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Supporting small business rate relief

In March 2017 the Government announced that relief would be made available to those ratepayers facing large increases as a result of the loss of their small business rate relief due to the 2017 revaluation.

Businesses affected will not be expected to pay an increase in their bill of more than £600 during 2017/18, and then a further increase of £600 per year for the following four years.

The following will not be eligible for relief:

  • unoccupied properties
  • properties occupied by charities
  • properties occupied by a community amateur sports club
  • properties already receiving S44a (part empty property) relief. 

How can I make a claim?

We have already contacted the businesses that meet the above qualifying criteria and we have automatically awarded the relief. This will be shown on your latest bill as "Supporting Small Business Relief".

If you qualify for this relief and we are yet to contact you please contact the Business Rates team, ensuring you provide your full contact details and details of the premises you wish to be considered for this relief.

Last updated: 04/08/2022 10:27

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