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Hadley Community Library

Hadley Community Library is currently closed during weekdays in term time due to staff shortages. The library is open on Saturdays and as normal in school holidays.

Outside picture of Hadley Library

Opening times 

View the library bank holiday opening times

Please note: that the opening times for the library are related to school terms/holidays, view the school term dates.

This table shows the opening times of Hadley Community Library.
Day Time (during term time) Time (during school holidays)
Monday Closed 9.30am to 1pm
Tuesday Closed 9.30am to 1pm
Wednesday Closed 9.30am to 1pm
Thursday Closed 9.30am to 1pm
Friday Closed 9.30am to 1pm
Saturday 9.30am to 1pm 9.30am to 1pm
Sunday Closed Closed

Hadley Community Library is run by organisations in the community with support from Telford & Wrekin Council's Library Service. View more information about community libraries.

Not a library member? Anyone can join Telford & Wrekin Libraries.

View information about how to join our libraries

Last updated: 27/06/2024 12:17

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