Essential planned maintenance to online services

The work will take place on Thursday 13 March 2025 at 6pm. From this time our online services; online forms and My Telford may be unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Solar farm

Work to build the Council’s 4MW solar farm at Wheat Leasows was completed at the end of 2014 at which point it became fully functional and generating electricity.

It took less than 18 months between the initial plans being proposed and the construction being completed and the whole project was completed on time and within budget.

The solar farm is made up of more than 15,000 panels on a 11.7 hectares site and will generate enough electricity to power more than 800 homes.

Izen Energy systems were the appointed contractor for the development. They are a Belgium company who have a base in Staffordshire and have extensive experience of renewable energy projects.

The project forms part of the Council’s strategy to:

  • become more environmentally and financially sustainable
  • reduce our carbon footprint
  • offset cuts in central government funding
  • protect frontline services.

Visit flickr to view the solar farm construction gallery

Last updated: 09/12/2020 09:11

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