Pride in Our Community is about working with local people to create a better borough for everyone. Well maintained roads and paths, clean streets and cared for parks and green spaces are the lifeblood for communities.
As a council, we look after:
- 626 miles of road
- 743 miles of paths and pavements
- 132 miles of cycle ways
- 20,000+ street lights
- around 400 acres of parks and green spaces
- around 15 million trees.
Between 2018 and 2022, we are investing £50m in improving our borough.
The Pride in Our Community programme includes road safety schemes around schools, the creation of another 200 residential parking spaces in local neighbourhoods, road improvements, footpath improvements, drainage works as well as work on highways structures such as bridges.
We are also investing in parks and green spaces as well as funding community projects and initiative to boost local neighbourhoods and high streets.
All of the projects being undertaken are in response to issues raised by residents, elected councillors and local town and parish councils or as part of the Council’s rolling maintenance work.
By working together, our vision is to create a better borough for current and future generations.
Last updated: 18/08/2022 10:23