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Council Constitution

View the Council Constitution which is the Council's internal rule book. The Constitution sets out how the Council will operate and how decisions are made. Some of the processes are required by law, while others are a matter for the Council to choose.

The Council operates a Leader and Cabinet model of political management, and the organisational and political structures that support this system are detailed in the Constitution.

The Constitution also contains procedure rules which apply to the conduct of meetings of the Full Council and to its Committees, Commissions and Boards. View information about Council meetings of the Full Council and to its Committees, Commissions and Boards.

In order to ensure the sound management of the Council's financial affairs and good corporate governance, the Constitution includes financial regulations and rules that apply to all contracts for works and the supply of goods and services to the Council.

The Constitution is regularly reviewed by the Council Constitution Committee. However, any changes to the Constitution have to be approved by the Full Council of all 54 Members. View information about the 54 Councillors.

When you open the Constitution, if you wish to proceed to a particular page place your cursor over the relevant section of the index (at the front of the document) and click to select - you will then be taken to your chosen section. 

The contents of the Constitution are also available as bookmarks in the Bookmark pane. To view the Bookmark pane simply click on the ribbon symbol on the left hand side of the page. Click the plus sign next to a topic and the topic will be expanded to show the subtopics it contains. To view the section, simply click the topic in this left hand pane.

Last updated: 11/08/2022 08:59