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Technical summary of this website

"Better public services tailored to the needs of the citizen and business, as envisaged in the UK online strategy, require the seamless flow of information across government. The e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) sets out the government's technical policies and specifications for achieving interoperability and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems coherence across the public sector. The e-GIF defines the essential prerequisites for joined-up and web-enabled government. It is a cornerstone policy in the overall e-Government strategy." - e-GIF Version 6

The e-GIF defines the technical policies and specifications governing information flows across government and the public sector. They cover interconnectivity, data integration, e-services access and content management.

This web site has been developed using Jadu CMS - a content management system that complies with the e-GIF and allows for full interoperability, so that the Council can offer its citizens services over the Internet as well as added value functionality.


As part of the Communities and Local Government - formerly the ODPM's (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister) - modernising government agenda, the LAWS (Local Authority Websites) project was formed to help local authorities develop a common, standardised approach to publishing information online. This web site uses core principles and standards as defined by LAWS, such as the Local Government Category List (LGCL), Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary (IPSV) and the Local Government Services List (LGSL). The council uses the SOCITM Better Connected report as a benchmark.

This web site uses XML to manage content and CSS to display web pages. It also uses the SOAP protocol to share content from and to other interoperable web sites, in compliance with the eGif guidelines. RSS is used to share content such as news feeds and schemas exists for the mapping of documents, information, files, events etc.


The web site is designed to be accessible to a minimum of WAI AA and has been built to validate as XHTML. View our accessibility statement and information about accessible services provided by the Council.

If you have any questions relating to this web site, its technical architecture or its e-Gif compliance, please contact us.

Last updated: 06/05/2021 09:49