Education Noticeboard 11 July 2024

Welcome to the Education Noticeboard. A round-up of news, guidance and key updates for education settings.

Included in this Edition of the Noticeboard

Director update

An update from Simon Wellman

Hi all,

We are now fast approaching the end of term, and we have another packed Education Noticeboard for you.

We’re delighted to share the wonderful news that following an inspection of our Children’s Services by Ofsted in April, we have once again been assessed us as an ‘outstanding’ local authority.

Another Congratulations must go to Redhill Primary Academy which has recently been rated as outstanding by Ofsted. 

We have to also mention a big Congratulations to Newdale Primary School for their wonderful fundraising efforts in the Climb Against Cancer walk up The Wrekin. It is no easy feat to reach the top and takes a lot of determination so well done to all involved. 

The Amended sample letters for schools is now approved and ready for use - the links for the templates are detailed further down for your information. 

Other articles include HHAH summer activity camps, key pieces of DA training information, SAM portal access updates and the new CPD booklet for 24/25. 

Wishing you all a good rest of your week.


Simon Wellman

Director: Education & Skills


Outstanding’ Children’s Services in Telford and Wrekin

We’re delighted to share the wonderful news that following an inspection of our Children’s Services by Ofsted in April, we have once again been assessed us as an ‘outstanding’ local authority.

We are so proud to have retained this outstanding judgment; making us one of only a handful of councils to retain our outstanding rating. We are also the only ‘outstanding’ authority in the region.

Our children and young people are our highest priority, and this latest report states we put our young people at the heart of everything we do. In Telford and Wrekin, children have said that they ‘feel cared about and that the adults in their lives are genuinely proud of them and their achievements’.

A big thank you to everyone for everything you do to help make us an ‘outstanding’ authority. Whether you work in children’s services or in another part of the council you all play a crucial part in our children’s and young people’s future.

The report can be found here.

Children's Services - we are outstanding! - Telford & Wrekin Council

Newdale Primary School Climb against cancer

A huge congratulation to children and teachers from Newdale Primary School for their impressive fundraising efforts last week as they climbed against cancer.

Over 360 key stage 1 and 2 children along with parents and staff climbed to the top of The Wrekin to raise money for MacMillian Cancer.

The council’s catering team, and partner Idverde, supported the event and delivered school lunches to all of the children when they reached the top of The Wrekin!

Well done to everyone involved.

You can watch this video to see more.

Redhill Primary Academy awarded Outstanding by Ofsted

Congratulations to Redhill Primary Academy which has recently been rated as outstanding by Ofsted, with inspectors praising it for ‘having an exceptionally well thought out and carefully constructed curriculum’.

“Teachers deliver lessons that inspire and motivate pupils,” reads the report.

Ofsted June 2024 – A note from the Chair of governors:

I am delighted to share that Redhill had been judged as Outstanding in every category. The Ofsted framework is precise and exacting, and the judgements spanned six key areas all of which were graded as Outstanding and therefore the overall judgement is Outstanding. Governors met with the inspectors and to hear verbal feedback in which words such as exceptional, outstanding, phenomenal, inspiring were used throughout. Another theme was teamwork, coaching and the fact that at every layer the areas consistently permeated the concept of ‘a valued me’ which as you know is the mission.

It was amazing to hear the way that the children could convey their learning and the fact that the school staff and parents were so behind the Head and the school. This outcome is testament to the hard work of the school staff and the partnership of parents. Best of all, it shines a light on the wonderful, articulate students and their love of learning and contribution to their school. We should be elated with the result! Redhill continues to deliver an exemplary standard of education for its children, and we should be rightly proud.

The inspection identified many elements of exceptional practice that are worthy of sharing on a local and national scale. This is testament to the Headteacher’s inspiring leadership and her skilled team and reflects the talents of the children at Redhill. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your continued support during the inspection and to those of you that responded to Ofsted’s parental survey. We are rightly very proud of the students and staff and grateful for the continued support of families.

June 2024 report.

The Quad

Academy Trust careers leaders describe The Quad as ‘exceptional’

Careers leaders from Marches Academy Trust schools have described The Quad, the exciting new academic campus and enterprise hub in the heart of Telford, as ‘exceptional’ during a fact-finding visit.

Due to open in September, The Quad is part of the £86.5m Station Quarter project which aims to create a vibrant new residential, educational and business community.

Expected to host more than 300 students a year, The Quad’s mission is to retain and develop local talent and be the catalyst for creating careers in applied sciences and the digital sector.

A collaboration between Telford & Wrekin Council, Harper Adams University, Telford College and other partners, The Quad will create an academic campus featuring a state-of-the art digital skills and business start-up incubation hub.

The school careers leaders visit was organised by Andrew Goff, Managing Director of Shrewsbury-based Interactive Opportunities, which specialises in creating interactions, opportunities and activations between education, business and talent.

Telford College will use The Quad to open a new digital and maths skills hub, targeted towards equipping local people for careers in sectors such as cybersecurity, AI and robotics, virtual and augmented reality, cloud computing, wireless technologies, 5G innovation, and much more.

Graham Guest, Telford College Principal and Chief Executive, said: “We see The Quad as a unique and ambitious alliance between industry and education, which will raise everyone’s aspirations."

Meanwhile, Harper Adams has announced exciting new short courses in robotics, data science, e-business marketing, organisational change, sustainability and project management will be delivered at The Quad this autumn. 

The courses will be the University’s initial offering at The Quad alongside a range of STEM-related activities to support local schools, colleges and communities. 

These will be the cornerstone of the University’s first courses, with a suite of innovative new technology degrees in Applied Data Science, Digital Business 

Management and Robotics, Automation and Mechatronic Engineering, co-created by industry partners to be launched for entry from September 2025.

The Station Quarter project is all part of a wider Investing in Telford and Wrekin programme which will transform other areas of the borough including Oakengates and Wellington.

A total of £135m is being invested into these projects – which includes £52m in government grants topped up with a further £83m from Telford & Wrekin Council and other public/private sector partners.

Councillor Shirley Reynolds (Lab), Telford & Wrekin Council’s Cabinet Member for Early Years, Children and Young People and Education, said: “The Quad will redefine education, business innovation and digital skills provision in the region.

“The academic campus in the heart of Telford will give people the skills they need for the digital world we live in and includes start-up and incubation space so that great ideas can be turned into successful businesses and employment opportunities.

“We are delighted that Marches careers leaders have been given an early glimpse into The Quad before it opens, so they can promote the exciting opportunities this facility will bring to students across the region who will benefit from it.

“The Quad will open up huge education, training and business opportunities which are all part of our vision to create an innovative and energetic borough.”

Graham Wynn, Chair of Telford Towns Fund Board, said: “The Quad is a transformative approach to education and skills training for our future and existing workforce.

“This is an excellent example of true partnership working that will help deliver continued economic prosperity for Telford.”

Liam Frances, Marches Academy Trust Strategic Lead for Careers Education and computer science and ICT teacher, said: “The Quad will be an exceptional facility for students to further their education.

“The facilities that it will offer will be outstanding and something that is perhaps not offered elsewhere currently.

“We look forward to hopefully having some of the students within our trust progressing their education further at The Quad in the future.”

Andrew Goff added: “The important and meaningful courses available at The Quad, which will be offered by Telford College and Harper Adams University, offer so much opportunity for Shropshire students to develop the skills needed by local employers.

“The careers leads from the Marches Trust learnt a lot about the local opportunities for their students and were amazed at the wonderful businesses that we have here in Shropshire.”

Find out more about The Quad here:


The new 2024-25 CPD booklet is now available on the Telford Education Services website.

In the usual way, all CPD courses and conferences can be booked by completing and returning a CPD booking form to (unless denoted differently)

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for participating in our courses during this academic year and wish you a relaxing and enjoyable summer break when you get there. 

We very much look forward to welcoming you to our courses and events again the in new academic year.


Amended sample letters for schools (from September 2024)  in line with National Framework for Penalty Notices and the next stage of the DfE Attendance Drive.

The LA have completed consulting on the local Code of Conduct with headteachers and governing bodies and the police, in line with the new National Framework for Penalty Notices. Thank you to those who responded.

The LA will continue with the delegated duties of issuing the new ‘Notice to Improve’ and all school attendance related Penalty Notices.

The LA have redesigned all the letters relating to leave in term time inline with the new legislation. They are attached here. Also, attached is some text with information for parents that AST request you add to your school website.

As a reminder:

Penalty Notice fines for unauthorised absences will be brought under a National Framework to help tackle inconsistencies in their use. A PN fine to parents must be considered if a child misses 10 sessions of unauthorised absence from school in a 10-week rolling period.

Alongside this, PN fines will go up to £160 (reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days for the first PN issued) and £160 if paid within 28 days.  

Any second Penalty Notice issued within 3 years to the same parent for the same child will be at a flat rate of £160.

If absences continue within a three-year period of the first Penalty Notice being issued, alternative enforcement will be imposed.

Penalty Notices may be issued if the criteria is met of 10 unauthorised sessions of absence within a 10 week period as set out in the National Framework.

The national framework introduces a ‘Notice to Improve’ that can be issued before a Penalty Notice, where appropriate if support can change behaviour of unauthorised absence.

Following a consultation with Headteachers, Governing Bodies and the Police, the Local Authority will continue to issue any school attendance related Penalty Notice following referrals from schools.

Telford & Wrekin new Code of Conduct (from 19.08.2024) includes:

  • Penalty Notices
  • Exclusion Penalty Notices

The changes in the National Framework incorporates all unauthorised absence (including leave in term time). In one type of Penalty Notice, and it will become a standardised statutory framework.  

The payment of Penalty Notices is to the Local Authority.

AST will now circulate all relevant information to schools in a timely manner so that parents can be informed about the changes from the beginning of the new school year – September 2024. Please make this information available to parents.

The DfE will also be holding training webinars relating to all the changes but these have been deferred due to the imminent general election.  AST will also include information relating to the changes in the Attendance Briefing on 3rd July 2024.

Working together to improve school attendance

New regulations for schools in next stage of attendance drive

Major national drive to improve school attendance

Contact email address -

Click here for information to add to schools website

Click here for leave in term time

Academy Conversion Grant and LA Charge

Information on changes to the Academy Conversion Grant and increases to the LA Conversion Charge

Schools seeking to become an academy can currently claim a £25,000 grant from the DfE to support the costs related to conversion. From 1 September 2024, the terms of the grant are changing. It will be paid only to schools approved to convert as part of a group of 3 or more schools joining the same trust. Special and alternative provision schools (PRUs) will continue to be eligible to receive the grant as part of a single-school conversion process.

DfE guidance specific to the academy conversion support grant is available at:

Wider guidance in relation to academy conversion can be found here:

From 1 August 2024, the Local Authority is increasing its standard conversion charge to £8,500. This is to cover our legal, HR, IT, finance, and property costs in relation to a school converting to an academy. Where the DfE code for a school changes upon conversion there is an additional £1,900 charge. Further fees may be charged at cost depending on the complexity of the conversion.

Early Careers Framework

STEP Early Career Framework and Appropriate Body news

Autumn term 2024-25 starters registration information

The DfE portal is now open!

Please follow the below process to successfully register your ECTs and Mentors for the Autumn Term start.  Please note, if your ECT(s) are already registered with STEP and are staying at the same school in Autumn 2024, their induction will continue and you will not need to re-register any details.

Registration for ECTs starting induction in Autumn 2024-25:

Step 1 – register ECTs and their Mentors via DfE portal at: DfE Online Service - (Best Practice Network then collect additional details directly from the ECTs and ECMs to enable allocation to their local training group).  Please select ‘Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership (The Priory School)’ as the Appropriate Body and Delivery Partner.  Best Practice Network would be the Lead Provider if you are going with them.

Step 2 – register your ECT’s induction with STEP on ECT Manager portal:

  • If you are already registered on ECT Manager, please sign in and go to:


However, if you have never registered with STEP on ECT Manager, please follow the below instructions:

Register an ECT | ECT Manager Help Center 

Step 3 – if this is your first ECT and you are using Best practice Network as your Lead Provider, please register with them via: Best Practice Network - School Registration Form (

Business Systems 

School Access Module (SAM) Portal Access

Important information for all schools regarding the SAM Portal – the new way to submit information to Education & Skills colleagues within the local authority

As you may be aware, we are currently in the process of implementing a new Case Management System for all teams within Education & Skills called Synergy. All teams, apart from SEND, will be going live in August, ready for the new school year starting in September.

Using Synergy will ensure that our teams are able to work collaboratively, maintaining the chronology of their work with children and young people all in one system, rather than the current processes which involve work being stored in multiple databases.

Some of you will already be familiar with the SAM Portal as it is already used to submit FAP and Student Engagement Referrals, and review school admissions. However, from September the need to have access to the SAM Portal will become essential.

From September, the following forms will need to be submitted via the SAM Portal:

  • AST Referrals
  • Child Not Receiving Education Referrals
  • Educational Psychology Service Consent
  • Fair Access Panel Referrals
  • LSAT Consent and Background Information
  • Modified Timetable Notifications
  • Permanent Exclusion Notification
  • Pre-Suspension Hotline Request for Service
  • Significant Incident / Restraint / Restriction Record
  • Student Engagement Programme Referral
  • Suspensions Notifications

To request access to the SAM Portal, please complete the attached form and send to the relevant recipient (details on form).

Please DO NOT try to create your own account as these need to be set up for you. 

Click here for SAM portal new user form

School Admissions

In Year Transfer Applications – Processing during Summer Break.

The School Admissions team will continue to process in year applications during the summer holidays.  To do this we ask for schools’ support in ensuring that your SAM portal reflects accurate numbers on roll in each year group.

Please ensure that numbers on roll are updated before the end of term and all new starters have an on-roll date recorded.

If any support is required with this please refer to the SAM Portal Guide (below) or your Admissions Caseworker who will be happy to assist.

Thank you for your support.

HHAH Summer Activity Camps 2024

From football with an England Lioness, to Nerf Wars, to animal encounters, to Multi-Sports to Beach Trips and bowling. There is something for everyone in Telford this summer.

We have a range of activities over the summer, including full day provisions for ages 4-16.

To register your child’s place this summer go to

Eligibility Criteria:

Reception – Year 11 benefit related FSM Children

SEND Children

Referral in by schools/services for vulnerable/at risk students or families identified that may benefit from the scheme.

If there is a child/children that you feel would benefit from this scheme who doesn’t qualify for FSM but can be included as part of the 15% allocated funding (see attached for criteria) for our vulnerable and deprivation areas, please provide us with their details to the

Achievement & Enrichment

Telford Urban Games – Free Sports Activities

Looking for something different to do this Summer Holiday?

Urban Games is Telford & Wrekin Council’s free programme of sports for kids, aged eight to 16, and wildlife activities for little ones, all taking place in a supervised space. It’s a great chance for children to have fun and learn new skills.

There really is something for everyone and with the Paris Olympics taking place this summer, children can get in on the action by having a go at archery, fencing, football, wrestling and table tennis.

All activities are run by qualified professionals at locations across the borough. There is no need to book a place.

Sessions are free to attend funded by the council’s Safer & Stronger Communities programme with support from the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.

AFC Telford United – Football -

Shropshire cricket -

Telford bike hub -

Telford Netball -


Hockey -

Multisports -

Family Table Tennis -

Spotfest Pro Wrestling -

Wild Telford with Shropshire Wildlife Trust -

Click here for flyer

Other Information and Resources

Domestic Abuse - Lived Experience Advisory Forum (LEAF)

In line with the Telford and Wrekin Domestic Abuse Strategy, there will be a prioritisation in the development of a Lived Experience Advisory Forum (LEAF). Further opportunity for additional low-cost training in respect of DA.

Following the end of funding for the Haven to provide a programme of domestic abuse awareness and specialist training courses, Telford and Wrekin have taken the opportunity to re-vision and re-prioritise, in line with the Telford and Wrekin Domestic Abuse Strategy. Hence forth we will be prioritising the development of a Lived Experience Advisory Forum (LEAF), this will allow domestic abuse survivors to contribute to service planning, development and evaluation.

Building on existing grant arrangements with A Better Tomorrow, an existing domestic abuse safe accommodation provider, with a long-established track record of peer led support, to work with Voices CIC, and all other partners, to develop the Lived Experience Advisory Forum. This work will incorporate the existing work to expand and support the local domestic abuse ambassadors/champions network, including an associated training element. Further information will be provided in September when this work commences.

In addition to this, West Mercia Women’s Aid have identified two low cost training opportunities which can be booked directly with the course providers by settings. The training and links to book a place are shown below:

  • Housing Rights and Options for Victim/Survivors with NRPF – Wednesday 17th July 2024

Housing Rights and Options for Victim/Survivors with NRPF Tickets, Wed 17 Jul 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

  • Building Confidence to Challenge Honour Based Abuse – Wednesday 18th September 2024

Building Confidence to Challenge Honour Based Abuse Tickets, Wed 18 Sep 2024 at 13:00 | Eventbrite

Feedback needed from young carers

If you know of any young carers, we want to hear from them! We’re running a consultation on the draft All Age Carers Strategy and need the feedback of our youngest carers to make sure they get the support they need.

Telford & Wrekin Council have launched the All Age Carers Strategy consultation, asking carers of all ages to share their feedback on the draft five year plan for services and support across the borough.

To take part in the consultation, local carers of any age can visit the council’s website or request a paper copy or alternative accessible formats of the survey by emailing or calling 01952 380536 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm).

The consultation period will run for nine weeks, finishing on Friday 19th July 2024 at 5pm.

The consultation process will invite carers of all ages to share their experiences, insights, and recommendations so that local services can cater to their needs. By working with carers to develop the All Age Carers Strategy, the council and its partners - Telford and Wrekin CVS, Telford & Wrekin All Age Carers Centre, NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, and Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System – aim to foster a collaborative approach that reflects the diverse perspectives and priorities of the local carer community.

Cllr Paul Watling, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health Systems, said: “1 in 10 of the borough’s population - roughly 18,000 people - reported that they were providing unpaid care in 2021, a higher proportion than the national and regional averages.

“Carers play a crucial role in the social care system by providing essential support to their loved ones. It's essential that we continue to collaborate with partners and local organisations to ensure effective support for carers.

“With this in mind, we need a strategy that identifies areas important to carers, ensuring resources are used where carers of all ages need them the most. This consultation will give carers the opportunity to tell us how we can help make a positive difference to their lives.”

Cllr Shirley Reynolds, Cabinet Member for Early Years, Children and Young People, commented: “We recognise that carers in Telford and Wrekin can be of any age - both children and adults.

“Throughout the consultation, we will work with carers to influence, shape and design the support that they need, ensuring support is accessible, affordable, varied and reaching communities where it is most needed.

“No matter your age, your feedback is important and appreciated to help us create the right path forward for carers across the borough.”

Cllr Kelly Middleton, Cabinet Member for Healthy, Safer & Stronger Communities and Partnerships, said: “Prevention and early intervention are key factors to help avoid the need for care and support.

"This involves offering information and guidance, assisting with mental health and well-being, advocating for healthy and active lifestyles, and alleviating loneliness and isolation.

“By using your feedback, we can make sure that the All Age Carers Strategy sets out a positive action plan that has carers’ wellbeing right at the heart of everything we do.”

To find out more about the All Age Carers Strategy Consultation, please visit

Click here for flyer


Curiosity, Innovation and Discovery Childminder Conference

Join Thrive Together Stronger Practice Hub for an inspiring evening of exploration and learning at the "Curiosity, Innovation and Discovery - Play and Learning for Today and Tomorrow" conference, exclusively tailored for childminders!

Join us for an inspiring evening of exploration and learning at the "Curiosity, Innovation and Discovery - Play and Learning for Today and Tomorrow" conference, exclusively tailored for childminders!


📅 Date: 24th October 2024

🕡 Time: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

📍 Location: Bescot Stadium, Walsall


This exceptional event is fully funded by Thrive Together SPH, ensuring access for all passionate childminders seeking to enhance their practice.

To register your attendance, please click here


Outdoor Learning Workshop and Online Network by James Kitney

Outdoor Learning Workshop - Ryders Hayes - Thursday 1st August 11.30-12.30pm

Please note: Practitioners can bring along their children to this event (age ranges 2-4 years old)

The session will encompass several Forest School (FS) songs, including the 'Welcome to FS' song, alongside warm-up activities and games exercises designed to transition into an adult-led activity. The primary objective of this activity is to explore the natural environment surrounding us, specifically focusing on its elements, safety considerations, and potential discoveries. Each participant will receive a small cup and will be encouraged to collect diverse and intriguing items from the environment. Towards the conclusion of the session, ample time will be allocated for participants to share their findings and engage in reflective discourse.

Register your attendance here

Curiosity, Innovation and Discovery Conference 25/10/24

From Thrive Together Stronger Practice Hub West MidlandsJoin us for an immersive exploration into the realms of curiosity, innovation, and discovery at the "Curiosity, Innovation and Discovery - Play and Learning for Today & Tomorrow" conference. Set to unfold on October 25, 2024, from 8:15 am to 3:15 pm, this transformative event is designed for Early Years (EY) providers and practitioners, leaders, managers, and educators in schools and settings.


📅 Date: 25th October 2024

🕡 Time: 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM📍 Location: Bescot Stadium, Walsall

To register your attendance, please click here



Energize celebrates School Games 2023-24

We are thrilled to announce the release of our new School Games highlights video, showcasing an incredible year of sports and activities for primary and secondary school pupils across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin.

The 2023-24 School Games were a resounding success, with over 1,500 pupils from 100 schools participating in a variety of sports and activities, being inspired and engaged and demonstrating teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship. 

Watch the highlights here.

From competitions to heart-warming moments of teamwork, the video captures the spirit and excitement of the events held throughout the year. It’s a testament to the hard work and dedication of the pupils, teachers, and organisers who made it all possible.

Key highlights:

  • Over 1,500 participants: Pupils from 100 schools across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin took part in the School Games.
  • Inclusive activities: Events were designed to be inclusive, encouraging participation from all pupils regardless of their abilities.
  • Community engagement: The games fostered a sense of community and camaraderie among pupils, teachers, young leaders and coaches.

Thank you to everyone involved in making the 2023-24 School Games a memorable and impactful experience, including our sponsor Shropshire Homes. 

Keep checking our webpages for updates about our primary school games and secondary school games happening from September 2024.

Push Payment - Fraud Alert

We have received a report of a ‘Push Payment’ Fraud, where fraudsters (often impersonating individuals in a position of vulnerability or authority) convince victims to send money. On this occasion a school received an email from a fraudster impersonating a widow, seeking to donate her deceased husband’s piano. The school accepted the donation and agreed to pay the delivery fee. A further email was received from the purported delivery company attaching an invoice for advance payment. The fraudster used a delivery service name, Pickfords, as it is a legitimate, well-known and recognised removal and storage company. The email address of the legitimate company was different from that used (the legitimate email ends

The school did not make payment and we advise all to exercise caution if a donation is offered, particularly if it includes a request for advanced payment of delivery charges.

Click here for information


Every week during term time we publish a new update for the education community. It includes essential briefings and specialist information about education.

Recent posts

