SEND Newsletter July 2024
SEND Newsletter July 2024
Welcome from the SEND & Alternative Provision, Interim, Service Delivery Manager
Hello, and welcome to our SEND newsletter.
I hope your summer term is progressing well and that you are looking forward to a well-deserved rest when the summer holidays finally arrive.
I have enjoyed a busy and eventful term in the interim position as Service Delivery Manager for SEND. I have particularly valued the opportunity to visit schools and groups of teachers and headteachers, thank you for the valuable conversations to help shape our vision for SEND moving forward.
I have been heartened by some amazing examples of support in mainstream schools for our young people. In particular, we heard of some great work in schools at the SENCo Network Meeting and how making modifications to meet the needs of individual children has led to changes in whole school practice to benefit all children.
We have also opened the dialogue about how we can work together to redistribute resources and support to build on this great work in place across schools. In this newsletter we have highlighted some of the changes to the Inclusive Schools Forum which provides one of the mechanisms to redirect resources into schools. I would also like to remind you of the deadline of 12th July for any requests for Fair Share Funding.
There is always so much information that we need to share with you; some of this month's highlights include:
Sharing a proud moment of celebration with you, marking an outstanding first year for Jordan Lee-Haldron at Telford College, the deserving winner of the High Sheriff of Shropshire award for Outstanding Young Citizen. Congratulations Jordan, thank you for being a fantastic role model.
Save the dates. For next terms Inclusive School Forum, SENCo network meetings for next academic year. Transport updates and there are many CPD and training courses available for you.
It is wonderful to hear that Cycling Is about to Become More Inclusive in Telford and Wrekin and we have new Youth Clubs open for our young people to enjoy in Randlay.
At the last SENCo Network Meeting we asked you for feedback from our questionnaire on the SEND Newsletter and Network meetings. Thank you to those of you who completed this, there is still an opportunity to complete it up to the end of the 12th July 2024, please use the QR code on the Network meeting slides, below. There were some exiting ideas suggested that we will take on board.
Andy Cooke
Interim Service Delivery Manager
SEND & Alternative Provision
Outstanding Achiever Celebrations
Jordan Lee-Haldron at Telford College
Jordan, who is profoundly deaf, is studying on the Prince’s Trust programme. He has now completed his first year of college and is described as a fantastic role model. Jordan has made huge strides in his confidence, joining clubs, and becoming an independent learner. Everyone is proud of his approach and attitude to learning. He hasn’t allowed his profound deafness to prevent him from embracing all aspects of college life and was the deserving winner of the High Sheriff of Shropshire award for Outstanding Young Citizen.
Outside of college Jordan has become an important and popular member of the local community, volunteering as ‘Mawley the Lawley Mole’, a community mascot who attends local events in support of local projects. He has attended community safety events, festive celebrations and other local festivals. He also teaches line dancing with his family at the Lawley Village Line Dance Club, encouraging people from his local area to meet new people, learn a new skill and have lots of fun.
Jordan is going on to study for a Level 2 Art and Design Diploma in September, and we wish him the very best of luck with his studies.
- Inclusive School Forum
- SENCO Network meetings and workshops
- Sensory Inclusion Service
- School & Post 16 Travel Assistance
- SEND and AP Change Programme
- SEND CPD Opportunities
- Health updates
- Cycling Is about to Become More Inclusive in Telford and Wrekin.
- PODS Parent Carer Forum
- Youth Clubs at Randlay Community Centre
Inclusive School Forum
2024-25 paperwork and further information on ISF is on Telford and Wrekin Local Offer page link below.
Next Academic Year
New for 2024-25 from September there will be a new Secondary ISF panel, led by Secondary SENCOs. This will be opportunity to for secondary schools to come for guidance, resources and request outreach support from Southall school.
The Inclusive School Forum is a school led forum within Telford and Wrekin that provides support and challenge to mainstream schools regarding the provision and practice they deliver for children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). It aims to provide an opportunity to network and deliver peer to peer guidance. The focus is, through sharing best practice, to develop an inclusive education system within Telford and Wrekin whereby children with increasingly complex needs achieve and succeed within mainstream schools.
A key function of the forum will be to support a school’s delivery of its graduated approach, through assess, plan, do and review cycles. To enable schools to intervene early and with pace, the forum has an allocation of high need top up funding (to be known as Additional Inclusion Funding or AIF) from the Local Authority which can be accessed where criteria is met and documentation required has been completed. An Education Health and Care Plan will not be required to access AIF funding.
The Inclusive School Forum has been developed in response to the views of Telford and Wrekin Schools.
Forum will meet on the first Tuesday of every month during term time. Where this is not possible, due to a school holiday for example, forum will meet on the first Tuesday of the new term/half term.
The dates for next term are:
Date of Secondary forum |
Time |
Venue |
Papers due in |
Thursday 17th October 2025 |
9am - 1pm |
Charlton School |
Thursday 3rd October 2025 |
Thursday 12th December 2025 |
9am - 1pm |
Telford Langley |
Thursday 28th November 2025 |
Date of Primary forum |
Time |
Venue |
Papers due in |
10 September 2024 |
9am - 1pm |
MS Teams |
03 September 2024 |
01 October 2024 |
9am - 1pm |
MS Teams |
24 September 2024 |
05 November 2024 |
9am - 1pm |
MS Teams |
29 October 2024 |
03 December 2024 |
9am - 1pm |
MS Teams |
26 November 2024 |
2024-25 paperwork and further information on ISF is on Telford and Wrekin Local Offer page
SENCO Network meetings and workshops.
SENCo Network Meetings
Save the dates...
SENCo Network Meetings are an opportunity to find out the latest information from SEND 0-25, to network and to provide and receive support from other professionals.
They are an opportunity for SENCo’s, senior and middle leaders from primary, secondary and specialist maintained schools to share collaborative working, best practice, policy changes and good news stories of how we all can make a difference to Children & Young People living in Telford & Wrekin..
Save the dates:
SENCo Network Meeting
26 September 2024
Time TBC
4pm – 5.30pm
Annual Review Workshop
10 October 2024
4pm - 5.30pm
Microsoft Teams
SENCo Network Meeting
16 January 2025
Time TBC
4pm – 5.30pm
Workshop – Graduated Response workshop
6 March 2025
4pm – 5.30pm Microsoft Teams
SENCo Summer Conference
26 June 2025
Further information to follow
Mercure Hotel Telford
Invitations will be sent to all SENCo’s a week before the SENCo Network Meetings or Workshops.
If you are new to role working in a School, Early Years Setting or Post 16 Provider and would like to attend the SENCo Network Meetings please request an invitation by sending an email containing your name, position and school to
If you are a professional who would like to attend/present at the SENCo Network Meetings, please contact us by email, sending your name, position and service area to:
Sensory Inclusion Service transition request
As you know this is an important time for CYP who are transitioning either to primary, secondary, or further education. There may also be CYP moving settings who will also benefit from transition support.
It is important for settings to liaise with SIS to discuss transition. It may be that some CYP require a lot more input than others with regards to transition support. ToDs and QTVIs can advise around what would be most appropriate for CYP with a hearing loss, visual impairment or for those with a multi-sensory impairment.
School & Post 16 Travel Assistance
Telford & Wrekin Council looks to parents and carers to make arrangements for their (child)ren and young people to travel safely to their allocated school and/or post 16 provider, where possible.
If you are unable to transport your child or young person and you meet eligibility criteria listed on the council’s website, the council can provide travel assistance.
If you have applied for transport.
When will travel arrangements be in place?
The council aims put travel arrangements in place by the start of the new term, however, they can only start making arrangements after all applications are received on 30 June. Please submit your application as soon as possible. You will receive notification of travel arrangements before the start of the new term.
If my child/young person already have travel assistance do I need to re-apply?
You only need to re-apply in the following circumstances:
If you have moved house since you initially applied or your child is moving school, as your eligibility could have changed.
Parents/carers for children over the age of 16 must re-apply for assisted travel every academic year. If you received travel assistance for your young person in a post 16 setting this year you will be notified this by email.
If you have created an account and submitted your application, you will receive regular notifications on your application progress, you can log on at any point to see the progress. If you need support, please call 01952 384545 (Monday to Friday, 7.15am-5pm)
SEND and AP Change Programme
July update
Get involved in testing the reforms. Further infomration is available on the Local Offer SEND and AP Change programme page: SEND and AP Change Programme - SEND - Local offer (
Learning Lunches
We are launching some virtual ‘Learning Lunches’ to keep Schools, Post-16 providers and Early Years settings up to date with progress on each of the reforms being tested as part of the SEND and AP Change Programme. Each session will focus on a different theme/reform which will be advertised on this page prior to the event. The sessions will be fortnightly this term and will move to monthly from September. So grab your lunch and join us for key updates around the reforms.
Date |
Time and Venue |
Theme |
Tuesday 24th September 2024 |
12.30 – 1.00pm, MS Teams |
Early Language Support for Every Child (ELSEC) |
To book your place at these learning lunch sessions, simply send an email to, stating your name, school/setting name, email address and the date of the session you wish to attend. As these sessions are free of charge there is no need to send a completed CPD booking form on this occasion. sympathy
The link on the local offer for updates is here: SENCo Space
SEND CPD Opportunities
New mandatory qualification for SENCOs
Following on from the new National Professional Qualification for
SEN Co-Ordinators as the mandatory SENDCO qualification, take a look at this communications toolkit which contains more information to help you!
Speech and Language Therapy – Colourful Semantics training
The above training session is now available as a video presentation on our YouTube channel.
To view the video, please click on this link:
If the child or young person is not making the expected progress and requires further support with their communication after you have accessed this training and implemented the advice, please contact the Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Advice Line on 01743 450800, option 4.
We would be grateful if you would complete the feedback form via the QR code at the end of the video/presentation, to give us feedback. Alternatively, please click on this link:
Please visit the Speech and language therapy webpage for further information and support: or if you need some specific advice about your child’s communication, please get in touch with us via our Advice Line: 01743 450 800, Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00.
Moving and Handling Trainers course
The Bridge School have now set dates for the next Moving and Handling Trainers course, to take place this term. The dates are 3rd, 10th and 17th July. The timing for each day is 9.30am – 3.30pm, the training will be face to face and delegates have to attend all three days to gain their certificate. The cost per delegate is £350.
“The 3 day train-the-trainer course is designed to enable delegates to deliver effective manual handling training in the schools and colleges where they work. We will review relevant legislation and professional guidance and carry out practical manual handling work, with and without equipment. Delegates will be provided with pre-written course materials to use in their own training. Delegates should be fit to carry out manual handling practical work and wear suitable clothing and closed-toe, flat shoes”
Further details and how to book, are on our website, Our Courses – Severn Training and Schools Alliance ( or by dropping an email to.
Manual Handling Trainers Course Guide |
Day 1
Welcome to the M/H Trainers Course
Introductions / course objectives / trainers role
Spinal awareness / back care
Principles of safe handling
Good base movement
Pushing & pulling
The law & related legislation
Risk & Hazard
Risk assessment & documentation
Normal movement
Day 2
Object handling techniques
People / child handling guidance
Mobility assessment
Practical people / child handling
- Lifting / handling small children
- Standing / support when walking
- Chair – chair transfers
- Small handling equipment
- Bed manoeuvres / slide sheets
- Hoisting
- Prepare practical teaching session
Day 3
Review of days 1 & 2
Emergency procedures & unexpected events
Manual handling policy
Theory training session
Practise practical techniques
Practical problem solving
Practical teaching sessions
Question paper
- To know your role and responsibilities as a Trainer, within the work place.
- To understand the principles of manual handling and the governing legislation in relation to the workplace.
- To understand the causative factors of work-related injuries and especially low back pain and the potential problems associated with injuries at work.
- To understand the importance of back care and to promote it into the workplace.
- To be able to identify risks and hazards in the working environment and have the ability to work through the risk assessment procedure to a satisfactory conclusion.
- To understand the principles of moving and handling, demonstrating a high degree of competence in object handling and moving & handling people.
- To understand the importance of mobility assessment and the importance of the correct selection of handling techniques in order to meet individual needs.
- To be able to identify the correct applications for a variety of equipment involved in handling, including a safe working knowledge of hoisting techniques and sling use.
- To demonstrate good organisational and team skills in a practical handling setting.
- To be able to lead teaching sessions, instructing and correcting others, in a variety of situations.
- To demonstrate a good general understanding of the outline of the content of the course.
Manual Handling Trainers are elected by managers and are trained to competently undertake manual handling training, risk assessments and advise on good practice and equipment.
In addition, and in line with the Trust’s Safer Manual Handling Policy, trainers are responsible for:-
- Cascading training within their work areas;
- Maintaining complete records of attendance at manual handling training sessions;
- Promoting safe manual handling practices within the department/ward;
- Supporting managers in the identification & assessment of manual handling risks;
- Liaising with staff, managers and the Manual Handling Service regarding problem areas;
- Attending annual refresher training;
Early Years Training
Exciting new news about up-and-coming training from Nasen for all Early Years settings, from the Early Years Team.
The training is called ‘Golden Key’ and it is to support the key person and practitioners in understanding, developing skills and confidence when working with children who have SEND within the Early Years.
The training is presented by Nasen using ‘Zoom’ in September 2024, see the flyer for all details. 5th pinned
There are only 150 places! Don’t miss out on this training, sign up is easy, scan the QR code on the flyer to book on.
The LSAT Team will be running a variety of courses in the autumn term.
Literacy Pathway (Angela Denton)
This training will be delivered just once this year and will be made up of 4 sessions. It will be delivered face to face and will be free for all schools who have not yet attended.
Audience: SENCOs, SLT, English/Literacy/Phonics leads, TAs who will be delivering the intervention, any teachers who will be overseeing the intervention
Training Session 1 (1.5 hours)
- Go through the rationale for the pathway and links to the new Reading Framework, Phonics, Ofsted/national guidance
- Introduce the pathway and the associated documentation
- Explain how to identify children to be placed on the pathway and how to record this.
GAP TASK 1: Utilise school data to identify children for the pathway and record at the appropriate tier. Give information leaflet to all parents/carers of children on the pathway
Training Session 2 (3 hours)
- Recap session 1.
- Discuss how to identify children for the Targeted Reading Intervention Programme (TRIP).
- Go through how to baseline/screen for the TRIP.
- Look at the base-lining resources and take some time to practise carrying it out.
GAP TASK 2: Baseline/screen selected children for the TRIP and record data.
Training Session 3 (3 hours)
- Analyse baseline data and select children for the first TRIP group(s).
- Go through how to target set and set targets for some children (could be examples or their own from their data).
- Demonstrate how to implement the intervention.
- Time to practise the intervention on each other.
- Go through monitoring of the intervention – what LSATs and EPs will be looking for when judging quality of delivery.
GAP TASK 3: Set up TRIP groups, set targets and start intervention (utilise school LSAT/EP for questions and monitoring of quality of TRIP delivery; SC to be available for schools who have no SLA with the LSAT/EP teams).
Training Session 4 (3 hours)
- Review progress made.
- Recap what high quality delivery of the TRIP looks like.
- Look at individual cases where children are making slow/poor progress – are you happy TRIP delivery has been high quality and has your LSAT/EP quality assured and signed off on this?
- Next steps – adapting the TRIP and use of precision teaching.
- Moving to the end of the pathway – Literacy Pathway panel and a diagnosis of dyslexia.
- Children who have made good progress – what next?
Session 1: Monday 7th October – 9am – 11am
Session 2: Monday 11th November – 9am – 12 noon.
Session 3: Monday 2nd December – 9am – 12 noon
Session 4: Tuesday 25th March – 9am – 12 noon
Literacy Pathway training for TAs only.
This training is a condensed version of the Literacy Pathway training focusing upon the baseline assessment process and the delivery of the TRIP.
It will be delivered face to face.
Audience: TAs from schools where other staff have already attended the full Literacy Pathway training.
Session 1 (3 hours)
- Discuss how to identify children for the Targeted Reading Intervention Programme (TRIP).
- Go through how to baseline/screen for the TRIP.
- Look at the base-lining resources and take some time to practise carrying it out.
GAP TASK 1: Baseline/screen selected children for the TRIP and record data.
Session 2 (3 hours):
- Analyse baseline data and select children for the first TRIP group(s).
- Go through how to target set and set targets for some children (could be examples or their own from their data).
- Demonstrate how to implement the intervention.
- Time to practise the intervention on each other.
- Go through monitoring of the intervention – what LSATs and EPs will be looking for when judging quality of delivery.
TuEsday 17th September – 9am – 12 noon.
Tuesday 15th October – 9am – 12 noon
Cost: £127 per session.
Talk Boost KS2
Audience: SENCos, class teachers, TAs.
Talk Boost KS2 is a targeted programme aimed at children 7-10 years old who need help with talking and understanding words, aiming to boost their language skills. The programme aims to accelerate children’s progress in language and communication after 8 weeks.
The intervention includes activities that follow the areas of language and communication: listen carefully, learning new words, telling stories, working with others and making friends and having conversations.
A resource pack has already been supplied to each school.
Date: Tuesday 8th October – 9am to 3.30pm – delivered on Teams.
Cost: tbc
Audience: early careers teachers.
This is a two part course which covers all areas of SEND including topics such as quality first teaching for SEND pupils and how best to utilise outside agency reports.
It will be delivered face to face.
Dates: Thursday 3rd October – 9am to 12 noon
Thursday 13th February – 9am to 12 noon.
Cost: £127 per session
If you wish to book on to any of these courses, please contact to express your interest.
Sensory Inclusion Service – Hearing Impaired Service
Course: The Hearing Impaired Child in your Class (26th September – full day)
The SIS-Hearing Impaired Team will deliver their annual course at meeting point house in September. Staff from settings will be invited via the setting’s Teacher of the Deaf. Please note that Teachers of the Deaf will invite settings for CYP the course is appropriate for.
It is a fantastic opportunity for key staff to learn more about the HI child in your school. There will be a mix of talks and workshops, including practical hands-on activities during the day.
What will the course include?
Hearing and Hearing Aids The course will provide an overview of the causes and implications of a hearing loss and how this will affect the child or young person in your setting.
It will also give staff the opportunity to learn about hearing aids, cochlear implants and associated technology through talks and bespoke practical workshops.
Language Development and Curriculum Access The course will look at language development, how this is affected by hearing loss and ways to maximise the hearing impaired pupil’s inclusion into mainstream schools and early years settings.
Please speak with your school’s Teacher of the Deaf for more information and how to sign up for the course.
Multicultural Development Team
CPD 601 EAL and SEND?
Wednesday, 16th October 2024
1.15pm to 4.00pm
Target Audience
Headteachers, senior leaders, staff with responsibility for EAL and / or SEND and class teachers
Course Content
This course will be run by the Multicultural Development Team and the Learning Support Advisory Team and will focus on pupils learning EAL who may also have SEND.
The course will:
- consider the process of additional language acquisition and expected patterns of progression
- differentiate between barriers to learning as a result of EAL and those related to SEND
- explore the process of unpicking EAL factors from SEND through case study material
- discuss the impact of cultural norms and understandings of SEND when working with families
Key Outcomes
Delegates will gain knowledge and skills to pinpoint and differentiate between EAL and SEND factors in those pupils where both may impact on their learning.
T&W Schools & Academies |
£109 |
Non-Telford & Wrekin Schools & Academies |
£130.80 |
* 10% discount per delegate for two or more bookings on the same course from the same school. As this course is being delivered online the standard delegate fee has been reduced to reflect savings made on venue costs |
To book a place on this online course, please contact: ✉: ☎ Tel: 01952 382465 |
The Children's Occupational Therapy Team have enhanced their sensory information.
Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust have recently developed their universal support for sensory processing difficulties.
The children’s OT team have developed a video called 'Introduction to Sensory Processing'. This video may be helpful for parents/carers and professionals is offered at a Universal level.
When parents access the above page, they can watch the video and there is an offer of further support through a live webinar with the Children’s Occupational Therapy team.
Instructions are given on how to book onto a live webinar with should this be required. The live webinar is only open to Telford and Shropshire based families.
The Children’s Occupational Therapy telephone advice line remains open as before – however, it is advice that parents wishing to find out more about sensory processing access the sensory video in the first instance.
Email: for advice, however it is recommended that the video is a good starting point for support.
Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust have also recently developed an information video about what to expect at your child's Multi-Disciplinary Assessment (MDA) - this short video shares information about where to park, how to access the building and different rooms you might visit. What to expect at your child's Multi Disciplinary Assessment (MDA) - YouTube"
Update from BeeU regarding changes to referral forms for Autism and ADHD assessments
BeeU have recently amended their referral forms for Autism and ADHD assessments. If you are referring a child or young person please complete the new forms which are specific to those assessment pathways. A different referral form should be used to access the Mental Health Pathway. Referral forms can be found here. BeeU are hoping to attend a SENCO network meeting in the near future to talk through these changes.
Children's Occupational Therapy
Advice Line: 01743 450800
Cycling is about to become more inclusive in Telford and Wrekin.
This July the council are launching 13 brand-new adaptive bikes which will be available to hire from Telford Bike Hub in Telford Town Park– just in time for the summer holidays!
With the aim of making cycling more accessible for everyone in the borough the new range of bikes are for both young people and adults with a variety of learning and physical disabilities, as well as health issues.
The new fleet will be used for a variety of activities including helping more children complete the #10by10 programme.
More details about the new bike fleet including how to book bike hire will be shared in the coming weeks so please keep your eyes peeled.
In the meantime, residents are invited to come to the launch event (below) and have a look what’s on offer and talk to the Travel Telford about how these new bikes could be used.
When: Saturday 20 July - 11am until 4pm
Where: Telford Bike Hub (in Telford Town Park) next to the Visitor Centre
More details about this event:
Families can have a go one of our 13 new bikes – there will be variety of bikes on offer to support residents with additional needs who would otherwise not be able to cycle.
The bikes have both user and carer controls. The range includes a hand powered cycle, wheelchair loader, side by side, trikes and more.
You can speak to the Travel Telford team and get advice about what bike best suits you or your child’s needs.
Plus learn about our local bike routes in and around Telford Town Park or tell us more about what is needed to make routes more accessible and usable.
If you have any questions regarding our launch event or the new fleet, please email
PODS Parent Carer Forum
PODS Parent Carer Forum is the formally recognised, independent peer-led organisation, founded in 2008, representing and involving families of Children and Young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), aged 0-25years.
The forum is led by Jayne Stevens, our Strategic Co-ordinator, and founder of the Parent Carer Forum. She is supported by a team of volunteer Parent Reps.
Who are we and what do we do?
PODS, Parent Carer Forum, represent parents and carers from early years, primary, secondary, young adults up to the age of 25 who have a disability, or an additional need.
We gather the views, wishes, feelings and experiences of local parent carers – about the services they access, or would like to, or need to, highlighting opportunities and gaps. Also experiences around their needs and diagnosis, whether this be assessment, diagnosis journey, post diagnosis – we know the importance of sharing experiences and the need for support through the whole journey.
We support parent carers, to ensure they have a voice where it matters most. We aim to improve services that lead to better outcomes and life experiences for their children, young people and wider parent carers. We work in partnership with strategic and senior managers at our Local Authority, where parent carer voice can have the most influence overall, and at a more local and individual level with schools and services they access directly. For more information -
Get in Touch with Jayne directly at or 0777 534 2092
Youth Club
Randlay Community Centre
Barnardo's have set up some youth clubs at Randlay Community Centre on
Thursday/Friday’s 3.30-5.30PM