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Our experienced Building Control team are available to provide advice to any person intending to demolish a building or part of a building. This is a lawful requirement. 

Visit the GOV.UK website for legislative information and requirements relating to procedures about demolition

We will help prior to the submission of your form and during the application process.

How to apply

Your application form needs to be completed and submitted six weeks prior to the date of demolition.

Download the demolition notice application form

Is there a charge for this service?

Yes. We will require an initial payment of £396 (inclusive of VAT), to cover the registration and processing of your request along with the first site visit. Additional fees may be incurred, for example if additional site visits are required. Card payments can be made by contacting our offices on 01952 384555.

Within 6 weeks of receipt of your application our Building Control Inspectors will contact you, in writing, listing a number of conditions which must be complied with, these may include such items as weatherproofing adjoining buildings and disconnecting all services. We will guide you through the process offering up to date and relevant advice. 

Contact the Building Control team if you need advice about demolitions

Our updated procedures will ensure the provision of a professional and efficient service which meets the requirements of the customer, ensuring that careful consideration is given to each application and timely advice is given within our terms and conditions.

Visit the Local Authority Building Control (LABC) website for more information about demolition

Last updated: 05/05/2022 11:52

  1. Introduction
  2. Contact