Essential planned maintenance to online services

The work will take place on Thursday 13 March 2025 from 6pm. From this time our online services; online forms and My Telford and websites may be unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

In Year Admissions

Families who move to Telford and Wrekin outside the normal points of entry i.e. at the start of primary or secondary school and need school places for their children will need to make an in-year application.

If you are looking to transfer your child to a school in Telford and Wrekin from another local school, you should first speak to staff at your child’s current school if you have any issues or concerns. A change of school could be disruptive to your child’s education, so you should consider whether this is in your child’s best interests.

Many schools are likely to be full and will not be able to offer any additional places. The School Admissions team will be able to advise you which schools have places available.

Please view our Coordinated In-Year Admissions scheme.

Getting to school

Before you apply you should consider how your child will get to and from school. Most children attend a local school, however, if you prefer a school further away you will need to make arrangements for them to travel to and from school. Telford and Wrekin no longer provide transport for children attending a faith school.

Your child may be eligible for travel assistance if, for example, they attend their nearest school and is more than two miles from home (for children under the age of eight years old) or more than three miles from home (for children aged eight and older). Visit the school travel assistance website.

How to apply

To apply for a place at a Telford and Wrekin school in-year you will need to complete and submit an online application form using the link below.

If you are applying to any faith schools you may also need to complete a ‘supplementary information form’. These will be available on the school’s website and should be returned to the school(s) directly as well as listing the school(s) on your online application form.

Visit our School Admissions Portal to apply for a school place

Application outcomes

The School Admissions Team will aim to process your application within 15 school days.

Where a child does not have a school place and it is not possible to offer a place at one of the schools applied for, the outcome of your application will inform you which local schools may have places available and you should contact the admissions team to request any additional preferences. Where a place at a local school is not available for your child, they may be referred for placement in line with the Fair Access Protocol.

Waiting lists and appeals

If your child is not offered a place at your most preferred school, you can request for your child to be added to the waiting list. Parents also have the right to appeal the decision not to offer a place at any of the schools they apply to. Further information on waiting list and appeals will be provided in your application outcome.

Last updated: 06/09/2024 09:47

  1. Introduction
  2. How do I apply?
  3. Contact