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Drainage Consultancy Service

Image of drains marked out on the road.
picture of drainage improvement works
Picture of a drainage system in a lake in Telford and Wrekin

Highways and engineering logo

At the council we have our own Drainage Team who have extensive knowledge in flooding having managed many flooding events across the Telford and Wrekin area over the years. The Drainage Team also offer consultancy services to be able to assist and advise on your site for flooding and drainage for developments.

Our services include:

  • Flood Risk Assessments (FRA)
  • drainage strategy
  • drainage investigation
  • outline drainage and levels design
  • detailed drainage and levels design
  • drainage and levels construction packages
  • SUDS civil engineering design and engagement with water quality amenity and biodiversity.

Get in touch

If you would like more information about our Drainage Consultancy Service please complete our online form for a free consultation.

Complete our online enquiry form to receive a free consultation

Image of a drainage map.
Picture of drawing plans for drainage works to Stirchley Pool
Picture of a foothpath with draining works in Telford and Wrekin.