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Appeal against a planning decision

There is a right of appeal against a refusal of planning permission. A similar right exists in respect of conditions that might have been added to a planning permission. Details of how to appeal is given with the decision notice.

Even if an appeal has been lodged the council is willing, when appropriate, to see if the reason for refusal can be overcome and a new application submitted. Only the applicant has a right of appeal. There is no third party right of appeal.

Appeals are dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate and a decision is made by an inspector who has been appointed by the Secretary of State. You can find out further information relating to appeals on the Planning Portal.

Please use the standard online forms to make an appeal about a planning decision:

Visit the Planning Portal website to make an appeal online

Visit the Planning Portal website to search for an appeal online

Last updated: 16/08/2022 10:10

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