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Learn outdoors

Where the adventure begins

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Why use us?

Step outside of the classroom and bring learning to life

We're passionate about outdoors learning and the difference it can make to young people. Not only do our programmes enrich and enhance curriculum learning, but they also aid the holistic personal and social development of young people through positive engagement. Working closely with schools and colleagues in the academic industry we continue to develop our products and services and challenge the status quo. 

School trips with a difference

From a Day visit in or around Telford and Wrekin to a Five day residential at Arthog Wales and anything in between which is tailored to your group.

A trip tailored to your group

We can tailor your visit to you and your group, creating bespoke packages to meet the needs and requirements of the group means you'll really get the most of your visit.

We've got you covered

Planning and preparing shouldn't all be about paperwork! We take the hassle and stress out of organising your visit by providing you with all of the necessary risk assessments, kit lists and safety briefings.

A trip with us

We're experts

We have an amazing team of highly qualified and very experienced Teachers and Educators holding some of the nation’s highest activity qualifications. We stay current and updated on Child Development and changing needs.

Both Centres hold the Gold standard and AALA certification, with regular re-inspections these ensure we are following or exceeding the highest standards of quality provision and safety.

Aala logo Ahoec gold standard logo Learning outside the classroom and adventure mark logo Aaic logo