (16 September 2020) about a new process that early years settings, schools and colleges should follow when they have a confirmed positive case. This has come as a bit of a surprise and whilst we seek further clarity please continue to follow our local process by contacting the Health Protection Hub where you have a confirmed positive case. We will update you when we have more information.

Finally, I would just like to say that in the event that we identify a positive COVID-19 case in our schools and settings a notification will be sent to let you know this and will keep you updated when there are any changes.

Best wishes to all
Simon Wellman
Interim Director Education and Skills

Back to school, where we belong

Now children are back in school where they belong, see what they had to say.

Thanks to our pupils from Aqueduct Primary School, Newport Infants and Old Park Primary School and Burton Borough School.

Updates from Health Protection Hub

Once again it has been a busy time for us over the past week – thank you for all the notifications that we have had. Unfortunately, you will have seen in the media that there is still an unprecedented demand for testing, which means that we have had to modify our approach to contacting and referring symptomatic pupils.

To clarify, the Health Protection Hub needs to be notified if there are:

  • any positive COVID-19 cases associated with your school
  • any symptomatic members of schools staff or their symptomatic family members
  • any symptomatic children at our special schools

The Health Protection Hub does not need notifying of:

  • any symptomatic children at mainstream schools

Symptomatic children should self-isolate for 14 days.  Existing guidance for testing should be followed and only children with the main coronavirus symptoms should get a test. The three main coronavirus symptoms are: a high temperature, a new continuous cough, a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.  Children should not get a test if their only symptoms are a sore throat or runny nose. (see symptom checker for further details)

In the three articles below you will find information regarding: Scenario planning for a confirmed case or cases in your school, COVID-19 related pupil absence: a quick reference guide for schools and a Coronavirus Symptom Checker.

Scenario Planning for Confirmed COVID-19 case in your school

The Scenario planning for confirmed COVID-19 cases outlines the different scenarios that could take place in your school if child or member of staff tests positive. It highlights the steps that should be taken if that happens. The Scenario planning document covers the following areas in each scenario and shows clearly what is considered to be an outbreak:

  • Typical response that you’re setting should take
  • The recommended actions for the bubble affected
  • Siblings at other settings and Family Members
  • Things that setting should consider
  • What cleaning will be required in each scenario
  • And who the setting should communicate with.
  • FAQs.

Download the Scenario Planning Confirmed COVID-19 case in your school.

COVID–19 related pupil absence: A quick reference guide for schools

This absence guide is designed as a quick reference for schools during COVID-19, it highlights when a child or a staff member should not attend school and how long self-isolation should last for depending on the circumstances.

Download the COVID-19 Related Pupil Absence – Schools Guide.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptom Checker

A quick reference guide for Coronavirus symptoms and other common illnesses.

Download the Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptom Checker.

Procurement and access of Personal Protective Equipment and cleaning products for schools in Telford & Wrekin Council

Procurement of face coverings

In addition to existing procurement routes educational settings can source PPE and cleaning products through the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) safer working supplies website. Suppliers and products listed on this website meet standards set out by the Department of Health and Social Care. Products purchased through this route will not detract from supply available to medical settings. In addition, public sector buying organisations have pre-existing experience and relationships across the education, childcare and children’s social care sectors. Some of these organisations have e-catalogues offering PPE and cleaning products.

They include:

If as an education setting or childcare settings you cannot obtain the PPE you need, you should contact Telford & Wrekin Council using the dedicated and we will support you to access PPE suppliers and available stock locally. We have a local supplier list that is constantly updated on the educational SharePoint site.

If Telford & Wrekin Council cannot meet the PPE needs of education and childcare providers, we will approach the local resilience forum (LRF), which will allocate stock if it is available (using the PPE Request form). If neither Telford & Wrekin Council or the LRF are able to respond to an education or childcare setting’s unmet urgent need for PPE, they will need to make their own judgement in line with their risk assessment as to whether it is safe to continue to operate.

Access to face coverings

It is reasonable to assume that staff and young people will now have access to face coverings due to their increasing use in wider society, and Public Health England has made available resources on how to make a simple face covering.

However, where anybody is struggling to access a face covering, or where they are unable to use their face covering due to having forgotten it or it having become soiled or unsafe, education settings should take steps to have a small contingency supply available to meet such needs. Using the procurement information above will assist with this process.

No-one should be excluded from education on the grounds that they are not wearing a face covering.

In the event of new local restrictions being imposed, schools will need to communicate quickly and clearly to staff, parents, pupils and learners that the new arrangements require the use of face coverings in certain circumstances again it would be good that educational settings have a contingency for this and need for increased usage of face coverings.

Updated guidance on how schools can order test kits

The government has updated its guidance on how schools can order test kits.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): kits for schools and FE providers

Page summary
Guidance for schools and further education (FE) providers on the initial supply of coronavirus (COVID-19) home testing kits for pupils, teachers and staff.

Change made
Updated information on ordering test kits and clarification of wording for different age group test use.

Making an order for additional coronavirus tests

Schools and FE providers should order additional test kits if they have run out or are running out of test kits.

From 16 September 2020, you can order additional tests kits online. Kits will be supplied in boxes of 10.

You will be able to make a new order for test kits 21 days after you receive a delivery confirmation email telling you that your previous supply of test kits has been sent.

Schools and FE providers will need a Unique Organisation Number (UON) to place orders for test kits. This will be emailed to you by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) on or before 16 September 2020. After this date, please call the Test and Trace helpdesk on 119 if you have not received your UON.

Tracy Guy

Lead Health and Safety Advisor


Free School Meals

If children who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals are required to stay at home due to coronavirus (COVID-19), they should be offered meals or food parcels which meet the school food standards. These could be offered on a daily or weekly basis and be collected or delivered to the child’s home. All meals should be distributed in line with guidance on social distancing.

The DFE have advised that although the guidance notes that schools should provide meals or food parcels, it does not prohibit vouchers as an alternative. Schools can issue vouchers in such circumstances but would need to be responsible for sourcing and paying for the vouchers, and should note that the DfE would not reimburse these costs.

Schools should note that the guidance states that there is no requirement to provide universal infant free school meals to infant pupils who are not in school.

The full guidance can be viewed on the GOV.UK website.

For more information please contact:

Black History Month

Recent events have highlighted the ever increasing need for all pupils to understand about our shared history. Black History Month is in October and many pupils and staff have expressed a desire to learn more about key figures and events in history that have an impact on our world today. This cross-curricular topic not only covers many elements in History but addresses many fundamental SMSC and PHSE aspects of the curriculum as a whole.

The MDT team are working with the Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre (TAARC) to deliver free after school training in two distinct webinars, specifically for Primary and Secondary schools, to celebrate Black History Month.

  • Primary - 22 September 2020 at 4pm - 5pm
  • Secondary – 23 September 2020 at 4pm - 5pm.

The webinars will focus on providing staff with the knowledge and resources to plan, deliver and support pupil’s knowledge and discussion of issues around Black History, key questions that may arise from recent events and provide a greater knowledge of the diverse cultures in Telford and Wrekin.

MDT team are and working with TAARC to deliver free workshops and support packs to all schools. Workshops are COVID-19 secure with risk assessments checked prior to staff and pupil delivery. Appropriate protocols are in place but schools will need to provide a visitor risk assessment prior to MDT and TAARC staff delivery when booking a workshop.

Pupil’s work, photos and contributions from the Workshop and follow up activities will be displayed in the Telford Council’s Black History live streamed celebration event. Schools have an obligation to produce work to be showcased and are responsible for ensuring that work is produced and that their photos taken on the day have permission to be used in the celebration event and further Council and TAARC publications.

MDT support for individual schools to plan and develop staff knowledge is available upon request. The resource pack can be downloaded and workshops and support can booked immediately after the webinars and up until the 1 October 2020. Workshops are on a first come, first served basis.

If you have any questions about the workshops please contact the MDT team via email

To book a place to attend either of the two free webinar sessions, please send an email to - stating your name, your school name, your email address, and which webinar you wish to attend.  It would be helpful if you could please head up your email with the title ‘Black History Month Webinar Booking’ in the subject (you do not need to complete a CPD booking form for this event), many thanks

For more information email:

Telephone: 07855 148693 or 07800 671756
Website: MDT Website

Review of our system that supports children and young people with Social Emotional and Mental Health needs

We have engaged an external consultant, Peter Gray, to undertake an independent review of our provision, services and commissioning for pupils at risk of exclusion, or who require support for social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH).

Peter has significant and valuable experience in this area, having worked as a consultant with a wide range of local areas over a number of years and engaged in a number of activities at national level (including a recent review of alternative provision for the DFE).

The context for this review is the increasing demand for services and provision for children with these sorts of needs in Telford and Wrekin, along with the potential further challenges that are likely to be presented in meeting the needs of vulnerable pupils who have missed a significant amount of formal education since lockdown. An element of our ‘Belonging Strategy is to review our local offer (priority 5), and Peter’s knowledge, skill and expertise will help us develop our approach with pace.

Our aim is to develop a system that has collective buy-in, reacts quickly when necessary and delivers support as early as possible. Budgets for all are finite and both schools and the LA need to use the funding available in the most effective way possible so that our pupils get the best possible outcomes.

We have discussed the review methodology with Peter and we have proposed:

  1. An analysis of our current spend on provision and services for behaviour/SEMH
  2. Consideration of relevant data and documentation
  3. Interviews with key LA officers/service managers and relevant representatives from other agencies
  4. Visits to all alternative/specialist providers for pupils with these kinds of difficulties across the Borough (i.e. Linden Centre / Student Engagement Programme and Queensway Special School)
  5. Individual visits to all secondary mainstream schools and academies.
  6. Online meetings with groups of primary Heads from each of our clusters
  7. Attendance at one or more of our Fair Access Panel meetings
  8. Interviews with parents (format to be decided).

Our intention is that the review will be carried out during the Autumn Term 2020, with a report back to senior officers and broader dissemination to a range of stakeholders in December. We have asked Peter to present his analysis, along with options for the future and recommended ways forward.

What commitment is required from schools/academies?

Peter would like to meet all secondary heads on a 1:1 basis and to meet with primary heads during a cluster meeting. We will be in touch soon with Secondary Headteachers and cluster leads to arrange dates.

Update to 2020-21 Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy template

We have received confirmation from West Mercia police that the Protecting Vulnerable People telephone number has changed to 101. Therefore, the Referral agencies section of the template policy, should now read as:

Telford and Wrekin social care team

Family Connect
Telephone: 01952 385385
Out of Hours
Telephone: 01952 676500

Shropshire social care team

First Point of Contact
Telephone: 0345 678 9021
Out of Hours
Telephone: 0345 6789040

Staffordshire social care team

First Response
Telephone: 0800 1313 126
Out of Hours
Telephone: 0345 604 2886 or 07815 492613

Wolverhampton social care team

Safeguarding Service
Telephone: 01902 555392
Out of Hours
Telephone:01902 552999

If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the police
Telephone: 999

Telephone: 0800 1111

Telephone: 0800 800 5000

Protecting Vulnerable People (West Mercia Police)
Telephone: 101

Please download the TWSP Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2020-21 that reflects this change.

For more information please email

#Look Closer a public awareness campaign around Child Exploitation

#LookCloser is a national public awareness campaign in partnership with British Transport Police and the National County Lines Co-ordination Centre, launching for the week 14 September 2020 - 20 September 2020.  

#LookCloser highlights that child exploitation can take place anywhere and may be particularly visible in public spaces. It also encourages members of the public or those working in public spaces to ‘look beyond the obvious’ and that any young person could be a victim.

The digital pack includes both public awareness material and resources for policing and partners which focus on the NRM and best practice in engaging young people.

Please consider: 

  1. Sharing and displaying the poster.
  2. Downloading the free presentation slides and one page resources.
  3. Visit the Children's Society website.   


To find out more information:

School Admissions – starting secondary school in September 2021

The online application form for children who are due to start secondary school in September 2021 is now available via our website.

We would be grateful if you would distribute the secondary letter to your Year 6 parents/guardians as a reminder for them to apply on time.


The school admissions website page contains lots of information around school admissions, together with a link of how to apply and also step by step guidance information our school admissions page.

If a customer is experiencing problems with signing into their My Telford account please contact

However, if a customer is having problems with the application itself please signpost them to the School Admissions Team at

Thank you so much for all your support.

The School Admissions Team

Website: Telford & Wrekin Council

School Admissions – starting junior school in September 2021

The online application form for starting junior school in September 2021 is now open via our website.

We would be grateful if you would distribute the infants to junior letter to your Year 2 parents as a reminder for them to apply on time.


Please note:

  • parents will need to make an application to the Local Authority of where they are living e.g. where they pay council tax to
  • if a child has an Education, Health and Care Plan the closing date is 31 October 2020 for all applications.

The school admissions website page contains lots of information around school admissions, together with a link of how to apply and also step by step guidance information our schools admissions webpage.

If a customer is experiencing problems with signing into their My Telford account please contact

However, if a customer is having problems with the application itself please signpost them to the School Admissions Team at

Thank you so much for all your support.

The School Admissions Team

Website: Telford & Wrekin Council

School Admissions – starting reception in September 2021

The online application form for children who are due to start school in Reception 2021 is now available via our website.

To apply for a Reception 2021 school place parents will need to use the online system.

Available to download is our starting school poster and we would be grateful if you could display this in your school and distribute within your newsletters, social media etc.


Please note:

  • parents will need to make an application to the Local Authority of where they are living e.g. where they pay Council Tax to
  • if a child is attending nursery, they still need to apply for a school place
  • the deadline for applying for a school place is 15 January 2021
  • there is no guarantee of a place at the school even if a child has been attending their nursery or pre school
  • more information is available on the school admissions webpage around school allocations and oversubscription criteria
  • if a child has an Education, Health and Care Plan the closing date is 31 October 2020 for all applications.

The school admissions website page contains lots of information around school admissions, together with a link of how to apply and also step by step guidance information theschool admissions webpage.

If a customer is experiencing problems with signing into their My Telford account please contact

However, if a customer is having problems with the application itself please signpost them to the School Admissions Team at

Thank you so much for all your support.

The School Admissions Team

Website: Telford & Wrekin Council

School Admissions and Deletions

As the new school year gets under way we want to thank schools who complete and submit the Admission/Deletion form (A/D1) to alert us to pupils entering or leaving your schools and remind staff who might not be aware of the process.

These form part of your statutory responsibilities both within Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2020 and the School Attendance Guidance.

This guidance identifies the key details that the LA have to be informed of within 5 school days for all Admissions to the register and Deletions from the register.  

This forms part of the national processes to ensure that children don’t get ‘lost’ or fall through the net, and that they move as seamlessly as possible from one school roll to another. 

We interpret all the necessary information from the guidance and developed the A/D1 form in the most basic way for schools to provide this information to the LA.

We ask that the information is typed and not hand written. It is really important for schools to complete all the fields on the form, missing information will mean the form may be returned to you. We really do appreciate the additional work this causes, but missing data could be crucial in the tracking of a missing child either now or at a point in that child’s future.

As this has a national focus it is possible that it could be a line of enquiry at a future inspection. 

This form does not need to be completed when pupils arrive at the normal point of admission. i.e. admission into Reception, Year 7 or Year 3 in the case of Junior schools, as this is your normal point of admission. 

You will need to complete one if the child was on your roll at the beginning of a school year and then found an alternative placement after the start of term. Please note, once completed the A/D1 forms should be sent to

Thank you also for the information you send to the LA every month on the Monthly Returns Form (MRF). It supports updates to our data systems and is very helpful. Please continue to complete and submit this form monthly.

We really appreciated the huge efforts made by schools and for all the information you helped us to collate related to vulnerable pupils (those with P/A and BAME/EAL) some of whom may not have arrived in school as expected. It was important to undertake this exercise and we appreciate your support during this very busy period. These pupils will now either be monitored by school, traced as being in another school or referred to the LA tracking officer to trace in other local authorities.

We appreciate that we will have a slight period of ‘catch up’ as we gather in the information related to movers in and out since the start of term. We really appreciate schools completing the A/D1 for pupils that have arrived or left so far to date. Please continue sending them to at the point of admitting or deleting a pupil from your roll. 


For more information please contact by email

MyView and HR/Payroll Update

There have been a number of important developments to MyView, around inputting absence and logging on for example, and further details are outlined in this article.  

We would like to bring to your attention that the post numbers you use for casual workers may have changed. The general casual post numbers, which are used by all schools have now been ended and you will no longer be able to claim against this. Important: please ensure you update any claims e.g. your spreadsheets for payment. Casuals who have worked for you in recent months have been allocated a new post number which is attached to your school and your cost codes.  This will allow you to view their details in MyView, ensure they are costed correctly and be included in reporting.  We recommend you run an establishment before you submit any casual claims to make sure the individual is attached to your school.  If not, please let your HR Contracts Officer know at the end of this month and they will make the necessary changes.

We are very aware that the social distancing and reduced contact in place in your School may complicate the distribution of payslips on Pay Day. To remove this complication we are able to provide access to online payslips for all schools who buy into Telford & Wrekin Council ICT Services instead of paper payslips. This is provided through the My View Self-serve module currently used by Heads and Business Managers. In addition to their Payslips employees can view and update their personal details, access their P60 and view employment information. Some schools are already using this facility as it removes the task of distributing payslips and reduces queries, the feedback we receive from employees is that My View is intuitive and easy to use, particularly following recent improvements.

Teachers, Caretakers and the majority of Teaching Assistants will already now have access and can use the following link MyView log in. If they have any issues with logging in they should log a call with ICT. Any cleaning or catering staff employed directly by the school unfortunately will not automatically have access. However, access can be arranged for them too but it will involve an annual fee. 


If you have any queries or would like to discuss any of the items in more detail please contact either Dave Chantry, Employment Services on 01952 383661 ( or Sally Floyd, Human Resources on 01952 383670 (

HR Skills – Absence Management Training 24 September 2020 – Spaces available

Absence Management of Employees – 24 September 2020 3pm - 5.30pm via MS Teams

Target Audience

This course is aimed at all members of School Staff that will be responsible for managing employees through the Schools Absence Policy.


To provide an overview of the Schools Model Absence Management Policy to enable absence to be managed effectively across the school. This will include guidance on how to conduct a return to work meeting and the more formal meetings within this process. This will also cover the legal requirements of the Equality Act in respect of employees with a disability.

Guidance will also be provided on how to draft and present a report at the final stage of this process. 

Learning will be reinforced through practical case studies.

Key Learning Outcomes

To ensure absence is managed appropriately in line with the Schools Policy and to be more confident in undertaking absence management meetings.

Charges and Booking

Schools who buy into HR/Employment Services £40 plus VAT per delegate.

All other schools £55 plus VAT per delegate.

Where non-attendance or cancellation occurs within ten days of the course date, full cost recovery will be charged, without exception.

If you are unable to attend we would encourage you to send a colleague in your place so you will not be charged.

These can be made through our online learning platform Ollie or via email to:

Telephone: 01952 383601

Wellbeing for schools staff

During this uncertain and worrying time it is important to also focus on not only on your physical health but also your mental health and that of your staff.

Therefore, we thought it was a good time to remind you of the resources and support that is available and this comprehensive guide produced by NEOST is a great starting point


We have also further extended our learning and development offer around wellbeing and you can find information in the Wellbeing Training document in relation to a number of courses open to Telford & Wrekin schools staff.

Finally, please be reminded of the EAP and Counselling scheme that we provide in conjunction with Health Assured. This is open to all maintained schools within the borough and those academies that have included this within their Occupational Health provision.

Confidential Counselling  - 0800 783 2808 - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is also available for those over 18 living in the household on a telephone basis.

New Health Assured App – a new app has been launched My Healthy Advantage. This is a more personalised app and provides mini health checks and a mood tracker as well as the usual self-help articles and webinars. Further information on the app and the access code can be viewed on the HR Advisory SharePoint site  for those schools that buy into this service, this link also includes access to posters and leaflets that you can use to publicise the app and the counselling service to staff.

Teachers pay update

National Consultation on the Teachers Pay Review for 20/21 concluded on the 14 September 2020. This will now be considered before there is a final decision on the pay award.

Once the pay award is agreed a final version of School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document 2020 will be drafted. This will then be laid forward to parliament to be agreed and come into legislation, this is likely to be around mid-October.

For those of you who purchase HR Model policies from the Local Authority you will be issued with a template model Pay Policy once the final STPCD document is drafted. This will need to be agreed through your usual governing board processes.

We would hope to be in a position to process this pay award (backdated to September 2020) in Octobers pay but this is dependent on external timescales as set out above. We will update accordingly once we have more information.

Full information on the proposed pay award can be viewed on the Local government website.

For more information please email or by phone: 01952 383601.

SEND Legislative Changes - Expiry of S42 Modification Notice

The notice modifying the duty on local authorities to secure or arrange the special educational and health care provision specified in children and young people’s EHC plans has expired. 

This follows the Secretary of State’s announcement on 2 July 2020 that, unless the evidence changes, we will not be issuing further national notices to modify this duty. Our focus will increasingly be on supporting local authorities, health commissioning bodies and education settings as they work towards full provision being restored for all children and young people with EHC plans. 

The Regulations that we made to provide additional flexibility over the statutory timescales for various EHC needs assessment and plan processes remain in force and currently last until 25 September 2020 and will expire as planned on that date. 

Updated: Changes to the law on education, health and care needs assessments and plans due to coronavirus.

For more information please contact the SEND Team by email or by phone on: 01952 381045.

Website: SEND Local Offer

Voices Project: You are invited to share your views

Telford & Wrekin SEND in association with Health and the Parent Carer Forum (PODs) are embarking on an exciting project: voices. This project is designed to create change in how we all work together to embed co-production, ensuring that families, providers and partners, including schools and settings are engaged as equal partners in service development and improvement.

There are six focus groups being held to listen to the voices of young people, parent/carers, health and care.

You are invited to register your interest in attending the Schools and Settings Virtual Focus Group on:

  • Thursday 12 November 2020
  • 10.30am - 11.30am
  • The Focus Group will be delivered through Microsoft Teams.

The voices project is being delivered by Genuine Partnerships and has been devised in partnership with the national charity Contact with support from the National Alliance for Partnership working. The development of the Alliance and its aims are supported by the Department for Education (DfE) and the Department of Health (DH).

Before the Focus Groups we look forward to sharing with you more information about the project along with an evaluation document that you will be able to share with your colleagues prior to the event.

Following these events all the stories will be transcribed and collated to form a report that will feedback on the strengths the local area has in co-production. This will lead to the creation of an Action Plan to highlight the improvements that can be made to provide co-produced services and will ultimately inform SEND Strategy.

The Focus Group does have limited places, however, there will be an opportunity for everyone to have their say with an evaluation questionnaire.

If you would like to register your interest in attending the Focus group please contact us at: to reserve your place.

This is a free event.

An Action Planning event is being arranged for January 2021 to follow up on the Focus Groups, review the report and inform the Action Plan.

For more information please contact by email

Website: SEND Local Offer

Time to Talk

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused anxiety and uncertainty for many young people across England.  For young people who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families it has been particularly challenging.  Funded for six months by the National Lottery Community Fund, Time to Talk is a new project offering young people free, strength-based support at home to counter social isolation and provide motivation to make plans for the future.

Trained staff will provide 50 young people in England with person centered planning sessions to enable young people to:

  • develop their aspirations, motivation, and plans for the future
  • feel heard and valued
  • strengthen their emotional wellbeing and resilience
  • be well equipped to manage transitions.

Funding for the project is for 6 months and owing to the COVID-19 restrictions we anticipate all support being delivered online.

We are keen to reach 16 - 25 year olds with additional needs who are isolated and may not be engaged in education or training. Sessions will be tailored to the each young person. Information and links to local networks will be provided to parents and carers where needed and useful suggestions and resources to support students who are anxious or uncertain about their future plans can be provided to education providers where students request this.

Young people can make a Request for Support from Time to Talk themselves or others can make a Request for Support on behalf of a young person on the NDTi website.

For more information or to make a request for support, please visit the NDTI Website: Time to Talk.

For further information please contact:

Alice McColl
Development Lead, Children and Young People

Telephone: 01225 789135
Mobile: 07394560816

Wellbeing for Education Return CPD

Wellbeing for Education Return plays a key part in ensuring that education staff are empowered and supported to make pupils and students’ wellbeing and mental health a priority after lockdown and during the pandemic.

This will be delivered as two twilight webinars (through Microsoft Teams) of around 1.5 hours each. The first webinar covers the whole school or college approach, wellbeing and resilience; the second bereavement and loss, anxiety, low mood, stress and trauma, warning signs and signposting. Both include a series of themed case studies and links to evidence-based, straightforward, existing resources, which you can adapt for your local context and supplement with details of local offers and services.

This CPD is aimed at the mental health leads in schools, one place available per school, and will dovetail with other support for emotional and mental health including Future in Mind, the Anna Freud Link Programme and the Return to School programme. There will also be follow up support which will be focused around a cluster based group supervision model.

To ensure this continuity, the training will be led by: Sian Deane (Severn Teaching School Alliance, Future in Mind); Darren Lennon (Behaviour Support and Linden Centre) and Michael Lane (Educational Psychology).

We will run each Webinar 3 times so you will need to sign up to one of the dates for Webinar 1 and one from Webinar 2, places are limited to 25 people at each Webinar.

The dates are:

Webinar 1:

  • Monday 28 September 2020 - 1.30pm to 3pm
  • Monday 5 October 2020 - 4pm to 5.30pm
  • Tuesday 6 October 2020 - 1.30pm to 3pm.

Webinar 2:

  • Wednesday 7 October 2020 1.30 to 3pm
  • Thursday 8 October 2020 4pm to 5.30pm
  • Monday 19 October 2020 - 1.30pm to 3pm.

In order to book a place to attend this free webinar, please send an email to stating your name, the school’s name and your email address – together with which session you would like to attend. It would be helpful if the email subject could read ‘Wellbeing for Education Return Webinar’.

Upcoming CPD courses

Please see below a list of the CPD courses running in the next couple of weeks which may be of interest.  Further details of these and our fuller CPD offer can be found in the CPD Booklet, available on the Telford Education Services website.

Bookings can be made in the normal way by completing a CPD booking form and sending it via email to

The Essential Induction Event for Newly Qualified Teachers (CPD 521) – online via Teams Wednesday 23 September 2020 4pm - 5.30pm
Forest School and Outdoor Learning for Practitioners Working within EYFS (EY 201) – face to face (outdoor) Thursday 24 September 2020 4pm - 5.30pm
NQT Induction Tutor/ Mentor - initial training – online via Teams Thursday 24 September 2020 4pm - 5.30pm
MAPA Refresher (BSAT 212 – online delivery Thursday 24 September 2020 9am - 12.30pm
Induction and NQT mentor network and update (CPD 516) – online via Teams Wednesday 30 September 2020 4pm - 5.30pm
EAL Network Meeting (CPD 526) – online via Teams Wednesday 30 September 2020 4pm - 5.30pm
Newly Appointed Designated Safeguarding Leads' Training (SG 102) – face to face Wednesday 30 September 2020 and Thursday 1 October 2020 Two full days

We very much look forward to welcoming you onto our courses.

Sue Dyson

Traded Service Specialist, School Performance and Development

Telephone: 01952 380886

Music Service Returns to Schools - 21 September 2020

We are really excited to return to schools week commencing 21 September 2020. There have been lots of changes to how we can teach and the space that we require and understand that we need to have a flexible approach once we do return. 

All of our tutors have been asked to contact their schools to ensure they understand what will be expected of them and to help with any planning that schools need with our return, we do know that lots of children are really looking forward to getting back to their instrumental lessons.

We will also be starting up our Whole Class Music Projects again, but these will be ‘live’ streamed into schools until half term when we will review our decision again in collaboration with schools.

For more information please email:

RAF Museum – KS3 Glider Challenge 2020

The RAF Museum are proud to host the KS3 Glider Challenge 2020 as a virtual event. Sponsored by the RAF Youth and STEM Engagement Team, we are inviting schools to enter up to 5 teams (max. 5 students per team) in this years final.

All schools involved are sent a 4 - week lesson plan to be covered in lessons prior to the online event. The lesson plan can be adapted in any which way to suit your school. On Thursday 15 October 2020, the Museum will host an online virtual session where the Access and Learning Team and our STEM Ambassadors will be presenting best practice of designing and building a glider as well as a Theory of Flight session. The competition will include a research and design element, as well as a poster and presentation pitch which outlines why the team has chosen their glider design and why they think it should win.

The virtual challenge takes place on Thursday 15 October 2020 and teams have until the 22 October to submit their evidence for judging. Prizes will be awarded to winners of the various categories. All entrants will receive a CREST Discovery Award on presentation of eligible work. For more information and to book onto this year's competition, please email us on


Every week during term time we publish a new update for the education community. It includes essential briefings and specialist information about education.

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