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24 hour automated payment line: 01952 383977.
Still can't find the number you need.. complete our online enquiry form and let us know if you want another service added.
Ask Tom our automated assistant is available to answer the most frequently asked queries 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is available for the following services:
- Council Tax
- Benefits
- Blue Badge
- Business Rates
- Free School Meals
- Neighbourhood Services, including Waste & Recycling
- Highways, including Roads & Parking
- Pubic Protection, including Environmental Health, licencing and noise issues
- Registrations, including births, deaths and marriages
- Housing and Homelessness
- Planning and Building Control
- Passenger Transport
- Elections
- Telford Theatre and Leisure.
All phone lines operated by our customer service advisors are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, unless stated otherwise. Where ever possible please try to use our online services before calling our phone numbers.