Anti social behaviour (ASB) is a term which can be used to describe a range of unacceptable activities that have a negative impact on a community or an individual.
Telford & Wrekin Council, the Police and Housing Associations have strong and effective powers to deal with anti-social behaviour problems.
What types of ASB you should report to the Council
- View information on how to report graffti.
- View information on how to report abandoned vehicles.
- View information on how to report noise nuisances (neighbours, dogs barking, loud music, intruder alarms, etc).
- View information on how to report fly tipping.
- View information on how to report dog fouling.
- View information on how to report smoke nuisances (examples, bonfires, and barbeques).
- View information on empty properties and how to report any issues.
What types of ASB you should report to the police
- Begging.
- Criminal damage.
- Disorderly behaviour - e.g. shouting, swearing, drunken, threatening behaviour.
- Drug/substance misuse (taking or dealing).
- Drunken behaviour.
- Harassment / intimidation.
- Malicious calls.
- Prostitution.
- Violence or threat of violence.
- Vandalism / arson.
Non-emergencies report online: visit the West Mercia Police website to report non-emergencies online
Emergencies: 999
Watch our YouTube video about our Anti-Social Behaviour team:
Last updated: 18/08/2022 10:19