Ready for winter?
Find practical and financial support.

Need help on computers

Library staff are trained to help get you started and can assist with quick and basic problems. 

Further IT support 

There are a range of local organisations offering free IT support and training. For further information visit the Live Well Telford website

View more information about online digital support and resources.

All council run Telford & Wrekin Libraries are Online Centre Network registered. Visit the Online Centre Network website. These libraries include Southwater, Madeley, Wellington, Oakengates @ Telford Theatre and Newport. View information about our libraries.

At these libraries you can access:

  • public access computers
  • free Wifi

Our community libraries at Dawley, Stirchley, Hadley Learning Community and Donnington have free Wifi and public access computers. View information about our community libraries.

Visit the learn my way website to access free online courses for beginners wishing to develop their digital skills using computers, touch screen devices, getting online and the most commonly used computers packages including Microsoft Office.

Many courses require no registration but to track your progress and receive support you will need to create an account. Telford and Wrekin Libraries are part of the Online Centres Network and if you register using one of the codes below you can receive additional support from our team. Please choose the code for the nearest centre to your location.

The Learn My Way centre codes for Telford and Wrekin Libraries are as follows:

This table shows the Learn My Way centre codes.
Southwater Library 8007253
Wellington Library 7015
Newport Library 6744
Madeley Library 6697
Oakengates Library 6752

Last updated: 02/06/2023 12:53

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