Essential planned maintenance to online services

The work will take place on Thursday 13 March 2025 from 6pm. From this time our online services; online forms and My Telford and websites may be unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Junior Road Safety Officers

Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO's) are school based children who promote road safety within their school, through the Junior Road Safety scheme. The scheme is aimed at primary school children, and two pupils from year 6 are appointed as JRSO's to serve for a period of one year. 

The main aim of the scheme is to give children the opportunity to explore road safety issues within school, and to raise awareness of road safety throughout the school community. The JRSO scheme is run and supported by the Council.

What do JRSO's do?

The JRSO's are expected to:

  • promote road safety to the rest of the school
  • raise awareness of road safety to parents, teachers and the local community
  • assist in communicating local road safety information
  • promote and monitor road safety events or programmes, such as their Walking Buses.

What are the benefits of joining the scheme?

The Junior Road Safety Scheme has many benefits, namely:

  • a whole school approach to road safety education
  • enabling children to learn from each other about road safety and how they can keep safe
  • promoting a link between the Road Safety Unit and schools across the borough.

JRSO's are provided with a resource kit and the information needed to carry out their road safety duties. Throughout the year help and support will be provided by Telford & Wrekin Council.

JRSO resources

The following JRSO resources are available:

  • JRSO - pupil pack
  • JRSO - schools pack.

For further information please email Don't forget to include a contact name and telephone number as well as the name of your school.

Last updated: 03/05/2022 08:44

  1. Introduction
  2. Contact