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Meeting procedures, policies and protocols

Please follow the links below to view more information or guidance regarding the following:

The Constitution - The Council's 'Rule Book'

The Constitution sets out how the Council operates and how decisions are made. This is where you will find meeting procedure rules, the terms of reference for each Committee and details of which Committee has responsibility for which Council function.

Public Participation at Meetings

Some meetings have protocols in place to allow participation by the public.


Petitioning is another way for individuals, community groups and organisations to participate in the democratic process. 

Councillors and Standards of Conduct

All Councillors are subject to a Code of Conduct, which places obligations on them in the way they carry out their duties as a Councillor and sets out the standards of conduct required.

You may also be interested to view information about your local Councillors.


The scrutiny handbook provides an overview of scrutiny and sets out in detail the scrutiny process.

Last updated: 19/04/2023 14:50