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Apply for a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle licence

An applicant for a vehicle licence must be the registered keeper of the vehicle concerned.

An individual person, partner, or company director wishing to licence a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle must complete a basic criminal record disclosure application (except where an applicant is a driver currently licensed by Telford & Wrekin Council and they want to submit their existing enhanced disclosure instead of a new basic disclosure, the Council will accept that). Visit the GOV.UK website to complete a basic criminal record disclosure application

Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence

Download the Council's policy for hackney carriage and private hire licensing.

The fee for a new application for a Hackney Carriage Licence including all plates is £175 for 12 months 

In order to comply with Council policy, if you are intending to purchase a hackney carriage vehicle, it should be purpose built with access for at least one wheelchair and be on the Telford & Wrekin Council's list of approved vehicles. Download the approved vehicles list. If the vehicle you wish to licence is not on the approved list, you can apply to the Licencing Service for it to be added to the list.

The vehicle should:

  • meet the safety standards of one of the following; M1 Category European Whole Vehicle Type Approval; British National Type approval; or in the case of converted vehicles British Single Vehicle Approval (before 29 April 2009); or Individual Vehicle Approval (from 29 April 2009) to M1 standards. Visit the GOV.UK websute for more information about vehicle approval
  • be under 12 years of age 
  • ensure that the vehicle glass has a minimum light transmittance of 75% for the front windscreen; 70% for the front windows; 34% for all other vehicle window glass.
  • must have minimum access for one wheelchair
  • be fitted with a meter and calibrated to the fares set by Telford & Wrekin Council - download the hackney carriage table of fares
  • be fitted with a standard first aid kit and a 1kg dry powder fire extinguisher, which conforms to BS B5423.

The vehicle will need to undergo the Council's compliance test, which includes an MOT test and compliance inspection, at Donnington Wood MOT and Training Centre. Please pay the fee of £84 (including of VAT) direct to the garage. Download the approved garage's appointment and cancellation policy.

The vehicle must be insured for Public Hire. In the case of an "Any Driver" policy, the insurance certificate must be accompanied by a schedule of drivers who have been declared to the Insurance Company.

Before purchasing the vehicle, if you have any queries, we would advise you to contact us for further advice.

A licence will normally be issued for 12 months but it will be issued for a lesser period if the vehicle is due to reach the Council's age limit for hackney carriages, in which case the licence will be issued up to the date it reaches 12 years of age.

Private Hire Vehicle

Download the Council's policy for hackney carriage and private hire licensing.

The fees for a new application including all plates/door signs are:

  • Private Hire Vehicle standard licence £189 for 12 months
  • Private Hire Vehicle executive licence £173 for 12 months.

In order to comply with Council policy, if you are intending to purchase a private hire vehicle it should one of the vehicles on the Telford & Wrekin Council's list of approved vehicles. Download the list of approved vehicles. If the vehicle you wish to licence is not on the approved list, you can apply to the Licencing Service for it to be added to the list. The vehicle should:

  • meet the safety standards of one of the following; M1 Category European Whole Vehicle Type Approval; British National Type approval; or in the case of converted vehicles British Single Vehicle Approval (before 29 April 2009); or Individual Vehicle Approval (from 29 April 2009) to M1 standards. Visit the GOV.UK website for more information about the vehicle approval.
  • be under 12 years of age.
  • be fitted with glass which has a minimum light transmittance of 75% for the front windscreen; 70% for the front windows; 34% for all other vehicle window glass.(Please note that for executive vehicles that the vehicle may have tinted windows but not so dark that you cannot see into the vehicle).
  • be fitted with a standard first aid kit and a 1kg dry powder fire extinguisher, which conforms to BS B5423.

The vehicle will need to undergo the Council's compliance test , which includes an MOT test and compliance inspection, at Donnington Wood MOT and Training Centre. Please pay the fee of £73.50 (including of VAT) direct to the garage. Download the approved garage's appointment and cancellation policy.

The vehicle must be insured for Private Hire use only. In the case of an "Any Driver" policy, the insurance certificate must be accompanied by a schedule of drivers who have been declared to the Insurance Company.

Before purchasing the vehicle, if you have any queries, we would advise you to contact us for further advice.

A licence will normally be issued for 12 months but it will be issued for a lesser period if the vehicle is due to reach 12 years of age in which case the licence will be issued up to the date that the vehicle reaches this age limit.


If you intend to tow a trailer with your private hire vehicle or hackney carriage, you will need to have the trailer compliance tested at Donnington Wood MOT and Training Centre. Please pay the fee of £31.50 (including of VAT) direct to the garage.

Last updated: 28/03/2024 13:47

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  2. How do I apply?
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