Notice: 10 June 2021

Welcome to the Education Noticeboard. A round-up of news, guidance and key updates for education settings.

Included in this update

Director update

Dear colleagues

For those of you who had a well-deserved break at half term I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather. 

As we head ever-rapidly towards the summer break, there is a great deal of information to get out to you. Not least is the need to reinforce the message that COVID secure measures must be as robust as possible. Unfortunately the numbers of cases continues to increase in our communities, as is being seen nationally and so now is not the time to change procedures. It is great news that colleagues are now being vaccinated, but we are asked to continue testing ourselves twice a week. This is particularly important as it is, as yet, unknown if the vaccination prevents people from becoming infected, or from passing the virus on to others. Your support with this is vital, as it really helps to control the spread of infection.

The pandemic has impacted so many areas of our lives. Achieving 100% attendance is something for our pupils to be proud of at any time, but especially after the trials of the past year. For this reason we would like your help in identifying those young people, so that their efforts can be celebrated. You can also find out more about a grant, which is available for our secondary schools in the borough to apply for, to support transitions from primary to secondary school. There is also a second chance to secure funding to help run holiday clubs.

Hoo Zoo recently wrote to Counsellor Shaun Davies, following their receipt of a grant to offset the damage to their business caused by needing to close due to Covid-19 containment measures. It is always nice to share something positive, and we have taken the opportunity to include booking details in case your school wants to arrange a visit.

With this being national Child Safety week, we have included some information about this annual campaign, as well as information about a virtual roll out of the NSPCC Speak out, stay safe campaign. We are also partnering with Denso to run a competition to come up with a road safety message, with some exciting prizes. Subsidy is now available for Telford and Wrekin primary schools who want to take advantage of the safeguarding programme run by Loudmouth, to tackle the issue of staying safe in relationships with their year 5 pupils.

In addition to the above, is the usual overall of events, training opportunities, information updates and resources. Lots to keep us busy, as always! 

Best wishes


Simon Wellman
Director: Education and Skills

Covid-19 lateral flow test for staff: Requirements in schools 

An update from the Department for Education

Rapid testing is now well-established in schools and colleges. As of Wednesday 26 May, over 52.3m tests had been completed across all education settings. To help you encourage your pupils and students to remain engaged with testing, a new blog post has been published, with examples of best practice, based on conversations with schools and colleges.

Testing is not mandatory, but it is strongly encouraged- including for those that have had both vaccines, as it is not yet clear that being vaccinated prevents you from transmitting Covid.

The guidance states: “It remains imperative that the system of controls continues to be rigorously applied to enable the safest possible environment. The testing programme is an important addition to supporting leaders to maintain the continuity of education through the pandemic.”

The government are also keen to hear from you – are there initiatives that your school or college has tried that have been effective in driving up participation in testing that we could share? Would you like to feature in a case study? If so, please get in touch via

Pre-exclusion hotline: 07816372459

Prior to half term, the hotline was used by a number of schools, making contact for support with their exclusions. The team were able to provide immediate telephone support and offer instant in school support to discuss the potential exclusion.

The hotline has been used really well in order to support schools before an exclusion occurs, in order to prevent it from taking place. Support such as restorative conversations and direct work with a young person and/or colleagues have prevented a number of fixed term exclusions over the past few weeks. For those schools that have gone ahead with issuing an exclusion, the offer of support, with the reintegration meeting, has proved useful in preventing further exclusions.

The Hotline is manned by the current BSAT team and will bring the expertise from members of BSAT in supporting schools. There will be two duty members per day and this will allow contact in addition to support for schools and individuals.

Please remember to use the Exclusions Hotline and share this information with colleagues, as the team are ready to support you.

For more information with regards to the team, please contact BSAT Team Leader (Darren Lennon) by email at

2021/22 NELI programme released 

The Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) programme is an excellent way to use catch up funding to support your schools youngest pupils in nursery, reception and even for some in year 1. Registration is open from May to July 2021

Schools new to NELI can register to receive the programme

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, with registration closing when all places have been offered or when the registration window closes on the 30 July 2021. Schools that previously purchased NELI can also apply. There is currently a review of what support may be available for the 6,672 schools who did receive NELI in 2020/21.

What is the Nuffield Early Language Intervention?
The Nuffield Early Language Intervention is a 20-week programme proven to help young children overcome language difficulties. It is designed for children aged 4-5 years and combines small group work with one-to-one sessions delivered by trained teaching assistants, targeting vocabulary, narrative skills, active listening and phonological awareness. Developed by a team led by Maggie Snowling and Charles Hulme, the intervention has been evaluated in robust trials funded by the Education Endowment Foundation and the Nuffield Foundation. These have found it to be effective for improving children’s oral language skills as well as promoting longer-term progress in reading comprehension.

  • The Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) is designed to improve the spoken language ability of children in reception classrooms.
  • It is targeted at children with relatively poor spoken language skills.
  • Teaching Assistants are trained in how to develop children’s language skills.
  • Clear lesson plans are provided to save preparation time.
  • Materials for children are bright and accessible.
  • Three 30-minute sessions per week are delivered to groups of five children during the Spring and Summer terms (20 weeks).
  • Children also attend an additional two 15-minute individual sessions per week.
  • All sessions focus on listening, narrative and vocabulary skills.
  • Work on phonological awareness is introduced in the final ten weeks

For more information please visit the NELI website.

Telford and Wrekin early learning and childcare partnership hub is promoted by national organisation PACEY 

Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY) has included a case study of one of the Telford and Wrekin Early learning and childcare partnership hubs as an example of good practice on its website. The website offers support for a range of professionals including local authorities.

The Childcare Hub Around the Park (CHAP) was the first hub to be developed, we now have seven more located across Telford and Wrekin bringing a range of EYFS and Childcare settings together. For more details, please download the case study from the. free resources section of the PACEY website.

Details of upcoming Hub meetings are also available online.

Child Safety Week 

Child safety Week is an annual community education campaign run by the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT), acting as a catalyst for thousands of safety conversations and activities UK-wide.

CAPT help families build confidence and skills in managing the real risks to children's safety. The aim is to enable all children to have the freedom to grow and learn, safe from serious harm. Sharing safety knowledge saves lives.

This year, Child Safety Week runs from Monday 7 June to Sunday 13 June, and you are asked to ‘share because you care’.

The sharing starts right here:

Speak out. Stay safe

The NSPCC are continuing their support for schools with an online version of their ‘Speak out. Stay safe’ assemblies, suitable for key stage 1 and key stage 2.

For further information, including how to access this and other supporting online resources, please contact Kate Warner, the area coordinator for the NSPCC School Service by email at or by telephone on 0121 227 7650 and 07980 009469.

Pupils who have achieved 100% attendance

The Attendance Support Team are asking schools to identify pupils in year 6 or year 11 who have achieved 100% attendance throughout their primary (reception ton year 6) or secondary (year 7 to year 11) careers, in order for this wonderful achievement to be celebrated.

The pandemic has obviously had an impact on attendance and we will only be looking at attendance during the periods when it was compulsory for all pupils to attend. We will be looking for Year 11 attendance up to May half term this year (28 May 2021).

100% attendance is a wonderful achievement which we feel should be acknowledged and celebrated, particularly in this period when year 6 and year 11 pupils are, once again, having a different experience to pre-pandemic pupils. Can you please forward details of any of your pupils who have achieved this to the Attendance Support Team, also enclosing copies of the pupil’s attendance records, to enable us to arrange for certificates and rewards to be prepared ready for presentation to them.

If you need further information, please send an email to or telephone 01952 385220.

Junior road safety competition 

As an automotive company, road safety is vitally important to DENSO. For this reason, they are working in partnership with Telford and Wrekin Council to promote junior road safety through an exciting Road Safety Competition.

Entrants are asked to create eye catching artwork designs for the community traffic island at Hortonwood. There are four prizes of £1,000 to be won, and every child who creates and submits a design will receive a goodie bag from DENSO.

Schools can submit a maximum of one entry per pupil, and group designs will also be accepted. There will be three overall design winners - one per category and one winner of the best Grant Plan.

The categories are:

  1. The Green Cross Code
  2. Seatbelt Safety
  3. Slow Down, Save Lives

Designs must:

  • Be circular: Please use the design template sheet
  • Be simple, and provide a clear image / message
  • Have a message which fits into one of the above three categories
  • Be submitted with the School Grant Plan

The design winners will:

  • Have their designs displayed on the ‘living wall’ for the community to see
  • Receive a framed copy of their design to display at school
  • The school will receive a Grant of £1000 to promote Road Safety at the school
  • Be invited to an award ceremony and lunch at DENSO UK
  • Schools will be asked to provide a plan for how you would use the £1,000 Grant. The school with the best Grant Plan will be awarded £1,000!

Eligibility for entry:

  • Key stage 2 Pupils from all primary Schools within Telford & Wrekin.

To enter:

Keep your original artwork safe and send an image of it by email to

Free local authority designated officer (LADO) managing allegations training 

An allegation is information or a concern which suggests an adult working with children and young people has:

  • Behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed a child;
  • Possibly committed a criminal offence against, or related to a child;
  • Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children; and/or
  • May not be suitable to work with children.

This course provides an understanding of what constitutes an allegation, and how these are managed and investigated by Children’s Services. The local authority designated officer (LADO) process applies to anybody working with children either in a professional or voluntary capacity.

By the end of this awareness session, participants will:

  • Be aware of the structure and process used in Telford and Wrekin to deal with allegations relating to those who work with children and young people;
  • Understand what constitutes an allegation, how allegations arise, and the process of allegation management;
  • Understand the role of the designated safeguarding lead (DSL), designated senior manager and the local authority designated officer (LADO);
  • Understand how to manage allegations in accordance with the West Midlands Safeguarding Policy (Section 1.14);
  • Identify potential areas of vulnerability

For more information please download the flier or email

Subsidy for Loudmouth’s safeguarding programme in primary schools: Summer Term 2021 

Subsidy is now available to primary schools in Telford & Wrekin, for year 5 pupils to take part in Loudmouth’s theatre in education programme ‘Helping Hands’. The programme looks at staying safe, focusing on domestic abuse. The tour is taking place until the end of July 2021.

The format of the sessions is a drama film plus live-streamed workshops, via MS Teams. Schools are asked to contribute just £3 per head. Full programme details are available on the Loudmouth website.

For further information contact or ring 0121 446 4880.

Supporting transitions from primary to secondary school: Grant available for Telford and Wrekin secondary schools 

The transition from primary to secondary school has always been difficult for some young people, particularly those with social emotional and mental health needs.

As a consequence of the pandemic, lockdowns and breaks in routine and resulting gaps in learning, there is evidence that these needs have been amplified and that there are an increased number of young people struggling in Year 7 of secondary schools as a result. This is particularly evident in the summer term given numbers of referrals for Year 7s coming through the Fair Access Panel or those referred through to other LA services.

In order to support the transition of pupils as we head into the 21/22 academic year, the LA is offering a grant which can be accessed by all secondary schools within the borough of Telford and Wrekin, to support the initial bridge between primary and secondary provision. Secondary schools are able to bid for up to £8000 in order to support this work. Our collective aim will be to intervene early, minimise placement breakdown and encourage good attendance.

How to make a bid for funding
To qualify for the transition funding of up to £8,000, we would like secondary schools to briefly outline how they will proceed with this pilot. This should be a maximum of 1 side of A4, to include the following:

  • Focus – how many young people will be the focus for your pilot and what are their needs?
  • Activity – what are the planned activities? This should include details of how you will engage young people (and families) in Year 6 as well as follow up work in Year 7.
  • Funding – a high level costed model of how you will use the funding available. If you intend to top this up from the schools budget please outline this also.
  • Proposed outcomes – please provide details of intended outcomes for pupils involved in this project. We have included 3 which we ask you to include and to which you can add:
    • Reduction in or minimal referrals to FAP for Year 7 pupils involved
    • Reduction in Exclusions for Year 7 pupils involved
    • Good attendance for Year 7 pupils involved
  • Evaluation – provide details of how will you measure the impact of the funding provided. 

Requests for more information, and all bids should be submitted via email to Feedback will be provided within 5 days of receiving a bid (during term time). Funding can be released immediately upon approval of a bid. Schools will be asked to submit a brief evaluation of the difference funding has made towards the end of the Autumn Term 2021/22.

Second chance for organisations to secure grants to help run holiday clubs 

A substantial funding pot of £780,000 is up for grabs as part of Telford & Wrekin Council's ‘Happy Healthy and Active Holidays’ scheme.

The scheme aims to help nearly 7,000 children, from low-income families and those with special education needs and disabilities, to stay healthy and active through holiday clubs during the summer and Christmas school holidays.

Organisations that can provide healthy meals or fun activities, such as sports, arts and crafts, nature or cooking, should apply as well as those that can host clubs. Organisations are encouraged to consider applying even if they feel that they only meet part of the requirements. The council can support many ways to deliver the scheme, such as volunteer recruitment, identifying delivery partners, and training.

Councillor Eileen Callear, cabinet member for leisure, culture and visitor economy, said: "We've had several applications to our Happy Healthy Active Holidays scheme so far. This second round of applications gives organisations another chance to be involved in this crucial holiday scheme. Don't be put off if you are not sure if you can achieve all of the criteria; we still want to hear from you. The holidays can be a financially difficult time for families, and some children feel isolated. Your organisation can help to keep children entertained, eating healthy meals, and getting ready for the start of the new school term."

There is also a team on hand to answer questions, and help an organisation to make their application. To contact them, please send an email to

Organisations interested in applying for a grant to run holiday clubs in Telford and Wrekin should visit the 'Happy Healthy and Active Holidays' website. The closing date for applications is 14 June 2021.

School Admissions Team launching new ICT system 

We are excited to announce that as of 7 July 2021 the admissions team will be using a new ICT system. 

Schools will be able to access a portal, update their school numbers and view online applications. This will be an improved way of working for both schools and the Local Authority.

More details will be released closer to the time. From 7 July 2021 guidance notes will be provided, and the admissions team will be able to provide help and support. As September is a long way off yet, the aim is to have a training day during the first week of term.

For the transitional round applications, own admission authority schools will be able to rank their children in real time via the portal and be able to see who has applied for school places and their preference information.

For more information please email

Changes to the school admissions code 

The government consulted on changes to the School Admissions Code. A draft Code has been issued and if passed will come into force from 1 September 2021. The main changes needed, to comply with the new code are as follows:

Internationally adopted and looked after children
The 2021 School Admissions Code requires children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England, and who have ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted, to be given equal first priority in admission arrangements alongside looked after children (LAC) and children who were previously looked after by English local authorities (PLAC). The advice refers to these children as internationally adopted previously looked after children – “IAPLAC”.

Own admission authorities must hold a meeting by the 31 August in order to vary their admission arrangements and determine the criteria for 2021/22 and 2022/23.

For voluntary controlled schools and community schools, for whom the LA is the admission authority, we already have this criterion within the admission arrangements. However, this will be amended slightly to show that they are equal first priority.

For in years applications, the LA need to provide (upon request) the school place numbers in all schools within the area. Schools must provide this information no later than two days following a request being made. The LA aim to respond to all parent in year application requests within ten days.

With the introduction of a new admissions system this will run smoothly as schools will be able to access an admissions portal and can update their numbers.

Please download the information sheet for more information on the changes to priority information for looked internatinally adopted children.

Fair Access Panel
Updated criteria:

  • children either subject to a Child in Need Plan or a Child Protection Plan or having had a Child in Need Plan or a Child Protection Plan within 12 months at the point of being referred to the Protocol
  • children living in a refuge or in other Relevant Accommodation at the point of being referred to the Protocol
  • children from the criminal justice system
  • children in alternative provision who need to be reintegrated into mainstream education or who have been permanently excluded but are deemed suitable for mainstream education
  • children with special educational needs (but without an Education, Health and Care plan), disabilities or medical conditions
  • children who are carers
  • children who are homeless
  • children in formal kinship care arrangements.

For more information on updates made to the school admissions code, please visit the government website. For any queries, please email

Early career teachers: September 2021

Find out all about the DfE funded full induction programme for early career teachers (in their first two years of teaching) from September 2021 through STEP.

Did you know?

  • There are 3 options open to you for your Early Career Teacher programme.
  • That you cannot continue with the same programme you have used previously.
  • That you must register which route you choose on the DfE ECT portal and this
  • That you must register which route you choose on the DfE ECT portal and this directly impacts on the levels of funding you will receive.
  • The ECT’s mentor must be different to your Induction tutor.
  • ECT mentor release time could impact on your timetable.
  • The Full Induction Programme which will run through your Teaching School Hub is
  • funded by the DfE and means you don’t have to map against the ECF core content
  • The full induction programme which will run through your teaching school hub is funded by the DfE and means you don’t have to map against the ECF core content and submitted for approval to your appropriate body.
  • Appropriate bodies will have to complete a fidelity check of your ECF programme if you are creating your own but not if you follow the full induction programme
  • The DfE are recommending the full induction programme.

Why choose STEP?

  • You will be supported by one of the main delivery partners for Provider Led ECF
  • You will be supported by one of the main delivery partners for provider led ECF and working with a National ECF provider - Best Practice.
  • In choosing the provider led route it will allow your school (s) to access funding to
  • In choosing the provider led route it will allow your school (s) to access funding to support Early Career Teachers (ECTs) as well as their mentors.
  • You will be provided training based on the latest educational research and
  • You will be provided training based on the latest educational research and designed by internationally recognised experts in this field.
  • You will have confidence that experienced, local facilitators will adapt materials to
  • You will have confidence that experienced, local facilitators will adapt materials to reflect our local context.
  • You will ease your in-school workload so you don’t have to devise your own plans or
  • You will ease your in-school workload so you don’t have to devise your own plans or appoint your own facilitators. Let us do it for you.
  •  There is no need to submit your school or Trust ECF programme for scrutiny to your
  • There is no need to submit your school or Trust ECF programme for scrutiny to you Appropriate Body if you follow the provider led route.
  •  The Hub can also act as your Appropriate Body for your ECTs.

More information on the early career framework is available online. Instructions on how to register your ECT’s for September 2021 check out the full article. To register, please visit the best practice website. Please note that, for the name prompt, STEP Shropshire and Telford Education Partnership should be used. 

Should you have any queries please contact Sandra Cooper

Parents Opening Doors: SEND voices 

Parents Opening Doors (PODs) are hosting a free family based peer virtual meet up, made possible with funding they have received from clinical commissioning groups within the NHS. They would like to invite you to share your experiences, ask any questions, have a chat with other families and raise any concerns in a safe environment.

The event will take place on Wednesday 16 June 2021, 10.30am - 11.30am.

Please make your booking on Eventbrite. PODs look forward to welcoming you to this free online event.

For more information, please download the flier for this event or visit the educational psychology service website. Any queries can be sent by email to

Resources from the Multicultural Development Team and the Educational Psychology Service 

Following on from the Educational Psychology Service (EPS)’s collaborative project with the Multicultural Development Team (MDT), generously supported by Telford Interfaith Council, the two teams have curated some helpful anti-racism resources for schools and support services.

Further to the resources shared above, the MDT are currently providing free training on Race Equality, How to identify Racist incidents and reporting incidents via IRIS. They also have free resources to schools which are accessible, to their SLA schools, via the online resource library. They provide bespoke CPD, workshops, support and advice for all schools.

For more information about the Educational Psychology Service please visit their website or make contact by sending an email to

For more information about the Multicultural Development Team please visit their website or make contact by sending an email to

Open letter from Baroness Berridge and Minister Ford: Elective home education 

While the Government supports parents/carers rights to Elective Home Education (EHE) – and we know that many do a great job, sometimes in challenging circumstances – this is not the case for all; and for some EHE can mean that they are not seen by those services there to keep people safe and supported. The number of EHE children has jumped up significantly during the pandemic, and Covid itself has been the most common reason for that decision to home education. I therefore share with you, for download:

  • An open letter to parents and carers of children who have recently decided to Electively Home Educate from Baroness Berridge and Minister Ford; and
  • A reiteration of EHE advice/guidance for local authorities.

As already mentioned, our intention is for the open letter from Baroness Berridge and Minister Ford to be able to be utilised by EHE professionals in their engagement with EHE families or those families considering EHE; and we would particularly suggest considering sharing the letter with those families that may have decided to EHE in the last year off the back of Covid-related concerns.

The EHE update for local authorities is simply a reminder of some of the key points – much of which will not be new to those reading.

Meet the R team 

An inspiring educational key stage2 resource, to empower children to make a difference to our environment, has been created by our recycling and waste contractor Veolia.

The free set of workshops teach children how to reduce, reuse and recycle household waste; it incorporates the topics of climate change, litter and the journey of waste along the way. Aside from gaining knowledge, children are challenged to consider the actions they can take to look after our planet.

More information on the resource can be found on the Veolia website.

Free online Cool Kids handwriting information session 

Cool Kids are holding a free online education session regarding handwriting, which aims to:

  • To provide basic understanding of sensory motor development and why it is important to children in school
  • Understanding developmental stages of lying on the back, tummy, rolling, creeping and crawling
  • Understanding the underlying principles of the Cool Kids Programme
  • Identify pupils who would benefit
  • Deliver the programme effectively
  • Understanding handwriting development (occupational therapy perspective)
  • Increase awareness of programmes, equipment and adaptations that can be used
  • Incorporate strategies successfully in the classroom.

The session will be completed online via the Zoom app, and a link will be sent via email once a place has been confirmed.

Places are limited and must be booked in advance. The next available session to book onto is:

  • Wednesday 7 July 2021
  • 1pm - 3pm
  • Via Zoom


  • We are able to offer up to two places for this session to each school.
  • We recommend that a Class Teacher/SENCo attends this session, if they have not already done so.
  • Additionally the session will be valuable to any member of staff who will be potentially delivering the group in your school.

Please contact Tracey Bowen by telephone on 01743 450839 to book your place on this training, making sure to provide an email address that can be used to send joining links to.

Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur World awarded discretionary grant 

Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur World (formerly Hoo Farm Animal Kingdom) have are now fully open. They were one of the businesses which were awarded a discretionary grant by Telford and Wrekin to help them to overcome the hardships inflicted by Covid-19.

The business has previously been, in their own words, ‘critical’ of their perceived focus on local tourism being aimed solely at Ironbridge and Southwater, but this recent round of grants has changed their stance. Will Dorrell, one of the owning partners has said; “to know that we are considered important to the local borough has given everyone a huge lift.”

Councellor Shaun Davies has expressed on many occasions the need to support local businesses saying that; “we want our visitor economy right across Telford and Wrekin to be bouncing back and not just recovering but booming, I predict there will be high demand for English based tourism offers and we want to position the Borough in a great place to win this business.”

Schools can download an information pack and booking information from Google Drive, if they are interested in organising a visit to this attraction.

Hoo Zoo and Dinasour World Information Pack

Locally sponsored training offer 

Telford and Wrekin Council have pre-paid for every parent and carer in Telford to access an online course- Understanding your child or understanding your child with additional needs- with In Our Place. Access now will give lifelong access, and there are courses for parents, carers and grandparents about children from bump to 19+ years.

How do I access this?
Visit the website, If you haven’t used it already, you will need the access code for all the online courses (funded for residents): This is DARWIN18. If, like many parents, you have already used this code, log into your account here and this course will be ready in your dashboard to start whenever you are ready.

Can I tell my family and friends?
Absolutely! Share the news with family members and other families in the area so that they too can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.

How long is it?
There are eleven modules which each take about 10-15 minutes to complete and will benefit from time to digest in between.

Virtual school conference (Friday 2 July 2021), last call for bookings

This virtual half day conference is for Designated Teachers and Nominated Governors for Children in Care and is taking place online Friday 2 July 2021 from 9am to 12.15pm

The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Attachment Awareness and Trauma Informed Schools’.

The conference will feature Care Leader Luke Rogers as a key note speaker and delegates will have the opportunity to attend a workshop from a wide selection.

The cost is £30 for one delegate and £50 for two people from the same school

To book your place/s or to request further details, please contact and you will be sent the conference flyer and a booking form.

Virtual school young person’s conference- October 2021

Please find, available to download, information about our very exciting Young Person’s Conference, which is happening for Children in Care on Friday 1 October 2021. Letters will be sent directly to the young people who are invited to participate (years 7, 8, 9 and 10), and the deadline for these to be returned to the virtual school is 9 July 2021.

Please support your young people and their carers to complete and return their forms.

Allscott Primary School: Presumption process to be launched 

Telford & Wrekin council will commence a free school presumption process to invite trusts to become the sponsors of the new free school, which will open in Allscott in September 2023.

In 2015 planning permission was permitted to build 470 homes at Allscott on land that was previously occupied by British Sugar known locally as ‘The Sugar Beet Factory’. As part of this development it was considered that, due to the location of the site, a village sized primary school would be required to serve this new community.

All information will be available on the website from Monday 7 June 2021 and the invitation will run for six weeks. At the end of the process, Telford & Wrekin Council will make a recommendation regarding the preferred sponsor to the Regional School’s Commissioner’s (RSC) Office. The RSC will then made the final decision on who will become the approved sponsor at a subsequent Head Teach Board Meeting,

We would hope to know who the appointed sponsor will be in the autumn of 2021.

For more information, please contact Jules Millington (School Organisation Officer) via email to, or by telephone on 01952 380195.

Closing date for submission of bids is 5.00pm on 19 July 2021.

CPD courses for school staff, senior leaders and governors 

Please find blow the details of all continuing professional development courses which are running between now and the end of the summer term 2021.

Unless noted as ‘face to face’, all courses continue to be delivered online using Microsoft Teams. We hope to move towards a more blended approach as the restrictions around Covid 19 are eased, and when it is safe to do so. Online courses continue to be charged at a lower rate to reflect savings made by not using external venues.

Assessment - termly update - morning (CPD 502)

Tuesday 08 June 2021

9.15am to 10.45am

Assessment - termly update – twilight (CPD 503)

Tuesday 08 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Dealing with Racist Incidents Training (book via email)

Tuesday 08 June 2021

6.00pm to 7.30pm

Racist Incident Reporting System (IRIS) training (book via email)

Tuesday 08 June 2021

1.30pm to 3.00pm

Governors Responsibilities for SEND (LSAT 212)

Wednesday 09 June 2021

5.00pm to 7.00pm

Newly Appointed Designated Safeguarding Leads' Training (SG 102) Face to Face

Wednesday 09 June 2021 &

Thursday 10 June 2021

9.15am to 3.30pm

SEND: Building Capacity in your school (LSAT 403)

Wednesday 09 June 2021

9.15am to 3.30pm

Meeting the OFSTED requirements for British Values and Cultural Diversity in the primary school (CPD 718)

Wednesday 09 June 2021

1.15pm to 4.00pm

The New Appropriate Body Package 2021-22 (book via email)

Wednesday 09 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.00pm

MAPA (BSAT 201) Face to Face (FULL)

Thursday 10 June 2021 & Friday 11 June 2021

8.30am to 4.00pm & 8.30am to 12.30pm

Induction Training for New Governors (GO 502)

Thursday 10 June 2021

9.30am to 3.30pm

The role of the Early Years Practitioner in supporting and enhancing play

(EY 008)

Thursday 10 June 2021

1.00pm to 3.00pm

SENCO Network Meeting (LSAT 227)

Thursday 10 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Absence Management of Employees (please book via Ollie / HR)

Thursday 10 June 2021

3.00pm to 5.30pm

Governors' Understanding Of The Revised EYFS Framework – Briefing (book via email)

Monday 14 June 2021

5.30pm to 7.00pm

Identifying Racist Incidents Training- Primary, Special and Secondary schools (book via email)

Monday 14 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Induction & NQT mentor network and update

(CPD 516)

Tuesday 15 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

EAL Network Meeting

(CPD 526)

Wednesday 16 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

EYFS: Areas of Learning and Development

Session 1: Personal, Social and Emotional Development (EY 308)

Wednesday 16 June 2021

1.00pm to 2.30pm

EYFS: Areas of Learning and Development

Session 1: Personal, Social and Emotional Development (EY 309)

Wednesday 16 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Early Career Framework - Briefing for Governors (book via email)

Wednesday 16 June 2021

6.00pm to 7.00pm

Primary ICT Coordinators' Update (CPD 512)

Thursday 17 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Raising Awareness of Child Protection (SG 108)

Thursday 17 June 2021

9.30am to 11.00am

Primary Science and Design & Technology Subject Leaders' termly update and development meeting

(CPD 517)

Thursday 17 June 2021

2.00pm to 5.15pm

Safer Recruitment Administration (book via Ollie/HR)

Thursday 17 June 2021

3.00pm to 5.30pm

Identifying Racist Incidents Training (book via email)

Monday 21 June 2021

6.00pm to 7.30pm

Newly Qualified Teacher Development Group: Supporting and Accelerating your Progression

(CPD 522)

Tuesday 22 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Teaching children with SEND - meeting the need (LSAT 508)

Wednesday 23 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Early Years Coordinators' Update (EY 007)

Wednesday 23 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Governors' Responsibilities for Exclusions (SG 104)

Wednesday 23 June 2021

5.00pm to 7.00pm

Managing Employee Capability (Performance Management) (book via Ollie/HR)

Thursday 24 June 2021

3.00pm to 5.30pm

MAPA (BSAT 201) Face to Face (FULL)

Thursday 24 June 2021 & Thursday 01 July 2021

8.30am to 4.00pm & 8.30am to 12.30pm

Cover Supervisors - preparing for the role

(PSS 010)

Tuesday 29 June 2021

1.15pm to 4.00pm

Meeting the OFSTED requirements for Equalities and Diversity in the secondary school

(CPD 719)

Tuesday 29 June 2021

1.15pm to 4.00pm

EYFS: Areas of Learning and Development

Session 2: Communication and Language Development (EY 308)

Tuesday 29 June 2021

1.00pm to 2.30pm

EYFS: Areas of Learning and Development

Session 2: Communication and Language Development (EY 309)

Tuesday 29 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Designated Safeguarding Leads' and Safeguarding Governors' Termly Update (SG 106)

Wednesday 30 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Recently Qualified Teacher Development Programme – Primary (CPD 507)

Wednesday 30 June 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Identifying Racist Incidents Training (book via email)

Thursday 1 July 2021

3.30pm to 5.00pm

Raising Awareness of Prevent (SG 101)

Thursday 1 July 2021

1.00pm to 2.30pm

Forest School and Outdoor Learning for Practitioners Working within EYFS (EY 201) Face to Face

Thursday 1 July 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Identifying Racist Incidents Training (book via email)

Thursday 1 July 2021

6.00pm to 7.30pm

Virtual School Conference - Attachment Awareness and Trauma Informed Schools

Friday 2 July 2021

9.00am to 12.15pm

Effective Circle Times in the EYFS (EY 302)

Monday 5 July 2021

1.15pm to 4.00pm

Teaching children with SEND - meeting the need (LSAT 508)

Tuesday 6 July 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

EYFS: Areas of Learning and Development Session 3: Physical Development (EY 308)

Tuesday 6 July 2021

1.00pm to 2.30pm

EYFS: Areas of Learning and Development Session 3: Physical Development (EY 309)

Tuesday 6 July 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

Solution Focussed Therapy (PSS 102)

Tuesday 6 July 2021

9.15am to 12noon

Racist Incident Reporting System: (IRIS) training (book via email)

Tuesday 6 July 2021

3.30pm to 5.00pm

Early Years and Childcare Partnership Hub leads meeting (EY 305)

Wednesday 7 July 2021

1.30pm to 3.30pm

NQT Induction Tutor/ Mentor - Initial Training (CPD 520)

Wednesday 7 July 2021

4.00pm to 5.30pm

ELSA Conference (EPS 106) Face to Face

Wednesday 7 July 2021

9.00am to 3.00pm

MAPA Refresher (BSAT 212)

Thursday 8 July 2021

9.00am to 12.30pm

Youth Mental Health First Aid (PSS 001)

Monday 12 July 2021 & Tuesday 13 July 2021

9.15am to 4.00pm

Designated Safeguarding Leads Refresher (SG 107)

Thursday 15 July 2021

2.00pm to 3.30pm

For bookings please send an email to

Level 4 and level 5 certificates in primary school PE specialism 

A bespoke primary school physical education qualification for primary ‘school staff’ (PE Coordinators, teachers and/ or teaching assistants with a sporting bias) has been developed by the Association for Physical Education (AfPE) and Sports Leaders UK.

Please note: Due to the pitch of the course (Level 5; equivalent to foundation degree) and the nature of the content this course is predominantly targeting current practitioners, preferably with QTS status.

Why this course?
Much has been stated about the importance of the current physical education and school sport premium funding and the ability of schools to, not only evidence actions, but also show impact. This qualification is an ideal vehicle for demonstrating an investment in the improvement of teaching in physical education as well as upskilling current staff.

The qualification enables delegates to understand the requirements of the primary school physical education curriculum. They will acquire the knowledge and skills that underpin 'good or better' teaching and learning within primary school physical education. Candidates will also review and evaluate the PE, physical activity and sport programme at their host school, identifying potential ways to improve policy and practice.

Tutors/ Assessors
The tutor, Chris Jew, is an experienced physical education specialist, known and regarded across the county. His background is in the leading of Physical Education, being the leader of a School Sport Partnership and a current School Games Organiser for East Shropshire. This will be his seventh year of delivery of this course.

The average learning time for this qualification is 141 hours. This is broken down as follows:

  • 6 days attendance at a Shropshire based delivery centre. (42 Guided Learning Hours). This is provisionally equally mapped across the three terms during the academic year 2021/22. The initial session is planned for October.
  • In-school development work (99 nominal hours). This will involve a series of assessment tasks to be completed by the delegate via a portfolio of evidence. There will be at least one external assessment of teaching a ‘good or better’ physical education lesson.


  • School: The release of staff for 6 days throughout the academic year. The ability for SLT to support and mentor, where appropriate, allowing opportunities/ time for the delegate to apply skills and knowledge within the school day.
  • Delegate: An understanding of the need to meet the nominal required guided learning hours, to complete all assessment tasks and to be proactive in further developing knowledge and skills at their home school.

The total delegate cost, including course fees to Sports Leaders UK (£200), is £1300 per delegate (frozen cost from 2021-22). This covers the delivery days, internal verification and the external assessment and remote support via the course tutors/ leaders.

All delegates will be internally verified by East Shropshire Sports Partnership staff and externally verified via the awarding body and on successful completion of this qualification delegates will be able to assist and develop the raising of standards within primary school physical education teaching.

Awareness Raising
At this initial stage my aim is to continue raising awareness and to gauge potential interest from local primary schools in Telford & Wrekin as we look to recruit for the seventh year of delivery. Feedback from current delegates is that the course is both demanding and challenging yet on completion allows for a step change in the delivery of high quality PE.

Application Timeline
July 2021: An expression of interest is currently being sought. To register or confirm interest please email Chris Jew, by return, stating candidate’s name and home school.
September 2021: Candidates will then be asked to enrol on the course before the end of the first half-term in autumn so all is ready for the initial October delivery date.

Please direct any enquires to Sue Dyson, on behalf of the East Shropshire School Sport Partnership, by sending an email to

For further information, please download the information sheet, refer to the Sports Leaders’ UK website or contact Chris Jew, PE and Sport Manager – East Shropshire School Sport Partnership via email at or telephone on 01952 468424 or 07704 710536.

New CPD opportunity for EYFS staff

A revised Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage will be introduced from 1 September 2021.

The EYFS specifies that the areas of learning and development must shape activities and experiences (educational programmes) for children in all early years’ settings.

A new series of workshops will provide you with an opportunity to:

  • review the changes found within the revised EYFS 2021
  • to make connections in current practice
  • reflect on continuous provision
  • consider how to provide awe and wonder and an enabling environment

Attendees may choose to attend one or all of the sessions, which will be offered on a rolling programme during 2021 and 2022, commencing 18 June 2021.

All sessions will be advertised on Ollie and in the CPD Booklet from Monday 21 May 2021 and places should be booked by sending a completed CPD booking form to

Train to Teach 

Working in adult (post-compulsory) education and want to become a qualified teacher? If the answer is ‘yes’ then the Certificate in Education, run by Learn Telford in partnership with the University of Wolverhampton is right for you.

Telford & Wrekin Council is delivering this two year part time course designed for trainers, teaching assistants and teachers already working in an adult education setting. It provides a nationally recognised qualification for post compulsory education (PCE) practitioners and will equip them with the skills and knowledge to teach effectively within the sector.

The programme is a two year part-time course, designed for trainers, teaching assistants and teachers already working in an adult setting. It provides a nationally recognised qualification for post-compulsory education (PCE) practitioners and will equip them with the knowledge and skills to teach effectively within the sector.

Applicants must have access to teach 150 hours over the two years. This can be paid or voluntary teaching. 
In order to apply, a level 3 qualification or above in a subject specialism is also required.
The programme is delivered at the University centre Telford at Southwater One.
The next course will run on Thursday afternoons from 1.00pm to 6.00pm.
Course fees apply.

More details can be found on the Learn Telford website.Please contact Gillian Willcocks for an informal chat about the course by email at or by telephone on 01952 382888.



Every week during term time we publish a new update for the education community. It includes essential briefings and specialist information about education.

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