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Re-use of Public Sector Information

The Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) implement an EU directive that encourages the re-use of Public Sector Information (PSI) for purposes other than its original purpose. Visit the European Commission website for more information about the EU directive.

The Regulations do not require public bodies to make their information available for re-use and do not oblige them to create, adapt or continue to produce certain documents so that others may re-use them.

They do however, set out the following rules that public bodies must follow if they allow information to be re-used.

  1. Publish a list of the main documents which can be re-used, view our Publication Scheme.
  2. Publish a procedure to enable people to apply for a re-use licence.
  3. Publish any standard conditions associated with re-use. The licence lists the standard terms and conditions of re-use, which may vary where the information requested has commercial value; download the licence.
  4. Publish any standard charges associated with re-use. Any charges made will not exceed the cost of collecting, producing and sending out the information. Any fee charged under access legislation (such as FOI/EIR) will be offset against any for re-use.
  5. Complaints and appeals. If you are unhappy with the way your request has been dealt with you may complain in accordance with the Councils Corporate Complaints Procedure. View our Councils Corporate Complaints Procedure.

How do I make a request?

Please use our online form to make your request.

Complete our online form to request to re-use public sector information

Discuss a request

If you would like to discuss an existing request or have a general enquiry then please contact the team using the following details.

Information Governance team

Telford & Wrekin Council
Darby House
Lawn Central

Telephone: 01952 382537

Last updated: 22/09/2022 13:10