Special Education Notice: Decisions and notification procedure for schools/academies and settings that need to restrict attendance due to COVID-19
Special Education Notice from Telford & Wrekin Council
Where the difficult decision is made to restrict attendance at a school then this is taken by the Head Teacher in collaboration with their Chair of Governors. During working hours it is likely that you will have initially spoken to the Health Protection Hub. Where decisions to restrict access are based on operational reasons (i.e. workforce availability), maintained schools may want to consult with the duty officer in the education team, by contacting COVID19@telford.gov.uk however - to confirm - the decision lies directly with the school. We understand Early Years Providers, academies and FE colleges will follow their own Trust decision-making processes. Sometimes decisions will be necessary outside of working hours, where it is not possible to speak with either the health protection hub or, for maintained schools the education duty officer.
When schools (including academies) and settings make the decision to restrict attendance, in all circumstances we request that you email COVID19@telford.gov.uk to inform us of your decision.
This should include :-
- School/setting name.
- Reason for restricted access (i.e. 2 teaching staff and 1 TA in year 4).
- Impact of closure (i.e. 2 x year 4 classes for example).
- Anticipated timeframe for closure.
This information will help us deal with any enquiries that come through to the Local Authority and help our intelligence about the extent of restricted access across Telford & Wrekin educational settings. We thank you in anticipation of your support.
Simon Wellman
Director Education and Skills