Education Noticeboard 3 October 2024

Included in this edition of education Noticeboard

Included in this update:


Director Update



Early Help Training

Early Help Training for schools during the autumn term, focusing on the Early Help Assessment and Early Help Support Plan.

Training opportunities for schools to access free Early Help training. Training sessions are being provided in person on the following dates:

21 October 2024 – Park Lane Centre 10am – 12pm

15 November 2024 – Ketley Community Centre 1pm - 3pm

05 December 2024 – Randlay Community Centre 1pm – 3pm

Please respond to to book your free place at any venue.


Telford & Wrekin White Ribbon Day 2024

Annual White Ribbon Day event raising awareness of Domestic Violence

Telford & Wrekin White Ribbon Day 2024

Together we can prevent violence against women and girls. It starts with me. It starts with men.

This year's White Ribbon Day event will be taking place on Monday 25th November 2024 at 10.00am to 1.00pm and will be held at Telford Minster, Meeting Point House, Southwater Square, Telford, TF3 4HS. This will be accompanied by 16 Days of Action following the event to raise awareness of male abuse against women and encourage men to stand up against this.

Please book your place here.

Organisational Abuse Webinar

This event aims to disseminate learning from the National Safeguarding Adult Review Analysis; provide updates on positive initiatives in this area of care and support; share insights from research and work with people who use these services; provide inspiration to improve what is done locally; and publicise the work of the Organisational Abuse Expert Reference Group.

Organisational Abuse:  What are the challenges and what helps in this area of safeguarding practice?

Tuesday 15 October 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm (online) Free to attend

Presentations include:

Learning from the 2nd National Safeguarding Adult Review Analysis –Professor Michael Preston-Shoot,  National SAB Chairs Network Lead, Independent Chair

Sharing insights from people who use these services – Sarah Carr and Tina Coldham, Mental Health User Consultant

Learning from Whorlton Hall Safeguarding Adult Review and progress responses to the findings – Lesley Jeavons, Independent Chair - Durham SAB, Whorlton Hall Chair

The Importance/role of independent advocacy in the context of organisational abuse - Gail Petty, Advocacy Programme Lead, NDTi

Safeguarding concerns and enquiries: Section 42 Care Act responsibilities - Jane Lawson and Jane Hughes, Making Connections

Good preventative practices –  Emily Russell,  Housing 21

Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) role and approach – Hayley Moore, Deputy Director Safeguarding Closed Cultures CQC

The Expert Reference Group and resources list –  Dr Adi Cooper, Care & Health Improvement Adviser, PCH Safeguarding Lead

This is a virtual Zoom webinar. Please book your place here..


TWSP Threshold Guidance Training

Free training opportunities for education staff provided by the TWSP

TWSP Threshold Guidance Training

The TWSP Threshold Guidance training covers:

  • an increased awareness, confidence and skills in using the Partnership Threshold of Need as a tool to provide the right help at the right time.
  • Enhanced knowledge and information around support available to children, young people and families within Telford and Wrekin.
  • Increased confidence around information sharing to improve outcomes for children by providing the right support for families at the right time.

We still have places available for the workshops, it is very important that we have good representation from all partners at this session and strongly encourage attendance to ensure an equal spread of knowledge relating to the use of the threshold guidance which impacts on daily operational roles.

You can sign up to the workshops here.

Free training opportunities for education staff provided by the TWSP.

TWSP face-to-face training – either virtually or in-person – is available to all TWSP partner agencies.

If you have any problems using your Ollie account, please email

TWSP training is free for all professionals and practitioners but please ensure that when you complete your Ollie account form that you complete the billing details section. This is needed in the event of non-attendance or late cancellation, or where a course is chargeable. You will be notified if there is a charge for the course for non-attendance.

Find out about our Artsmark Award and recent band performance

Arts Mark

Telford and Wrekin Virtual School has become one of seven Virtual Schools in the UK to have been awarded an Artsmark Award and we are pleased to share that we have been awarded ‘GOLD’

Following the announcement of the award, the Virtual Schools Arts lead attended a celebration event which took place in Birmingham on the 25th of June 2024 and presented to an audience on their Artsmark journey.

Band Performance

This term the Telford & Wrekin Virtual School Band, who were formed last year, have continued to rehearse and perform, most recently at Southwater to mark World Suicide Prevention Day where they helped raise awareness of local and national support services.

For further information please contact

Early Years

Safety alert regarding "water beads"

Water beads have been linked to child fatalities overseas and to serious harm to children in the UK.

Please see below a link to a product safety alert for a product generically known as water beads, the common name for superabsorbent polymers (SAPs). When exposed to liquid, including water or gastric fluids, they can expand significantly greater than their original size. Water beads have been linked to child fatalities overseas and to serious harm to children in the UK.

The main harms occur when dehydrated beads are swallowed and then expand in the gastrointestinal tract, causing a blockage that requires surgical removal. Ingested water beads can be very difficult to detect and do not show up on x-ray, making clinical diagnosis challenging.  Harm can also occur when a bead is accidentally inhaled into the airways, which can lead to coughing and choking.

Advised Action

Consumers, Childcare and Education Settings:

  • Water beads should be kept away from young children, under 5 years of age. If you possess water beads, always store them out of sight and reach of children.
  • It is recommended that caregivers of young children, under 5 years of age, avoid having water beads in their household or classroom, even if intended for an older child or adult use. This is because young children have the highest propensity to put things in their mouths.
  • When using water beads with older children, ensure they are used under close adult supervision. Ensure water beads are not swallowed, that the area is thoroughly checked to ensure no water beads have rolled away, which later could be found by a child. Only allow children supervised access to a limited number of water beads at any one time.
  • Be aware of risks to older children and vulnerable adults, including people with special educational needs and disabilities which may make them more likely to mouth objects.
  • Be aware of signs that could indicate accidental ingestion, like vomiting and stomach pain. Remember, a child may only show symptoms, hours or even a day or more after swallowing a bead. If you suspect water beads have been swallowed, seek immediate medical attention. If you can, bring a sample of the product.
  • Be aware of signs that could indicate choking, such as difficulty breathing, speaking, crying or coughing or other signs of distress, such as pointing to their throat, grasping their neck or a face that turns pale and blue-tinted.


Every week during term time we publish a new update for the education community. It includes essential briefings and specialist information about education.

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