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Missed bin collection due to severe weather

Severe weather affecting collections advice

If severe weather has prevented us from emptying your bins and containers on your usual collection day please follow these instructions.

Red top bin 

Leave your red top bin out in a safe place and we will collect it as soon as possible, even if this means introducing a Saturday collection. Please ensure that your bin is not blocking the footpath or the road.

Purple top bin/Blue bag

Leave your purple top bin and Blue bag out in a safe place and we will collect it as soon as possible, even if this means introducing a Saturday collection. Please ensure that your bin is not blocking the footpath or the road.

Food waste caddy

Leave your outside food waste caddy out in a safe place and we will collect it as soon as possible, even if this means introducing a Saturday collection. Please ensure that your caddy is not blocking the footpath or road and is clearly visible for our crew.

Green bin

Take your green bin back in as we will be prioritising red top and purple bin/blue bag collections during prolonged periods of bad weather. Please wait to put them out again on your next scheduled collection day.

Once we get over any snow or ice related problems your collection day will return to your normal collection day.

Last updated: 13/04/2022 08:10

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