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Care Act 2014

Care Act statutory guidance - refreshed edition published

On the 10 March 2016 the Department of Health published the refreshed edition of the care and support statutory guidance.

Visit the GOV.UK website to view the care and support statutory guidance

The Care Act is the biggest change to English adult social care law in over 60 years, which aims to make a difference to some of the most vulnerable people and their carers in Telford.

The Care Act came into effect from 1 April 2015 and the key areas of change are:

  • local authorities will have a general responsibility to promote people’s well-being, focusing on prevention and providing information and advice
  • the introduction of a consistent, national eligibility criteria
  • new rights to support for carers, so they have the same rights as the people for whom they care
  • legal right to a personal budget and direct payment
  • the extension of local authority adult social care responsibility to include prisons, and new responsibilities around transition, provider failure, supporting people who move between local authority areas and safeguarding.

Care and support is the help some adults need to live as well as possible with any illness or disability they may have. It can include help with things like:

  • washing
  • dressing
  • eating
  • getting out and about
  • keeping in touch with friends or family. 

The main changes to care and support were:

You could benefit from the changes if you:

  • receive care and support
  • support someone as a carer
  • are planning for future care and support.

For more information please view our Frequently Asked Questions:

Visit the GOV.UK website for a more detailed Care Act fact sheets. These provide an overview, and describe the duties and powers of councils to carry out the changes.

Other useful links:

Last updated: 23/05/2022 15:15

  1. Telford
  2. Engagement feedback
  3. Care and support: What's changing?